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Create Standalone Applications using MATLAB Compiler and IP Camera

You can build standalone applications that run MATLAB® programs that interface with the IP Cameras without having MATLAB installed. For more details on the application compiler app, see Create Standalone Application from MATLAB Function (MATLAB Compiler) and Manage Support Packages (MATLAB Compiler).

While deploying applications to decode H.264 video streams using the MATLAB Support Package for IP Cameras, ensure that you have access to the Cisco® OpenH264 library which has its own license requirement. Refer to the Cisco license agreement before using the Cisco OpenH264 library.

After you have packaged the application, ensure that you download, extract, and place the library in the same folder as the application. The application will error out if you execute it without the library in the folder. You can download the Cisco OpenH264 version 2.2.0 from here.

Operating SystemCisco OpenH264 Libraries
Mac with Intel® Processorlibopenh264-2.2.0-osx-x64.6.dylib.bz2
Mac with Apple Silicon Processorlibopenh264-2.2.0-osx-arm64.6.dylib.bz2

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