Read Navigation and Observation Data from RINEX File
Read navigation data from a RINEX file that contains GPS navigation message data.
filename = "GODS00USA_R_20211750000_01D_GN.rnx";
data = rinexread(filename)
data = struct with fields:
GPS: [178x32 timetable]
View the GPS data read from the RINEX file.
ans=4×32 timetable
Time SatelliteID SVClockBias SVClockDrift SVClockDriftRate IODE Crs Delta_n M0 Cuc Eccentricity Cus sqrtA Toe Cic OMEGA0 Cis i0 Crc omega OMEGA_DOT IDOT L2ChannelCodes GPSWeek L2PDataFlag SVAccuracy SVHealth TGD IODC TransmissionTime FitInterval BRDCOrbit7Spare3 BRDCOrbit7Spare4
____________________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ________________ ____ _______ __________ ______ ___________ ____________ ___________ ______ __________ ___________ _______ ___________ _______ ______ ________ ___________ __________ ______________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ___________ ____ ________________ ___________ ________________ ________________
24-Jun-2021 01:59:44 27 -0.00015208 -6.1391e-12 0 15 72.312 4.3363e-09 2.0809 3.5968e-06 0.009451 -1.4156e-07 5153.7 3.5278e+05 -1.6764e-07 1.2866 -1.8626e-08 0.97551 389.44 0.63488 -8.3371e-09 1.8715e-10 1 2163 0 2 0 1.8626e-09 15 3.5214e+05 4 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 01:59:44 32 1.7294e-05 -1.5916e-12 0 4 13.344 5.122e-09 2.8368 6.4075e-07 0.0050207 5.506e-06 5153.7 3.5278e+05 -4.4703e-08 -1.8617 -9.872e-08 0.95692 270.06 -2.3609 -8.0468e-09 2.6001e-10 1 2163 0 2 0 4.6566e-10 4 3.4779e+05 4 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 02:00:00 5 -4.5857e-05 -1.1369e-12 0 85 -72.969 4.4023e-09 2.5741 -3.7141e-06 0.0061384 1.2752e-05 5153.9 3.528e+05 -4.2841e-08 -2.9385 -6.5193e-08 0.95703 132.41 0.91319 -7.6064e-09 6.7574e-10 1 2163 0 2 0 -1.1176e-08 85 3.4566e+05 4 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 02:00:00 8 -2.6249e-05 -1.4779e-12 0 118 68.562 4.488e-09 2.1771 3.4925e-06 0.006354 -3.8743e-07 5153.6 3.528e+05 -2.9802e-08 1.2691 1.1362e-07 0.96693 390.12 0.060807 -8.4093e-09 1.4572e-10 1 2163 0 2 0 5.1223e-09 118 3.4944e+05 4 NaN NaN
Read navigation data from a RINEX file that contains Galileo navigation message data.
filename = "GODS00USA_R_20211750000_01D_EN.rnx";
data = rinexread(filename)
data = struct with fields:
Galileo: [1798x32 timetable]
View the Galileo data read from the RINEX file.
ans=4×32 timetable
Time SatelliteID SVClockBias SVClockDrift SVClockDriftRate IODnav Crs Delta_n M0 Cuc Eccentricity Cus sqrtA Toe Cic OMEGA0 Cis i0 Crc omega OMEGA_DOT IDOT DataSources GALWeek BRDCOrbit5Spare4 SISAccuracy SVHealth BGDE5aE1 BGDE5bE1 TransmissionTime BRDCOrbit7Spare2 BRDCOrbit7Spare3 BRDCOrbit7Spare4
____________________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ________________ ______ _______ __________ _______ ___________ ____________ ___________ ______ ________ __________ ______ __________ _______ ______ ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ _______ ________________ ___________ ________ ___________ ___________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
23-Jun-2021 23:50:00 12 0.0051451 -1.8929e-11 0 63 -228.06 2.6619e-09 1.8119 -1.0498e-05 0.00038668 1.3597e-07 5440.6 3.45e+05 6.8918e-08 2.1427 7.2643e-08 0.99195 352.22 0.556 -5.7577e-09 -2.7715e-10 258 2163 0 3.12 0 -1.0477e-08 0 3.4575e+05 NaN NaN NaN
23-Jun-2021 23:50:00 12 0.0051451 -1.8929e-11 0 63 -228.06 2.6619e-09 1.8119 -1.0498e-05 0.00038668 1.3597e-07 5440.6 3.45e+05 6.8918e-08 2.1427 7.2643e-08 0.99195 352.22 0.556 -5.7577e-09 -2.7715e-10 517 2163 0 3.12 0 -1.0477e-08 -1.0245e-08 3.4566e+05 NaN NaN NaN
23-Jun-2021 23:50:00 18 -0.0016176 -1.4765e-11 0 63 136.78 2.5805e-09 0.92409 4.1239e-06 0.1655 -6.6608e-06 5289.4 3.45e+05 2.278e-06 1.3648 2.8983e-06 0.88068 426.12 1.9467 -3.808e-09 -1.4354e-09 258 2163 0 3.12 16 -1.397e-09 0 3.457e+05 NaN NaN NaN
23-Jun-2021 23:50:00 18 -0.0016176 -1.4765e-11 0 63 136.78 2.5805e-09 0.92409 4.1239e-06 0.1655 -6.6608e-06 5289.4 3.45e+05 2.278e-06 1.3648 2.8983e-06 0.88068 426.12 1.9467 -3.808e-09 -1.4354e-09 517 2163 0 3.12 130 -1.397e-09 -1.6298e-09 3.4566e+05 NaN NaN NaN
Read navigation data from a RINEX file that contains GLONASS navigation message data.
filename = "GODS00USA_R_20211750000_01D_RN.rnx";
data = rinexread(filename)
data = struct with fields:
GLONASS: [435x20 timetable]
View the GLONASS data read from the RINEX file.
ans=4×20 timetable
Time SatelliteID SVClockBias SVFrequencyBias MessageFrameTime PositionX VelocityX AccelerationX Health PositionY VelocityY AccelerationY FrequencyNumber PositionZ VelocityZ AccelerationZ AgeOperationInfo StatusFlags GroupDelay URAI HealthFlags
____________________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ________________ _________ _________ _____________ ______ _________ _________ _____________ _______________ _________ _________ _____________ ________________ ___________ __________ ____ ___________
24-Jun-2021 00:15:00 1 8.1313e-05 0 3.4563e+05 -18086 0.52098 -2.794e-09 0 -17098 0.57028 2.794e-09 1 5553.6 3.4569 1.8626e-09 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 00:15:00 6 0.00020024 0 3.4563e+05 19638 1.7307 9.3132e-10 0 5632.6 1.1765 -1.8626e-09 -4 15254 -2.6633 -3.7253e-09 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 00:15:00 7 -4.2243e-05 0 3.4563e+05 8398.3 2.4628 -9.3132e-10 0 -7287.2 1.9438 9.3132e-10 5 22996 -0.28783 -2.794e-09 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 00:15:00 8 -5.9644e-05 0 3.4563e+05 -6761.7 1.8872 -2.794e-09 0 -16497 1.6322 2.794e-09 6 18310 2.1726 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
Read navigation data from a RINEX file that contains BeiDou navigation message data.
filename = "GODS00USA_R_20211750000_01D_CN.rnx";
data = rinexread(filename)
data = struct with fields:
BeiDou: [262x32 timetable]
View the BeiDou data read from the RINEX file.
ans=4×32 timetable
Time SatelliteID SVClockBias SVClockDrift SVClockDriftRate AODE Crs Delta_n M0 Cuc Eccentricity Cus sqrtA Toe Cic OMEGA0 Cis i0 Crc omega OMEGA_DOT IDOT BRDCOrbit5Spare2 BDTWeek BRDCOrbit5Spare4 SVAccuracy SatH1 TGD1 TGD2 TransmissionTime AODC BRDCOrbit7Spare3 BRDCOrbit7Spare4
___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ________________ ____ _______ __________ ______ ___________ ____________ ___________ ______ _________ __________ ________ ___________ _______ ______ ________ ___________ __________ ________________ _______ ________________ __________ _____ ________ ________ ________________ ____ ________________ ________________
24-Jun-2021 19 0.00088369 1.405e-11 0 1 -12.578 3.8541e-09 1.796 -5.4762e-07 0.00095635 9.9069e-06 5282.6 3.456e+05 3.3528e-08 -2.5257 -7.6368e-08 0.96639 162.91 -1.0777 -6.5117e-09 6.9074e-10 0 807 NaN 2 0 1.22e-08 1.22e-08 3.456e+05 0 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 22 -0.00094916 1.0036e-12 0 1 -1.5156 3.8177e-09 0.176 -1.397e-09 0.00067941 9.778e-06 5282.6 3.456e+05 8.3819e-09 -2.5235 -5.262e-08 0.96568 167.77 -0.24907 -6.5153e-09 7.4932e-10 0 807 NaN 2 0 1.66e-08 1.66e-08 3.4719e+05 0 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 23 -0.00094575 -1.3407e-11 0 1 65.797 3.6816e-09 2.7857 3.1893e-06 0.00031504 1.2204e-05 5282.6 3.456e+05 1.3504e-08 -0.41938 -1.8161e-08 0.94965 108.03 -1.7934 -6.5028e-09 -7.461e-10 0 807 NaN 2 0 2.5e-08 2.5e-08 3.456e+05 0 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 29 0.00041021 5.2065e-12 0 1 -37.406 3.9784e-09 1.2963 -1.8175e-06 0.00035773 -2.7698e-06 5282.6 3.456e+05 3.0734e-08 1.6456 7.5903e-08 0.96504 418.03 1.5071 -7.3746e-09 6.4288e-12 0 807 NaN 2 0 -2e-10 -2e-10 3.456e+05 0 NaN NaN
Read navigation data from a RINEX file that contains NavIC/IRNSS navigation message data.
filename = "ARHT00ATA_R_20211750000_01D_IN.rnx";
data = rinexread(filename)
data = struct with fields:
NavIC: [121x32 timetable]
View the NavIC data read from the RINEX file.
ans=4×32 timetable
Time SatelliteID SVClockBias SVClockDrift SVClockDriftRate IODEC Crs Delta_n M0 Cuc Eccentricity Cus sqrtA Toe Cic OMEGA0 Cis i0 Crc omega OMEGA_DOT IDOT BRDCOrbit5Spare2 IRNWeek BRDCOrbit5Spare4 UserRangeAccuracy HealthFlags TGD BRDCOrbit6Spare4 TransmissionTime BRDCOrbit7Spare2 BRDCOrbit7Spare3 BRDCOrbit7Spare4
____________________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ________________ _____ _______ __________ ______ ___________ ____________ __________ ______ __________ ___________ _______ ___________ _______ _______ ______ ___________ __________ ________________ _______ ________________ _________________ ___________ ___________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
24-Jun-2021 00:05:36 5 0.00066972 2.874e-10 0 161 -106.31 2.8415e-09 2.0263 -3.6173e-06 0.0017897 2.7739e-05 6493.3 3.4594e+05 -1.5274e-07 -3.1089 -5.5879e-08 0.50996 -764.38 3.1265 -2.333e-09 9.8683e-10 0 2163 0 2 0 -4.6566e-10 161 3.4633e+05 0 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 00:20:48 5 0.00066998 2.8831e-10 0 162 -107.5 2.843e-09 2.0942 -3.6769e-06 0.001791 2.7809e-05 6493.3 3.4685e+05 -1.4529e-07 -3.1089 -5.9605e-08 0.50996 -766.44 3.1251 -2.3358e-09 9.8397e-10 0 2163 0 2 0 -4.6566e-10 162 3.471e+05 0 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 00:36:00 5 0.00067025 2.9002e-10 0 163 -111 2.8401e-09 2.1597 -3.811e-06 0.00179 2.7917e-05 6493.3 3.4776e+05 -1.4156e-07 -3.1089 -6.333e-08 0.50996 -769.81 3.1261 -2.3372e-09 9.8254e-10 0 2163 0 2 0 -4.6566e-10 163 3.4796e+05 0 NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 00:50:24 5 0.0006705 2.9024e-10 0 164 -116.94 2.833e-09 2.2222 -4.0196e-06 0.0017894 2.8033e-05 6493.3 3.4862e+05 -1.4156e-07 -3.1089 -6.7055e-08 0.50996 -773.75 3.1267 -2.3358e-09 9.8218e-10 0 2163 0 2 0 -4.6566e-10 164 3.4883e+05 0 NaN NaN
Read navigation data from a RINEX file that contains QZSS navigation message data.
filename = "ARHT00ATA_R_20211750000_01D_JN.rnx";
data = rinexread(filename)
data = struct with fields:
QZSS: [38x32 timetable]
View the GPS data read from the RINEX file.
ans=4×32 timetable
Time SatelliteID SVClockBias SVClockDrift SVClockDriftRate IODE Crs Delta_n M0 Cuc Eccentricity Cus sqrtA Toe Cic OMEGA0 Cis i0 Crc omega OMEGA_DOT IDOT L2ChannelCodes GPSWeek L2PDataFlag SVAccuracy SVHealth TGD IODC TransmissionTime FitIntervalFlag BRDCOrbit7Spare3 BRDCOrbit7Spare4
____________________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ________________ ____ _______ __________ _________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ______ _________ ___________ ________ ___________ __________ _______ _______ ___________ ___________ ______________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ___________ ____ ________________ _______________ ________________ ________________
24-Jun-2021 03:00:00 2 -3.9348e-07 -2.2737e-13 0 169 652.31 4.2109e-10 -1.4146 2.0172e-05 0.075455 1.8919e-05 6493.2 3.564e+05 1.0133e-06 0.015284 5.1968e-07 0.74021 -333.44 -1.5839 -1.2576e-09 -7.2396e-10 2 2163 1 2 0 9.3132e-10 937 3.5568e+05 NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 03:00:00 7 -3.4459e-08 0 0 169 -219.34 0 -0.28401 -7.2382e-06 0.00024876 -2.3516e-05 6493.5 3.564e+05 -6.2976e-06 -1.4553 3.7774e-06 0.00038452 711.5 -1.4708 9.5397e-10 0 2 2163 1 2 0 -6.0536e-09 937 3.5445e+05 NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 04:00:00 2 -3.9442e-07 -2.2737e-13 0 173 646.09 3.6216e-10 -1.1521 1.9951e-05 0.075455 1.9219e-05 6493.2 3.6e+05 8.8662e-07 0.01528 1.4231e-06 0.74021 -342 -1.5839 -1.1636e-09 -8.7111e-10 2 2163 1 2 0 9.3132e-10 941 3.5769e+05 NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 04:00:00 7 -3.3993e-08 0 0 173 -180.16 0 -0.022477 -5.9437e-06 0.00024672 -2.4542e-05 6493.5 3.6e+05 -6.9886e-06 -1.4823 -1.9073e-06 0.00038389 743.97 -1.4428 9.8754e-10 0 2 2163 1 2 0 -6.0536e-09 941 3.5643e+05 NaN NaN NaN
Read navigation data from a RINEX file that contains SBAS navigation message data.
filename = "GOP600CZE_R_20211750000_01D_SN.rnx";
data = rinexread(filename)
data = struct with fields:
SBAS: [3342x16 timetable]
View the SBAS data read from the RINEX file.
ans=4×16 timetable
Time SatelliteID SVClockBias SVFrequencyBias TransmissionTime PositionX VelocityX AccelerationX Health PositionY VelocityY AccelerationY AccuracyCode PositionZ VelocityZ AccelerationZ IODN
____________________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ________________ _________ ___________ _____________ ______ _________ __________ _____________ ____________ _________ _________ _____________ ____
23-Jun-2021 23:57:36 48 0 0 3.4548e+05 41388 -8.9375e-05 0 31 -8100.7 -0.0013175 0 2 -1.928 0.001952 0 0
23-Jun-2021 23:59:44 48 0 0 3.456e+05 41388 -9.5625e-05 0 31 -8100.9 -0.0013194 0 2 -1.678 0.001952 0 0
24-Jun-2021 00:00:16 36 0 0 3.4562e+05 42004 0 0 63 3674.8 0 0 32767 0 0 0 214
24-Jun-2021 00:00:00 44 -4.0373e-07 0 3.4563e+05 7326.2 0.0032113 -2.25e-07 63 41530 -0.0033694 -1.625e-07 32767 463.05 0.12662 -1.1875e-06 60
Mixed Observation Data
Read mixed observation data from a RINEX file that contains GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou observation message data.
filename = "GODS00USA_R_20211750000_01H_30S_MO.rnx";
data = rinexread(filename)
data = struct with fields:
BeiDou: [1303x45 timetable]
Galileo: [859x38 timetable]
GLONASS: [1102x38 timetable]
GPS: [1245x45 timetable]
View the GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou data read from the RINEX file.
ans=4×45 timetable
___________ ___________ _________ ___________________ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ ____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ ___ _______ ___ _______ ___ _______ _______ ___ _______
24-Jun-2021 5 0 -0.00047787 2.266e+07 NaN 1.1908e+08 NaN 7 45 NaN 2.266e+07 NaN 1.1908e+08 NaN 7 43 NaN 2.266e+07 NaN 9.2788e+07 NaN 7 42.5 NaN 2.266e+07 NaN 9.2788e+07 NaN 7 43 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 10 0 -0.00047787 2.4266e+07 NaN 1.2752e+08 NaN 6 37.25 NaN 2.4266e+07 NaN 1.2752e+08 NaN 4 25.25 NaN 2.4266e+07 NaN 9.9367e+07 NaN 7 42.5 NaN 2.4266e+07 NaN 9.9367e+07 NaN 4 25.25 NaN 2.4266e+07 NaN 9.5226e+07 NaN 7 47 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 13 0 -0.00047787 2.1788e+07 NaN 1.145e+08 NaN 7 47.25 NaN 2.1788e+07 NaN 1.145e+08 NaN 6 36.25 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.1788e+07 NaN 8.9217e+07 NaN 6 36.25 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 15 0 -0.00047787 2e+07 NaN 1.051e+08 NaN 8 50 NaN 2e+07 NaN 1.051e+08 NaN 7 46 NaN 2e+07 NaN 8.1898e+07 NaN 8 51.5 NaN 2e+07 NaN 8.1898e+07 NaN 7 46 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
ans=4×38 timetable
___________ ___________ _________ ___________________ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ ____ _______ ___ _______ ___ _______ _______ ___ _______
24-Jun-2021 1 0 -0.00047787 2.3169e+07 NaN 1.2385e+08 NaN 6 38.25 NaN 2.3169e+07 NaN 1.2385e+08 NaN 6 37.25 NaN 2.3169e+07 NaN 9.6328e+07 NaN 5 35 NaN 2.3169e+07 NaN 9.6328e+07 NaN 5 33.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 6 0 -0.00047787 2.3301e+07 NaN 1.2434e+08 NaN 5 35 NaN 2.3301e+07 NaN 1.2434e+08 NaN 5 34.75 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 7 0 -0.00047787 2.0036e+07 NaN 1.0726e+08 NaN 8 48.5 NaN 2.0036e+07 NaN 1.0726e+08 NaN 8 48.75 NaN 2.0036e+07 NaN 8.3422e+07 NaN 8 50.75 NaN 2.0036e+07 NaN 8.3422e+07 NaN 8 50 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
24-Jun-2021 8 0 -0.00047787 2.0118e+07 NaN 1.0773e+08 NaN 8 47.5 NaN 2.0118e+07 NaN 1.0773e+08 NaN 8 47.5 NaN 2.0118e+07 NaN 8.379e+07 NaN 8 50.75 NaN 2.0118e+07 NaN 8.379e+07 NaN 8 49.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
ans=4×38 timetable
___________ ___________ _________ ___________________ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______
24-Jun-2021 4 0 -0.00047787 2.4922e+07 NaN 1.3097e+08 NaN 8 48 NaN 2.4922e+07 NaN 9.9075e+07 NaN 9 55.5 NaN 2.4922e+07 NaN 1.063e+08 NaN 8 50 NaN 2.4922e+07 NaN 1.0035e+08 NaN 9 53.5 NaN 2.4922e+07 NaN 9.78e+07 NaN 8 53 NaN
24-Jun-2021 11 0 -0.00047787 2.375e+07 NaN 1.2481e+08 NaN 7 43 NaN 2.375e+07 NaN 9.4417e+07 NaN 8 49.75 NaN 2.375e+07 NaN 1.0131e+08 NaN 7 44.75 NaN 2.375e+07 NaN 9.5633e+07 NaN 7 47.25 NaN 2.375e+07 NaN 9.3202e+07 NaN 7 47 NaN
24-Jun-2021 12 0 -0.00047787 2.1663e+07 NaN 1.1384e+08 NaN 8 47.75 NaN 2.1663e+07 NaN 8.6118e+07 NaN 9 56.5 NaN 2.1663e+07 NaN 9.2401e+07 NaN 8 52 NaN 2.1663e+07 NaN 8.7227e+07 NaN 9 55 NaN 2.1663e+07 NaN 8.5009e+07 NaN 9 53.75 NaN
24-Jun-2021 18 0 -0.00047787 2.2857e+07 NaN 1.2012e+08 NaN 7 46 NaN 2.2857e+07 NaN 9.0867e+07 NaN 8 53 NaN 2.2857e+07 NaN 9.7497e+07 NaN 7 46.5 NaN 2.2857e+07 NaN 9.2037e+07 NaN 8 50.5 NaN 2.2857e+07 NaN 8.9697e+07 NaN 8 50.5 NaN
ans=4×45 timetable
___________ ___________ _________ ___________________ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______ __________ _______ __________ _______ _______ _____ _______
24-Jun-2021 19 0 -0.00047787 2.2728e+07 NaN 1.1835e+08 NaN 8 47.5 NaN 2.2728e+07 NaN 9.0353e+07 NaN 9 55 NaN 2.2728e+07 NaN 9.617e+07 NaN 8 51.25 NaN 2.2728e+07 NaN 9.1516e+07 NaN 8 52.75 NaN 2.2728e+07 NaN 8.919e+07 NaN 8 53 NaN 2.2728e+07 NaN 1.1944e+08 NaN 7 47 NaN
24-Jun-2021 20 0 -0.00047787 2.2033e+07 NaN 1.1473e+08 NaN 8 51 NaN 2.2033e+07 NaN 8.759e+07 NaN 9 57.25 NaN 2.2033e+07 NaN 9.3228e+07 NaN 9 53.5 NaN 2.2033e+07 NaN 8.8717e+07 NaN 9 55.5 NaN 2.2033e+07 NaN 8.6462e+07 NaN 9 55.5 NaN 2.2033e+07 NaN 1.1578e+08 NaN 8 50.25 NaN
24-Jun-2021 23 0 -0.00047787 2.6024e+07 NaN 1.3551e+08 NaN 6 38.5 NaN 2.6024e+07 NaN 1.0345e+08 NaN 8 48 NaN 2.6024e+07 NaN 1.1011e+08 NaN 6 40 NaN 2.6024e+07 NaN 1.0479e+08 NaN 7 45.25 NaN 2.6024e+07 NaN 1.0212e+08 NaN 7 45.75 NaN 2.6024e+07 NaN 1.3676e+08 NaN 6 37.25 NaN
24-Jun-2021 29 0 -0.00047787 2.243e+07 NaN 1.168e+08 NaN 8 49.25 NaN 2.243e+07 NaN 8.917e+07 NaN 9 55.5 NaN 2.243e+07 NaN 9.491e+07 NaN 8 51.5 NaN 2.243e+07 NaN 9.0318e+07 NaN 8 53.25 NaN 2.243e+07 NaN 8.8022e+07 NaN 9 53.5 NaN 2.243e+07 NaN 1.1787e+08 NaN 8 47.75 NaN
Input Arguments
— Name of RINEX version 3 file
string scalar | character vector
Name of the RINEX version 3 file to read data from, specified as a string scalar or character vector.
Example: "GODS00USA_R_20211750000_01D_GN.rnx"
Data Types: string
| char
Output Arguments
— Satellite system data from RINEX version 3 file
Satellite system data from the RINEX version 3 file, returned as a structure. The
structure has a timetable
containing different fields depending on
the type of RINEX file and the header entries in the file.
— GPS Navigation Message
Field | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime | GPS clock time |
SatelliteID | double | Satellite system (G) number (PRN) |
SVClockBias | double | SV clock bias in seconds |
SVClockDrift | double | SV clock drift in seconds per second |
SVClockDriftRate | double | SV clock drift rate in seconds per second squared |
IODE | double | Issue number of the satellite ephemeris data set, Issue of Data, Ephemeris (IODE) |
Crs | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
Delta_n | double | Mean motion difference from the computed value at reference time, in radians per second. |
M0 | double | Mean anomaly at the reference time, in radians |
Cuc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
Eccentricity | double | Eccentricity |
Cus | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
sqrtA | double | Square root of the semimajor axis (sqrt(m) ) |
Toe | double | Time of ephemeris (seconds of respective satellite week) |
Cic | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians |
OMEGA0 | double | Longitude of ascending node of orbit plane at weekly epoch, in radians. |
Cis | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians. |
i0 | double | Inclination angle at reference time, in radians |
Crc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
omega | double | Argument of perigee, in radians |
OMEGA_DOT | double | Reference rate of right ascension, in radians per second |
IDOT | double | Rate of inclination angle, in radians per second |
| double | Codes on L2 channel |
| double | GPS week number, with time of ephemeris. This is a continuous number,
not mod(1024) |
| double | L2P data flag |
| double | SV accuracy in meters |
| double | SV health indicated by bits 17-22 (See GPS ICD Section |
| double | Timing group delay in seconds |
| double | Issue number of the satellite clock data set, Issue of Data, Clock (IODC). (See GPS ICD Section |
TransmissionTime | double | Transmission time of the message |
| double | Fit interval in hours. Bit 17 w 10 sf 2 + IODC and Table 20-XII of the GPS ICD. |
| double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
| double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
Data Types: struct
— Galileo Navigation Message
Field | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime | Galileo (GAL) clock time |
SatelliteID | double | Satellite system (E) number |
SVClockBias | double | SV clock bias in seconds |
SVClockDrift | double | SV clock drift in seconds per second |
SVClockDriftRate | double | SV clock drift rate in seconds per second squared |
IODnav | double | Issue of data of the navigation batch |
Crs | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
Delta_n | double | Mean motion difference from the computed value at reference time, in radians per second. |
M0 | double | Mean anomaly at the reference time, in radians |
Cuc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
Eccentricity | double | Eccentricity |
Cus | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
sqrtA | double | Square root of the semimajor axis (sqrt(m) ) |
Toe | double | Time of ephemeris (seconds of respective satellite week) |
Cic | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians |
OMEGA0 | double | Longitude of ascending node of orbit plane at weekly epoch, in radians. |
Cis | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians. |
i0 | double | Inclination angle at reference time, in radians |
Crc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
omega | double | Argument of perigee, in radians |
OMEGA_DOT | double | Reference rate of right ascension, in radians per second |
IDOT | double | Rate of inclination angle, in radians per second |
| double | Data sources
| double | GAL week number, with Toe. Continuous number, not mod(1024). |
| double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
SISAccuracy | double | Signal in space accuracy in meters (-1.0 – no accuracy prediction available (NAPA) or unknown) |
| double | SV health (See Galileo ICD Section
| double | BGD E5a/E1 in seconds |
| double | BGD E5b/E1 in seconds |
TransmissionTime | double | Transmission time of the message |
| double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
| double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
| double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
Data Types: struct
— GLONASS Navigation Message
Field | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime | UTC clock time |
SatelliteID | double | Satellite system (R) number |
SVClockBias | double | SV clock bias in seconds |
SVFrequencyBias | double | SV relative frequency bias in hertz |
MessageFrameTime | double | Message frame time in seconds of the UTC week |
PositionX | double | Satellite position X in kilometers |
VelocityX | double | Satellite velocity X dot in kilometers per second |
AccelerationX | double | Satellite acceleration X in kilometers per second squared |
Health | double | Satellite health (0 = healthy, 1 = unhealthy) |
PositionY | double | Satellite position Y in kilometers |
VelocityY | double | Satellite velocity Y dot in kilometers per second |
AccelerationY | double | Satellite acceleration Y in kilometers per second squared |
FrequencyNumber | double | Frequency number (ICD 5.1) |
PositionZ | double | Satellite position Z in kilometers |
VelocityZ | double | Satellite velocity Z dot in kilometers per second |
AccelerationZ | double | Satellite acceleration Z in kilometers per second squared |
AgeOperationInfo | double | Age of operation information in days |
StatusFlags | double | Status flags, 9-bit binary number:
GroupDelay | double | L1/L2 group delay difference in seconds |
URAI | double | Raw accuracy index |
HealthFlags | double | Health flags, 3-bit binary number
Data Types: struct
— BeiDou Navigation Message
Field | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime | BeiDou (BDT) time. This is a combination of entries from the record (Time of clock year, month, day, hour, minute, second). |
SatelliteID | double | Satellite system (C) number |
SVClockBias | double | SV clock bias in seconds |
SVClockDrift | double | SV clock drift in seconds per second |
SVClockDriftRate | double | SV clock drift rate in seconds per second squared |
AODE | double | Age of satellite ephemeris data, Age of Data, Ephemeris (AODE). See BeiDou ICD Table Section Table 5-8) and field range is: 0-31. |
Crs | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
Delta_n | double | Mean motion difference from the computed value at reference time, in radians per second. |
M0 | double | Mean anomaly at the reference time, in radians |
Cuc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
Eccentricity | double | Eccentricity |
Cus | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
sqrtA | double | Square root of the semimajor axis (sqrt(m) ) |
Toe | double | Time of ephemeris (seconds of respective satellite week) |
Cic | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians |
OMEGA0 | double | Longitude of ascending node of orbit plane at weekly epoch, in radians. |
Cis | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians. |
i0 | double | Inclination angle at reference time, in radians |
Crc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
omega | double | Argument of perigee, in radians |
OMEGA_DOT | double | Reference rate of right ascension, in radians per second |
IDOT | double | Rate of inclination angle, in radians per second |
BRDCOrbit5Spare2 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
BDTWeek | double | BDT week number |
BRDCOrbit5Spare4 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
SVAccuracy | double | SV accuracy in meters (See BDS ICD Section 5.2.4) |
SatH1 | double | SatH1 |
TGD1 | double | TGD1 B1/B3 in seconds |
TGD2 | double | TGD2 B2/B3 in seconds |
TransmissionTime | double | Transmission time of the message |
AODC | double | Age of satellite clock data, Age of Data, Clock (AODC). See BeiDou ICD Table Section Table 5-6) and field range is: 0-31. |
BRDCOrbit7Spare3 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
BRDCOrbit7Spare4 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
Data Types: struct
— NavIC/IRNSS Navigation Message
Field | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime | NavIC/IRNSS clock time (same as GPS time) |
SatelliteID | double | Satellite system (I) number (PRN) |
SVClockBias | double | SV clock bias in seconds |
SVClockDrift | double | SV clock drift in seconds per second |
SVClockDriftRate | double | SV clock drift rate in seconds per second squared |
IODEC | double | Issue number of the satellite ephemeris and clock data sets, Issue of Data, Ephemeris and Clock (IODEC) |
Crs | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
Delta_n | double | Mean motion difference from the computed value at reference time, in radians per second. |
M0 | double | Mean anomaly at the reference time, in radians |
Cuc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
Eccentricity | double | Eccentricity |
Cus | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
sqrtA | double | Square root of the semimajor axis (sqrt(m) ) |
Toe | double | Time of ephemeris (seconds of respective satellite week) |
Cic | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians |
OMEGA0 | double | Longitude of ascending node of orbit plane at weekly epoch, in radians. |
Cis | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians. |
i0 | double | Inclination angle at reference time, in radians |
Crc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
omega | double | Argument of perigee, in radians |
OMEGA_DOT | double | Reference rate of right ascension, in radians per second |
IDOT | double | Rate of inclination angle, in radians per second |
BRDCOrbit5Spare2 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
IRNWeek | double | IRN week number, with Toe. Continuous number, not mod(1024), counted from 1980 (same as GPS) |
BRDCOrbit5Spare4 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
UserRangeAccuracy | double | User range accuracy in meters. See NavIC/IRNSS ICD Section |
HealthFlags | double | Health (Sub frame 1, bits 155(most significant) and 156(least significant)), where 0 = L5 and S healthy, 1 = L5 healthy and S unhealthy, 2= L5 unhealthy and S healthy, 3= both L5 and S unhealthy |
TGD | double | Timing group delay in seconds |
BRDCOrbit6Spare4 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
TransmissionTime | double | Transmission time of the message |
BRDCOrbit7Spare2 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
BRDCOrbit7Spare3 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
BRDCOrbit7Spare4 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
Data Types: struct
— QZSS Navigation Message
Field | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime
| QZSS clock time |
SatelliteID | double | Satellite system (J) Satellite PRN-192 |
SVClockBias | double | SV clock bias in seconds |
SVClockDrift | double | SV clock drift in seconds per second |
SVClockDriftRate | double | SV clock drift rate in seconds per second squared |
IODE | double | Issue number of the satellite ephemeris data set, Issue of Data, Ephemeris (IODE) |
Crs | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
Delta_n | double | Mean motion difference from the computed value at reference time, in radians per second. |
M0 | double | Mean anomaly at the reference time, in radians |
Cuc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
Eccentricity | double | Eccentricity |
Cus | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude, in radians |
sqrtA | double | Square root of the semimajor axis (sqrt(m) ) |
Toe | double | Time of ephemeris (seconds of respective satellite week) |
Cic | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians |
OMEGA0 | double | Longitude of ascending node of orbit plane at weekly epoch, in radians. |
Cis | double | Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination, in radians. |
i0 | double | Inclination angle at reference time, in radians |
Crc | double | Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius, in meters |
omega | double | Argument of perigee, in radians |
OMEGA_DOT | double | Reference rate of right ascension, in radians per second |
IDOT | double | Rate of inclination angle, in radians per second |
L2ChannelCodes | double | Codes on L2 channel (fixed to 2, see IS-QZSS-PNT |
GPSWeek | double | GPS week number, with Toe. Continuous number, not mod(1024). |
L2PDataFlag | double | L2 P data flag set to 1 since QZSS does not track L2P |
SVAccuracy | double | SV accuracy (m) (See IS-QZSS-PNT Section |
SVHealth | double | SV health (bits 17-22 w 3 sf 1) (See IS-QZSS-PNT 5.4.1) |
TGD | double | Timing group delay (s) (The QZSS ICD specifies a do not use bit pattern “10000000”, this condition is represented by a blank field.) |
IODC | double | Issue number of the satellite clock data set, Issue of Data, Clock (IODC) |
TransmissionTime | double | Transmission time of the message |
FitIntervalFlag | double | Fit interval flag (0/1) (See IS-QZSS-PNT, 0 – two hours), 1 – more than 2 hours. |
BRDCOrbit7Spare3 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
BRDCOrbit7Spare4 | double | Spare entry. May be used in a future version. |
Data Types: struct
— SBAS Navigation Message
Field | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime | SBAS clock time |
SatelliteID | double | Satellite system (S) number |
SVClockBias | double | SV clock bias in seconds |
SVFrequencyBias | double | SV relative frequency bias in hertz |
TransmissionTime | double | Transmission time of the message |
PositionX | double | Satellite position X in kilometers |
VelocityX | double | Satellite velocity X dot in kilometers per second |
AccelerationX | double | Satellite acceleration X in kilometers per second squared |
Health | double | Health: SBAS: See RINEX 3.05 Standard section 5.4.4 for: health, health availability and User Range Accuracy. |
PositionY | double | Satellite position Y in kilometers |
VelocityY | double | Satellite velocity Y dot in kilometers per second |
AccelerationY | double | Satellite acceleration Y in kilometers per second squared |
AccuracyCode | double | Accuracy code (URA, m) |
PositionZ | double | Satellite position Z in kilometers |
VelocityZ | double | Satellite velocity Z dot in kilometers per second |
AccelerationZ | double | Satellite acceleration Z in kilometers per second squared |
IODN | double | Issue number of the satellite navigation data set, Issue of Data, Navigation (IODN). See reference RTCA DO-229, 8 first bits after Message Type if MT9 |
Data Types: struct
— Mixed Observation Data
Mixed observation data may have multiple timetables in the output structure. Unlike the navigation messages, the most of the fields of the mixed observation files change depending on the observation types in the observation data. However, all observation data contains the same first fields.
Main Observation Data Fields
Field | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime | Satellite clock time. |
SatelliteID | double | Satellite system number. |
EpochFlag | nonnegative integer | Epoch flag indicating the status of the satellite system.
ReceiverClockOffset | double | Receiver clock offset in seconds |
The rest of the headers are observation codes comprised of three digits that represent type, band, and attribute. See Observation Type Descriptors for more information about the possible types, bands, and attributes.
Each descriptor code has corresponding field for signal strength indicator (SSI) and, if the observation type is phase (L), a field for loss-of-lock indicator (LLI). For example, type L, band 1, and attribute X has the field L1X and has two additional fields, L1X_SSI and L1X_LLI.
The SSI fields are ratios specified as an integer in the range [1, 9]. A ratio of 1 is considered unreliable, above 5 is considered good, and 9 is the maximum possible signal strength.
The LLI fields are three-bit codes that are specified as an integer in the range [0, 7]. A value of 0 indicates no loss of lock or unknown. The least significant bit indicates a lost lock between the previous and current observations, the second bit indicates half-cycle ambiguity or slip is possible, and the most significant bit indicates binary offset carrier (BOC) tracking of a multiplexed BOC (MBOC) modulated signal.
Data Types: struct
Data Types: struct
More About
Observation Type Descriptors
Observation type descriptors is a string comprised of three parts. The first part is the observation type, the second is the frequency band, and the third is the attribute which indicates the tracking mode or channel.
The observation type can be one of five types.
C — Code or pseudorange, is the distance, in meters, between the receiver antenna and the satellite antenna including delays and other biases.
L — Phase is the carrier phase range from the antenna to the satellite, measured in whole cycles.
D — Doppler shift indicating the approach of satellites, where a positive value indicates an approaching satellite.
S — Raw signal strength (carrier to noise ratio) as an integer in the range [1, 9].
X — Receiver channel numbers.
You can identify the frequency band code number given a frequency band and a satellite system.
Frequency Band vs Satellite System
Frequency Band Code Number | GPS | QZSS | SBAS | BDS | GLO | GAL | NavIC/IRNSS |
1 | L1 | L1 | L1 | L1 | G1 | E1 | — |
2 | L2 | L2 | — | B1 | G2 | — | — |
3 | — | — | — | — | G3 | — | — |
4 | — | — | — | — | G1a | — | — |
5 | L5 | L5 | L5 | B2a | — | E5a | L5 |
6 | — | L6 | — | B3 or B3A | G2a | E6 | — |
7 | — | — | — | B2 or B2b | — | E5b | — |
8 | — | — | — | B2a and B2b | — | E5a and E5b | — |
9 | — | — | — | — | — | — | S |
You can identify the attribute letter given a channel or code and a satellite system.
Attribute vs Satellite System
Attribute Letter | GPS | QZSS | SBAS | BDS | GLO | GAL | NavIC/IRNSS |
A | — | — | — | — | A channel | A channel | A channel |
B | — | — | — | — | A channel | A channel | A channel |
C | C code-based | C code-based | C code-based | — | C code-based | C channel | C channel |
D | Semi-codeless | Semi-codeless | — | Data channel | — | — | — |
E | — | E channel | — | — | — | — | — |
I | I channel | I channel | — | I channel | — | I channel | — |
L | L channel (L2C GPS) P channel | L channel P channel | — | — | — | — | — |
M | M-based code | — | — | — | — | — | — |
N | Codeless | — | — | — | — | — | — |
P | P code-based | — | — | Pilot channel | P code-based | — | — |
Q | Q channel | Q channel | — | Q channel | — | Q channel | — |
S | D channel M channel (L2C GPS) | D channel M channel | — | — | — | — | — |
W | Based on Z-tracking | — | — | — | — | — | — |
X | I and Q channels M and L channels D and P channels | I and Q channels M and L channels D and P channels | — | I and Q channels D and P channels | — | B and C channels I and Q channels | B and C channels |
Y | Y code-based | — | — | — | — | — | — |
Z | — | I and Q channels D and E channels | — | D and P channels | — | A, B, and C channels | — |
These are examples of codes:
C1M — L1 pseudorange derived from the M channel for a GPS satellite.
L5X — E5a carrier phase derived from the B and C channels for a Galileo satellite.
S3I — G3 signal strength derived from the I channels for a GLONASS satellite.
[1] International GNSS Service (for Daily 30-Second GPS Broadcast Ephemeris Data, NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Greenbelt, MD, USA, Jun. 24, 2021; accessed June 25, 2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GNSS/gnss_daily_n_001.
[2] International GNSS Service (for Daily 30-Second Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris Data, NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Greenbelt, MD, USA, Jun. 24, 2021; accessed June 25, 2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GNSS/gnss_daily_l_001.
[3] International GNSS Service (for Daily 30-Second GLONASS Broadcast Ephemeris Data, NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Greenbelt, MD, USA, Jun. 24, 2021; accessed August 19, 2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GNSS/gnss_daily_g_001.
[4] International GNSS Service (for Daily 30-Second BeiDou Broadcast Ephemeris Data, NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Greenbelt, MD, USA, Jun. 24, 2021; accessed August 19, 2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GNSS/gnss_daily_f_001.
[5] International GNSS Service (for Daily 30-Second NavIC/IRNSS Broadcast Ephemeris Data, NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Greenbelt, MD, USA, Jun. 24, 2021; accessed August 19, 2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GNSS/gnss_daily_i_001.
[6] International GNSS Service (for Daily 30-Second QZSS Broadcast Ephemeris Data, NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Greenbelt, MD, USA, Jun. 24, 2021; accessed August 19, 2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GNSS/gnss_daily_q_001.
[7] International GNSS Service (for Daily 30-Second SBAS Broadcast Ephemeris Data, NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Greenbelt, MD, USA, Jun. 24, 2021; accessed August 19, 2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GNSS/gnss_daily_h_001.
[8] International GNSS Service (for Hourly 30-Second Observation Data, NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Greenbelt, MD, USA, Jun. 24, 2021; accessed August 19, 2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GNSS/gnss_hourly_o_001.
[9] Romero, Ignacio, ed. RINEX The Receiver Independent Exchange Format Version 3.05. Darmstadt, Germany: IGS/RTCM ESA/ESOC/Navigation Support Office. December, 2020. Accessed on: Dec. 22, 2021. https://files.igs.org/pub/data/format/rinex305.pdf .
Version History
Introduced in R2022a
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