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Verify Server Status

Use the mps-status command to verify the status of an on-premises MATLAB® Production Server™ instance. You can use mps-status after issuing commands such as mps-start, mps-stop, and mps-restart to check if the server has started or stopped. The output of mps-status contains information about the status of the MATLAB Production Server instance and also information about the license server that the MATLAB Production Server instance uses.


  1. Open a system command prompt.

  2. Enter the following command:

    mps-status [-C path/]server_name


    • -C path/ — Path to the server instance. path should end with the name of the server to be queried for status.

    • server_name — Name of the server to be queried for status.


To verify the status of a server instance prod_server_1 located at \tmp\prod_server_1, type the following at the system command prompt:

mps-status -C \tmp\prod_server_1
Depending on whether the server is able to check out a valid license, mps-status returns different responses.

  • If prod_server_1 is running and operating with a valid license, it returns the following response.

    \tmp\prod_server_1 STARTED
    License checked out

  • If prod_server_1 is unable to check out a valid license, the server returns either a warning when it is within the license checkout grace period or returns an error if it is past the grace period. For details, see license-grace-period.

    \tmp\prod_server_1 STARTED
    WARNING: lost connection to license server - 
    request processing will be disabled at 2019-Jun-27 
    15:40:31.002137 Eastern Daylight Time unless 
    connection to license server is restored.
    \tmp\prod_server_1 STARTED
    ERROR: lost connection to license server - 
    request processing disabled.

License Server Status Information

In addition to the status of the MATLAB Production Server instance, mps-status also displays the status of the license server associated with the server you are querying. The following table lists different license server status messages from the output of mps-status.

License Server Status MessageMessage Description
License checked out 
The server is operating with a valid license. The server is communicating with the License Manager, and is able to check out the required number of license keys.
WARNING: lost connection
to license server -
request processing
will be disabled
at time unless connection
to license server is restored
The server has lost communication with the License Manager, but the server is still fully operational and will remain operational until the specified time. At time, if the server is still unable to connect to the license server, the server will be unable to process requests until licensing is reestablished.
ERROR: lost connection
to license server - request
processing disabled
The server has lost communication with the License Manager for a period of time exceeding the grace period. See license-grace-period. Request processing is suspended, but the server is actively attempting to reestablish communication with the License Manager. Request processing resumes if the sever is able to reestablish communication with the License Manager.

See Also

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