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Export Cadence® Simulation Data to MAT File

You can export the Cadence® simulation run results to a .mat file after an interactive run result is created. The .mat file can then be imported to the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app. To export the data, launch MATLAB® from Cadence ADE by clicking the M button in the toolbar.

The MATLAB session that opens should have adeInfo in the base workspace.

Run the function adeinfo2msa. Since no name-value arguments are specified, the function creates a .mat file with only the metrics data from the latest Cadence simulation run. The .mat file is saved in the present working directory.

Once the .mat file is generated, the app automatically launches with the imported .mat file.

Use the name-value pair argument import2msa to determine whether to launch the app with the generated .mat file or just to save the .mat file in the present working directory. You can also specify the simulation run type, run name, and test name.

You can also specify the signalList argument to select a subset of probed signals to import.

adeinfo2msa(metricsOnly=false, signalList={'/ldo_out','/I_load'})

This command extracts the metrics data, probed signals ldo_out and I_load, and all the expression-based waveform data available in the Cadence simulation run to MAT files.

See Also