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Optimization options values


val = optimget(options,'param')
val = optimget(options,'param',default)


val = optimget(options,'param') returns the value of the specified option in the optimization options structure options. You need to type only enough leading characters to define the option name uniquely. Case is ignored for option names.

val = optimget(options,'param',default) returns default if the specified option is not defined in the optimization options structure options. Note that this form of the function is used primarily by other optimization functions.


This statement returns the value of the Display option in the structure called my_options.

val = optimget(my_options,'Display')

This statement returns the value of the Display option in the structure called my_options (as in the previous example) except that if the Display option is not defined, it returns the value 'final'.

optnew = optimget(my_options,'Display','final');

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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