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Run function after each function finishes running in the background


    B = afterEach(A,fcn,n) runs the function fcn automatically after each element in the Future array A finishes and returns a Future object B.

    MATLAB® runs the function fcn using the outputs from each element in Future array A. If Future array A has M elements, MATLAB runs the function M times. When the scheduled function fcn finishes for the Mth time, the Future object B finishes.

    For more information about using afterEach to run functions after they finish running on a parallel pool, see afterEach (Parallel Computing Toolbox).

    If the computations for any elements in A result in an error, by default, afterEach does not run fcn on the elements that failed.


    B = afterEach(A,fcn,n,PassFuture=true) runs fcn using each Future element in A instead of the outputs of each element in A. Use this syntax if you want to handle error from Future objects.



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    This example shows how to use afterEach to schedule a callback function to run after a function finishes running in the background.

    Use parfeval to run the function rand(1) and retrieve one output. Specify backgroundPool as the first argument to run the function in the background. Repeat 10 times to create 10 Future objects.

    for i = 1:10
        f(i) = parfeval(backgroundPool,@rand, 1, 1);

    After each Future finishes, display the value using the disp function. The input arguments for disp are the output arguments from each Future. Specify the third argument to the afterEach function as 0 to return no outputs from the callback.


    This example shows how to use afterEach to handle errors from a function that runs in the background.

    When computations for Future objects result in an error, by default, afterEach does not evaluate its function on the elements that failed. If you want to handle any errors, for example, when you have a user interface that you want to update, you can use the PassFuture argument. When you set PassFuture to true, MATLAB passes the Future object to the callback function. You can call fetchOutputs on it, process the outputs, and handle any possible errors.

    Send a computation to the background using parfeval. The computation results in an error. You can view the error message using the Error property of the future.

    errorFuture = parfeval(backgroundPool, ...
        @(n,k) factorial(n)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k)),1,4,8);
    ans = 
      ParallelException with properties:
         identifier: 'MATLAB:factorial:NNegativeInt'
            message: 'N must be an array of real non-negative integers.'
              cause: {}
        remotecause: {[1×1 MException]}
              stack: [2×1 struct]
         Correction: []

    If you use afterEach on a future that results in an error, the callback function is not evaluated. In the code below, MATLAB does not execute the displayResult function because the future errors.


    Write a callback function to handle futures that result in errors. If the error property of the future variable is empty, the handleError helper function calls fetchOutputs on the future variable, and process its outputs. If the error property of the future variable is not empty, the handleError helper function displays an error dialog box.

    function handleError(f)
    fig = uifigure(Position=[100 100 425 275]);
    if isempty(f.Error)
        output = fetchOutputs(f);
        message = strcat("Computation complete: Result = ",num2str(output));
        message = "Computation failed!";

    Call afterEach with the handleError function and set PassFuture to true.


    function displayResult(output)
    fig = uifigure(Position=[100 100 425 275]);
    message = strcat("Computation complete: Result = ",num2str(output));

    This example shows how to use afterEach to update a wait bar with the progress of functions running in the background.

    Create a wait bar, w.

    w = waitbar(0,'Please wait ...');

    Set the number of iterations for your for-loop, N. Store the current number of completed iterations, 0, and the total number of iterations, N, in the UserData property of the wait bar.

    N = 20;
    w.UserData = [0 N];

    Run a for-loop with N iterations. In each iteration, use parfeval and backgroundPool to run pause in the background for a random number of seconds. Store each Future object in an array.

    for i = 1:N
        delay = rand;
        f(i) = parfeval(backgroundPool,@pause,0,delay);

    Use the helper function updateWaitbar to update the waitbar after each Future finishes.


    Use delete to close the wait bar after all the Future objects finish.


    Define Helper Function

    Define the helper function updateWaitbar. The function increments the first element of the UserData property, then uses the vector to calculate the progress.

    function updateWaitbar(w)
        % Update a waitbar using the UserData property.
        % Check if the waitbar is a reference to a deleted object
        if isvalid(w)
            % Increment the number of completed iterations 
            w.UserData(1) = w.UserData(1) + 1;
            % Calculate the progress
            progress = w.UserData(1) / w.UserData(2);
            % Update the waitbar

    Input Arguments

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    Input Future object, specified as a parallel.Future scalar or array.

    MATLAB runs the function fcn after each element in A finishes.

    • By default PassFuture is false and MATLAB runs fcn(X1,...,Xm) using the outputs X1,...,Xm from each Future element in A as the elements finish.

      If any of the elements in A encounters an error, by default, afterEach does not run fcn on the elements that failed.

    • If you specify PassFuture as true, MATLAB runs fcn(A(j)) after each Future element in A finishes.

      If any of the elements in A encounters an error afterEach runs fcn on the elements that failed.

    If the Future array has M elements, MATLAB runs the function M times. When the scheduled function fcn finishes, the Future object B finishes.

    Example: A = parfeval(backgroundPool,@magic,1,3);

    Callback function to run, specified as a function handle.

    Example: fcn = @magic

    Number of output arguments, specified as a nonnegative integer scalar.

    • By default PassFuture is false, and n is the number of output arguments requested from running fcn(X1,...,Xm) using the outputs X1,...,Xm from each element in the Future array A.

    • If you specify PassFuture as true, n is the number of output arguments requested from running fcn(A(j)) using each element A(j) in the Future array A.

    Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

    Pass the Future elements in array A to the callback function, specified as true or false.

    • By default PassFuture is false and MATLAB runs fcn(X1,...,Xm) using the outputs X1,...,Xm from each Future element in A as the elements finish.

      If any of the elements in A encounters an error, by default, afterEach does not run fcn on the elements that failed.

    • If you specify PassFuture as true, MATLAB runs fcn(A(j)) after each Future element in A finishes, instead of the outputs of the Future elements in A.

      If any of the elements in A encounters an error afterEach runs fcn on the elements that failed.

    Data Types: logical

    Output Arguments

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    Output Future object, returned as a parallel.Future object.

    • Use fetchOutputs to retrieve results from B.

    • Use afterEach or afterAll to run a function when B completes.

    When you set PassFuture, you change the Error property of B if afterEach does not result in an error:

    • By default, PassFuture is false and if any of the elements in A encounters an error, the Error property of B is a cell array with the same number of elements as A.

    • If you set PassFuture to true, the Error property of B is an empty cell array, even if one or more elements in A encounter an error.

    If afterEach results in an error, the Error property of B is an MException object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2018a

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