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Nonlinear Curve Fitting with lsqcurvefit

lsqcurvefit enables you to fit parameterized nonlinear functions to data easily. You can also use lsqnonlin; lsqcurvefit is simply a convenient way to call lsqnonlin for curve fitting.

In this example, the vector xdata represents 100 data points, and the vector ydata represents the associated measurements. Generate the data for the problem.

rng(5489,'twister') % reproducible
xdata = -2*log(rand(100,1));
ydata = (ones(100,1) + .1*randn(100,1)) + (3*ones(100,1)+...

The modeled relationship between xdata and ydata is


The code generates xdata from 100 independent samples of an exponential distribution with mean 2. The code generates ydata from its defining equation using a = [1;3;2], perturbed by adding normal deviates with standard deviations [0.1;0.5;0.5].

The goal is to find parameters aˆi, i = 1, 2, 3, for the model that best fit the data.

In order to fit the parameters to the data using lsqcurvefit, you need to define a fitting function. Define the fitting function predicted as an anonymous function.

predicted = @(a,xdata) a(1)*ones(100,1)+a(2)*exp(-a(3)*xdata); 

To fit the model to the data, lsqcurvefit needs an initial estimate a0 of the parameters.

a0 = [2;2;2];

Call lsqcurvefit to find the best-fitting parameters aˆi.

[ahat,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,jacobian] =...
Local minimum possible.

lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to 
its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.

Examine the resulting parameters.


The fitted values ahat are within 8% of a = [1;3;2].

If you have the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ software, use the nlparci function to generate confidence intervals for the ahat estimate.

See Also

| (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox)

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