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matlab.unittest.plugins.TAPPlugin Class

Namespace: matlab.unittest.plugins
Superclasses: matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin, matlab.unittest.plugins.Parallelizable

Plugin that produces Test Anything Protocol stream


The matlab.unittest.plugins.TAPPlugin class provides a plugin that produces a Test Anything Protocol (TAP) stream. Using this plugin, you can integrate MATLAB® unit test results into third-party systems that recognize the TAP protocol. For example, you can integrate test results with continuous integration platforms, such as Jenkins® and TeamCity®.

The matlab.unittest.plugins.TAPPlugin class is a handle class.


Create a TAPPlugin instance using one of its static methods:

  • To produce output in the original TAP format (version 12), use the producingOriginalFormat static method.

  • To produce output in the TAP version 13 format, use the producingVersion13 static method. TAP version 13 output includes test diagnostics in YAML blocks.


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Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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