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Create and Deploy Web Apps

You can use MATLAB App Designer to create interactive apps and then package them using Web App Compiler (MATLAB Compiler) as Web App. You can then use MATLAB Web App Server to host and share the Web Apps across organization.


The following limitations apply to the deployment of Web Apps on MATLAB Web App server for Raspberry Pi®:

  • Web App server for Raspberry Pi does not support the following functions:

    • getFile

    • putFile

    • enableI2C

    • disableI2C

    • enableSPI

    • disableSPI

    • enableCAN

    • disableCAN

    • showPins

    • showLEDs

    • displayImage

    • openShell

  • All the Web App Limitations and Unsupported Functionality (MATLAB Web App Server) are applicable to Web Apps for Raspberry Pi.

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