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Locate functions and files


which item displays the full path for item.

  • If item is a MATLAB® function in a MATLAB code file (.m,.mlx, or .p extension), or a saved Simulink® model (.slx or .mdl extension), then which displays the full path for the corresponding file. item must be on the MATLAB path.

  • If item is a method in a loaded Java® class, then which displays the namespace, class, and method name for that method.

  • If item is a workspace variable, then which displays a message identifying item as a variable.

  • If item is an unsaved Simulink model that is loaded in Simulink, then which displays a message identifying item as a new Simulink model.

  • If item is a file name including the extension, and it is in the current working folder or on the MATLAB path, then which displays the full path of item.

If item is an overloaded function or method, then which item returns only the path of the first function or method found.


which fun1 in fun2 displays the path to function fun1 that is called by file fun2. Use this syntax to determine whether a local function is being called instead of a function on the path. This syntax does not locate nested functions.


which ___ -all displays the paths to all items on the MATLAB path with the requested name, as well as any files in special folders that have been implicitly added to the path. Such items include methods of instantiated classes. For more information about these special folders, see What Is the MATLAB Search Path. You can use -all with the input arguments of any of the previous syntaxes.


str = which(item) returns the full path for item to str.


str = which(fun1,'in',fun2) returns the path to function fun1 that is called by file fun2. Use this syntax to determine whether a local function is being called instead of a function on the path. This syntax does not locate nested functions.


str = which(___,'-all') returns the results of which to str. You can use this syntax with any of the input arguments in the previous syntax group.



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Locate the pinv function.

which pinv

pinv is in the matfun folder of MATLAB.

You also can use function syntax to return the path to str. When using the function form of which, enclose all input arguments in single quotes.

str = which('pinv');

Create an instance of the Java® class. This loads the class into MATLAB®.

myDate = java.util.Date;

Locate the setMonth method.

which setMonth
setMonth is a Java method  % java.util.Date method

Find the orthog function in a private folder.

which private/orthog
matlabroot\toolbox\matlab\elmat\private\orthog.m  % Private to elmat

MATLAB displays the path for orthog.m in the /private subfolder of toolbox/matlab/elmat.

Determine which parseargs function is called by area.m.

which parseargs in area
matlabroot\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\area.m (parseargs)  % Local function of area

You also can use function syntax to return the path to str. When using the function form of which, enclose all input arguments in single quotes.

str = which('parseargs','in','area');

Suppose that you have a object that corresponds to the example MAT-file 'topography.mat':

matObj = matfile('topography.mat');

Display the path of the implementation of who that is invoked when called with the input argument (matObj).

which who(matObj)
matlabroot\toolbox\matlab\iofun\+matlab\+io\MatFile.m  % method

Store the result to the variable str.

str = which('who(matObj)')
str =

If you do not specify the input argument (matObj), then which returns only the path of the first function or method found.

which who
built-in (matlabroot\toolbox\matlab\general\who)

Display the paths to all items on the MATLAB path with the name openedFiles.

which openedFiles
built-in (matlabroot\toolbox\matlab\iofun\openedFiles)

Return the results of which to str.

Find the orthog function in a private folder. You must use the function form of which, enclosing all arguments in parentheses and single quotes.

str = which('private/orthog','-all');
whos str
  Name      Size            Bytes  Class    Attributes

  str       1x1               348  cell               

Input Arguments

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Function or file to locate, specified as a character vector or string scalar. When using the function form of which, enclose all item inputs in single or double quotes. item can be in one of the following forms.

Form of the item InputPath to Display

Display full path for fun, which can be a MATLAB function, Simulink model, workspace variable, method in a loaded Java class, or file name that includes the file extension.

To display the path for a file that has no file extension, type which file. (The period following the file name is required). Use exist to check for the existence of files anywhere else.


Limit the search to functions named fun that are on the search path. For example, which /myfunction displays the full path for function myfunction.m, but not built-in or JAVA functions with the same name.

private/funLimit the search to private functions named fun. For example, which private/orthog or which('private/orthog') displays the path for orthog.m in the /private subfolder of the parent folder.


Display the path to the implementation of function fun which would be invoked if called with the input arguments a1,...,an. Use this syntax to query overloaded functions. See the example, Locate Function Invoked with Given Input Arguments.

Data Types: char | string

Function to locate, specified as a character vector or string scalar. fun1 can be the name of a function, or it can be in the form fun(a1,...,an). For more information about the form, fun(a1,...,an), see Locate Function Invoked with Given Input Arguments.

When using the function form of which, enclose all fun1 inputs in single or double quotes, for example, which('myfun1','in','myfun2').

Data Types: char | string

Calling file, specified as a character vector or string scalar. fun2 can be the name of a file, or it can be in the form fun(a1,...,an). For more information about the form, fun(a1,...,an), see Locate Function Invoked with Given Input Arguments.

When using the function form of which, enclose all fun2 inputs in single or double quotes, for example, which('myfun1','in','myfun2').

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Function or file location, returned as a character vector or cell array of character vectors if you use '-all'.

  • If item is a workspace variable, then str is the character vector 'variable'.

  • If str is a cell array of character vectors, then each row of str identifies a result of which. The results are ordered according to the Function Precedence Order. If there are shadowed results, you should not rely on the order of the shadowed functions and methods in str. To determine if a result is shadowed, call which without specifying str. which indicates shadowed results by the comment % Shadowed.


  • When the class is not loaded, which only finds methods if they are defined in separate files in an @-folder and are not in any namespaces.


Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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