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Add landmark point node to pose graph

Since R2021a


addPointLandmark(poseGraph,measurement) adds a landmark point node, based on the input position measurement that connects to the last pose node in the pose graph. To add pose measurement nodes, see the addRelativePose function.


addPointLandmark(poseGraph,measurement,infoMat) also specifies the information matrix as part of the edge constraint, which represents the uncertainty of the landmark measurement.

addPointLandmark(poseGraph,measurement,infoMat,poseNodeID) adds a new landmark point node and connects it to the pose node specified by poseNodeID.

addPointLandmark(poseGraph,measurement,infoMat,poseNodeID,pointNodeID) creates an edge by specifying a point measurement between existing nodes, specified by poseNodeID and pointNodeID. If the node pair already exists, the function appends the new measurement.

[nodePair,edgeID] = addPointLandmark(___) returns the newly added edge and edge ID using any combination of inputs from the previous syntaxes.


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Create a 2-D pose graph object.

pg = poseGraph;

Add relative poses to the pose graph.

addRelativePose(pg,[1 1 pi/2]);
addRelativePose(pg,[2 2 pi/3]);

Add a landmark point node to the last pose node in the pose graph.

addPointLandmark(pg,[1 1]);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 4 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

List all poses in the pose graph.

ans = 4×3

         0         0         0
    1.0000    1.0000    1.5708
   -1.0000    3.0000    2.6180
   -2.3660    2.6340       NaN

Input Arguments

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Pose graph, specified as a poseGraph or poseGraph3D object.

Relative position of the landmark point, specified as one of the following:

For poseGraph (2-D), the pose is a two-element vector of form of the form [x y], which defines an xy-position for the landmark.

For poseGraph3D, the pose is a three-element vector of the form [x y z], which defines an xyz-position for the landmark.

Information matrix for the landmark, specified as a three-element or six-element vector.

Each vector is the compact form of the upper triangle of the square information matrix. An information matrix represents the uncertainty of the measurement. The matrix is calculated as the inverse of the covariance. If the measurement is an [x y] vector, the covariance matrix is a 2-by-2 matrix of pairwise covariance calculations. Typically, the uncertainty is determined by the sensor model.

For poseGraph (2-D), each information matrix is a three-element vector. The default is [1 1 0].

For poseGraph3D, each information matrix is a six-element vector. The default is [1 0 0 1 0 1].

Pose node to attach from, specified as a positive integer. This integer corresponds to the node ID of a pose node in poseGraph. When specified without the pointNodeID input, addPointLandmark creates a new landmark point node and adds an edge between the new node and the poseNodeID node.

Landmark point node to attach to, specified as a positive integer. This integer corresponds to the ID of a landmark node in the pose graph. See the LandmarkNodeIDs property of the pose graph.

Output Arguments

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Edge node pair in the pose graph, returned as a two-element vector that lists the IDs of the two nodes that the edge connects. Multiple edges may exist between the same pair of nodes.

ID of added edge, returned as a positive integer.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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