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Page-wise transpose

Since R2020b


Y = pagetranspose(X) applies the nonconjugate transpose to each page of N-D array X. Each page of the output Y(:,:,i) is found by transposing the corresponding page in X, as in X(:,:,i).'.



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Create a 3-D array A, and then use pagetranspose to transpose each page of the array.

r = repelem(1:3,3,1);
A = cat(3,r,2*r,3*r)
A = 
A(:,:,1) =

     1     2     3
     1     2     3
     1     2     3

A(:,:,2) =

     2     4     6
     2     4     6
     2     4     6

A(:,:,3) =

     3     6     9
     3     6     9
     3     6     9

B = pagetranspose(A)
B = 
B(:,:,1) =

     1     1     1
     2     2     2
     3     3     3

B(:,:,2) =

     2     2     2
     4     4     4
     6     6     6

B(:,:,3) =

     3     3     3
     6     6     6
     9     9     9

Input Arguments

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Input array, specified as a multidimensional array.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical | char | string | struct | cell | categorical | datetime | duration | calendarDuration
Complex Number Support: Yes

More About

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Array Pages

Page-wise functions like pagetranspose operate on 2-D matrices that have been arranged into a multidimensional array. For example, the elements in the third dimension of a 3-D array are commonly called pages because they stack on top of each other like pages in a book. Each page is a matrix that the function operates on.

3-D array with several matrices stacked on top of each other as pages in the third dimension

You can also assemble a collection of 2-D matrices into a higher dimensional array, like a 4-D or 5-D array, and in these cases pagetranspose still treats the fundamental unit of the array as a 2-D matrix that the function operates on, such as X(:,:,i,j,k,l).

The cat function is useful for assembling a collection of matrices into a multidimensional array, and the zeros function is useful for preallocating a multidimensional array.


  • The page-wise transpose is equivalent to permuting the first two dimensions of the array with permute(X,[2 1 3:ndims(X)]).

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2020b