Visualize path metrics in map environment
plots the path in the map
environment with the minimum clearance.pathMetricsObj
specifies additional options using one or more name-value pair arguments.pathMetricsObj
outputs the axes handle of the figure used to plot the path.axHandle
= show(pathMetricsObj
Compute Path Metrics
Compute smoothness, clearance, and validity of a planned path based on a set of poses and the associated map environment.
Load and Assign Map to State Validator
Create an occupancy map from an example map and set the map resolution.
load exampleMaps.mat; % simpleMap mapResolution = 1; % cells/meter map = occupancyMap(simpleMap,mapResolution);
Create a Dubins state space.
statespace = stateSpaceDubins;
Create a state validator based on occupancy map to store the parameters and states in the Dubins state space.
statevalidator = validatorOccupancyMap(statespace);
Assign the map to the validator.
statevalidator.Map = map;
Set the validation distance for the validator.
statevalidator.ValidationDistance = 0.01;
Update the state space bounds to be the same as the map limits.
statespace.StateBounds = [map.XWorldLimits;map.YWorldLimits;[-pi pi]];
Plan Path
Create an RRT* path planner and allow further optimization.
planner = plannerRRTStar(statespace,statevalidator); planner.ContinueAfterGoalReached = true;
Reduce the maximum number of iterations and increase the maximum connection distance.
planner.MaxIterations = 2500; planner.MaxConnectionDistance = 0.3;
Define start and goal states for the path planner as [
x, y, theta]
vectors. x and y are the Cartesian coordinates, and theta is the orientation angle.
start = [2.5, 2.5, 0]; % [meters, meters, radians]
goal = [22.5, 8.75, 0];
Plan a path from the start state to the goal state. The plan function returns a navPath
rng(100,'twister') % repeatable result [path,solutionInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);
Compute and Visualize Path Metrics
Create a path metrics object.
pathMetricsObj = pathmetrics(path,statevalidator);
Check path validity. The result is 1 (true)
if the planned path is obstacle free. 0 (false)
indicates an invalid path.
ans = logical
Calculate the minimum clearance of the path.
ans = 1.4142
Evaluate the smoothness of the path. Values close to 0
indicate a smoother path. Straight-line paths return a value of 0
ans = 1.7318
Visualize the minimum clearance of the path.
show(pathMetricsObj) legend('Planned Path','Minimum Clearance')
Vehicle Path Planning and Metrics Computation in a 2-D Costmap Environment
Plan a vehicle path through a parking lot using the RRT* algorithm. Compute and visualize the smoothness, clearance, and validity of the planned path.
Load and Assign Map to State Validator
Load a costmap of a parking lot. Plot the costmap to see the parking lot and the inflated areas that the vehicle should avoid.
load parkingLotCostmap.mat; costmap = parkingLotCostmap; plot(costmap) xlabel('X (meters)') ylabel('Y (meters)')
Create a stateSpaceDubins
object and increase the minimum turing radius to 4
statespace = stateSpaceDubins;
statespace.MinTurningRadius = 4; % meters
Create a validatorVehicleCostmap
object using the created state space.
statevalidator = validatorVehicleCostmap(statespace);
Assign the parking lot costmap to the state validator object.
statevalidator.Map = costmap;
Plan Path
Define start and goal poses for the vehicle as [x
, y
, Θ
] vectors. World units for the (x
) locations are in meters. World units for the orientation angles Θ
are in degrees.
startPose = [5, 5, 90]; % [meters, meters, degrees] goalPose = [40, 38, 180]; % [meters, meters, degrees]
Use a pathPlannerRRT
(Automated Driving Toolbox) object and the plan
(Automated Driving Toolbox) function to plan the vehicle path from the start pose to the goal pose.
planner = pathPlannerRRT(costmap); refPath = plan(planner,startPose,goalPose);
Interpolate along the path at every one meter. Convert the orientation angles from degrees to radians.
poses = zeros(size(refPath.PathSegments,2)+1,3); poses(1,:) = refPath.StartPose; for i = 1:size(refPath.PathSegments,2) poses(i+1,:) = refPath.PathSegments(i).GoalPose; end poses(:,3) = deg2rad(poses(:,3));
Create a navPath
object using the Dubins state space object and the states specified by poses
path = navPath(statespace,poses);
Compute and Visualize Path Metrics
Create a pathmetrics
pathMetricsObj = pathmetrics(path,statevalidator);
Check path validity. The result is 1
) if the planned path is obstacle free. 0
) indicates an invalid path.
ans = logical
Compute and visualize the minimum clearance
of the path.
ans = 0.5000
show(pathMetricsObj) legend('Inflated Areas','Planned Path','Minimum Clearance') xlabel('X (meters)') ylabel('Y (meters)')
Compute and visualize the smoothness
of the path. Values close to 0
indicate a smoother path. Straight-line paths return a value of 0
ans = 0.0842
show(pathMetricsObj,'Metrics',{'Smoothness'}) legend('Inflated Areas','Path Smoothness') xlabel('X (meters)') ylabel('Y (meters)')
Visualize the clearance for each state of the path.
show(pathMetricsObj,'Metrics',{'StatesClearance'}) legend('Inflated Areas','Planned Path','Clearance of Path States') xlabel('X (meters)') ylabel('Y (meters)')
Path Planning and Metrics Computation in 3-D Environment
Plan a path through a city block using the RRT algorithm. Compute and visualize the smoothness, clearance, and validity of the planned path.
Load and Assign Map to State Validator
Load a 3-D occupancy map of a city block into the workspace. Specify the threshold to consider cells as obstacle-free.
mapData = load("dMapCityBlock.mat");
omap = mapData.omap;
omap.FreeThreshold = 0.5;
Inflate the occupancy map to add a buffer zone for safe operation around the obstacles.
Create an SE(3) state space object with bounds for state variables.
ss = stateSpaceSE3([0 220;0 220;0 100;inf inf;inf inf;inf inf;inf inf]);
Create a 3-D occupancy map state validator using the created state space. Assign the occupancy map to the state validator object. Specify the sampling distance interval.
sv = validatorOccupancyMap3D(ss, ... Map = omap, ... ValidationDistance = 0.1);
Plan Path
Create a RRT path planner with increased maximum connection distance and reduced maximum number of iterations. Specify a custom goal function that determines that a path reaches the goal if the Euclidean distance to the target is below a threshold of 1 meter.
planner = plannerRRT(ss,sv, ... MaxConnectionDistance = 50, ... MaxIterations = 1000, ... GoalReachedFcn = @(~,s,g)(norm(s(1:3)-g(1:3))<1), ... GoalBias = 0.1);
Specify start and goal poses.
start = [50 180 25 0.7 0.2 0 0.1]; goal = [150 33 35 0.3 0 0.1 0.6];
Configure the random number generator for repeatable result.
Plan the path.
[pthObj,solnInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);
Compute and Visualize Path Metrics
Create a path metrics object.
pathMetricsObj = pathmetrics(pthObj,sv);
Check path validity. The result is 1 (true)
if the planned path is obstacle free. 0 (false)
indicates an invalid path.
ans = logical
Calculate the minimum clearance of the path.
ans = 10
Evaluate the smoothness of the path. Values close to 0
indicate a smoother path. Straight-line paths return a value of 0
ans = 0.0011
Visualize the minimum clearance of the path.
show(pathMetricsObj) axis equal view([100 75]) hold on % Start state scatter3(start(1,1),start(1,2),start(1,3),"g","filled") % Goal state scatter3(goal(1,1),goal(1,2),goal(1,3),"r","filled") % Path plot3(pthObj.States(:,1),pthObj.States(:,2),pthObj.States(:,3), ... "r-",LineWidth=2)
Input Arguments
— Information for path metrics
Information for path metrics, specified as a pathmetrics
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: 'Parent',axHandle
— Display metrics option
(default) | string | cell array of strings
Display metrics option, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a string or cell array with any combination of
these values:
— Display minimum clearance of path."StatesClearance"
— Display clearance of path states."Smoothness"
— Display path smoothness.
Example: show(pathMetricsObj,'Metrics',"Smoothness")
Example: show(pathMetricsObj,'Metrics',{"Smoothness","StatesClearance"})
Data Types: cell
| string
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2019b
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