Assemble finite element matrices
assembles finite element matrices using the input
time or solution specified in the
= assembleFEMatrices(___,state
structure array. The
function uses the time
field of
the structure for time-dependent models and the
solution field u
for nonlinear
models. You can use this argument with any of the
previous syntaxes.
Finite Element Matrices for 2-D Problem
Create a PDE model for the Poisson equation on an L-shaped membrane with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
model = createpde; geometryFromEdges(model,@lshapeg); specifyCoefficients(model,m=0,d=0,c=1,a=0,f=1); applyBoundaryCondition(model,"dirichlet", ... edge=1:model.Geometry.NumEdges, ... u=0);
Generate a mesh and obtain the default finite element matrices for the problem and mesh.
generateMesh(model,Hmax=0.2); FEM = assembleFEMatrices(model)
FEM = struct with fields:
K: [401x401 double]
A: [401x401 double]
F: [401x1 double]
Q: [401x401 double]
G: [401x1 double]
H: [80x401 double]
R: [80x1 double]
M: [401x401 double]
Specified Set of Finite Element Matrices
Make computations faster by specifying which finite element matrices to assemble.
Create an femodel
object for steady-state thermal analysis and include the geometry of the built-in function squareg
model = femodel(AnalysisType="thermalSteady", ... Geometry=@squareg);
Plot the geometry with the edge labels.
xlim([-1.1 1.1])
ylim([-1.1 1.1])
Specify the thermal conductivity of the material and the internal heat source.
model.MaterialProperties = ...
model.FaceLoad = faceLoad(Heat=10);
Set the boundary conditions.
model.EdgeBC([1,3]) = edgeBC(Temperature=100);
Generate a mesh.
model = generateMesh(model);
Assemble the stiffness and mass matrices.
FEM_KM = assembleFEMatrices(model,"KM")
FEM_KM = struct with fields:
K: [1529x1529 double]
M: [1529x1529 double]
Now, assemble the finite element matrices M, K, A, and F.
FEM_MKAF = assembleFEMatrices(model,"MKAF")
FEM_MKAF = struct with fields:
M: [1529x1529 double]
K: [1529x1529 double]
A: [1529x1529 double]
F: [1529x1 double]
The four matrices M, K, A, and F correspond to discretized versions of the PDE coefficients m, c, a, and f. These four matrices also represent the domain of the finite-element model of the PDE. Instead of specifying them explicitly, you can use the domain
FEMd = assembleFEMatrices(model,"domain")
FEMd = struct with fields:
M: [1529x1529 double]
K: [1529x1529 double]
A: [1529x1529 double]
F: [1529x1 double]
The four matrices Q, G, H, and R, correspond to discretized versions of q, g, h, and r in the Neumann and Dirichlet boundary condition specification. These four matrices also represent the boundary of the finite-element model of the PDE. Use the boundary
argument to assemble only these matrices.
FEMb = assembleFEMatrices(model,"boundary")
FEMb = struct with fields:
H: [74x1529 double]
R: [74x1 double]
G: [1529x1 double]
Q: [1529x1529 double]
Finite Element Matrices with nullspace
and stiff-spring
Create a PDE model for the Poisson equation on an L-shaped membrane with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
model = createpde; geometryFromEdges(model,@lshapeg); specifyCoefficients(model,m=0,d=0,c=1,a=0,f=1); applyBoundaryCondition(model,"dirichlet", ... Edge=1:model.Geometry.NumEdges, ... u=0);
Generate a mesh.
Obtain the finite element matrices after imposing the boundary condition using the null-space approach. This approach eliminates the Dirichlet degrees of freedom and provides a reduced system of equations.
FEMn = assembleFEMatrices(model,"nullspace")
FEMn = struct with fields:
Kc: [321x321 double]
Fc: [321x1 double]
B: [401x321 double]
ud: [401x1 double]
M: [321x321 double]
Obtain the solution to the PDE using the nullspace
finite element matrices.
un = FEMn.B*(FEMn.Kc\FEMn.Fc) + FEMn.ud;
Compare this result to the solution given by solvepde
. The two solutions are identical.
u1 = solvepde(model); norm(un - u1.NodalSolution)
ans = 0
Obtain the finite element matrices after imposing the boundary condition using the stiff-spring approach. This approach retains the Dirichlet degrees of freedom, but imposes a large penalty on them.
FEMs = assembleFEMatrices(model,"stiff-spring")
FEMs = struct with fields:
Ks: [401x401 double]
Fs: [401x1 double]
M: [401x401 double]
Obtain the solution to the PDE using the stiff-spring finite element matrices. This technique gives a less accurate solution.
us = FEMs.Ks\FEMs.Fs; norm(us - u1.NodalSolution)
ans = 0.0098
Finite Element Matrices for Time-Dependent Problem
Assemble finite element matrices for the first and last time steps of a transient structural problem.
Create the geometry and plot a cylinder geometry.
gm = multicylinder(0.01,0.05);
Create an femodel
object for transient structural analysis and include the geometry in the model.
model = femodel(AnalysisType="structuralTransient", ... Geometry=gm);
Specify Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.
model.MaterialProperties = ... materialProperties(YoungsModulus=201E9, ... PoissonsRatio=0.3, ... MassDensity=7800);
Specify that the bottom of the cylinder is a fixed boundary.
model.FaceBC(1) = faceBC(Constraint="fixed");
Create a function specifying a harmonic pressure load.
function Tn = sinusoidalLoad(load,location,state,Frequency,Phase) if isnan(state.time) Tn = NaN*(location.nx); return end if isa(load,"function_handle") load = load(location,state); else load = load(:); end % Transient model excited with harmonic load Tn = load.*sin(Frequency.*state.time + Phase); end
Apply the harmonic pressure on the top of the cylinder.
Pressure = 5e7;
Frequency = 50;
Phase = 0;
pressurePulse = @(location,state) ...
model.FaceLoad(2) = faceLoad(Pressure=pressurePulse);
Specify the zero initial displacement and velocity.
model.CellIC = cellIC(Displacement=[0;0;0], ...
Generate a linear mesh.
model = generateMesh(model,GeometricOrder="linear");
Assemble the finite element matrices for the initial time step.
tlist = linspace(0,1,300); state.time = tlist(1); FEM_domain = assembleFEMatrices(model,state)
FEM_domain = struct with fields:
K: [6645x6645 double]
A: [6645x6645 double]
F: [6645x1 double]
Q: [6645x6645 double]
G: [6645x1 double]
H: [252x6645 double]
R: [252x1 double]
M: [6645x6645 double]
Pressure applied at the top of the cylinder is the only time-dependent quantity in the model. To model the dynamics of the system, assemble the boundary-load finite element matrix G for the initial, intermediate, and final time steps.
state.time = tlist(1);
FEM_boundary_init = assembleFEMatrices(model,"G",state)
FEM_boundary_init = struct with fields:
G: [6645x1 double]
state.time = tlist(floor(length(tlist)/2));
FEM_boundary_half = assembleFEMatrices(model,"G",state)
FEM_boundary_half = struct with fields:
G: [6645x1 double]
state.time = tlist(end);
FEM_boundary_final = assembleFEMatrices(model,"G",state)
FEM_boundary_final = struct with fields:
G: [6645x1 double]
Finite Element Matrices for Nonlinear Problem
Assemble finite element matrices for a heat transfer problem with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity.
Create a 2-D geometry by drawing one rectangle the size of the block and a second rectangle the size of the slot.
r1 = [3 4 -.5 .5 .5 -.5 -.8 -.8 .8 .8]; r2 = [3 4 -.05 .05 .05 -.05 -.4 -.4 .4 .4]; gdm = [r1; r2]';
Subtract the second rectangle from the first to create the block with a slot.
g = decsg(gdm,'R1-R2',['R1'; 'R2']');
Create an femodel
object for steady-state thermal analysis and include the geometry in the model.
model = femodel(AnalysisType="thermalSteady", ... Geometry=g);
Plot the geometry.
axis([-.9 .9 -.9 .9]);
Set the temperature on the left edge to 100 degrees. Set the heat flux out of the block on the right edge to -10. The top and bottom edges and the edges inside the cavity are all insulated: there is no heat transfer across these edges.
model.EdgeBC(6) = edgeBC(Temperature=100); model.EdgeLoad(1) = edgeLoad(Heat=-10);
Specify the thermal conductivity of the material as a simple linear function of temperature u
k = @(~,state) 0.7+0.003*state.u;
model.MaterialProperties = ...
Specify the initial temperature.
model.FaceIC = faceIC(Temperature=0);
Generate a mesh.
model = generateMesh(model);
Calculate the steady-state solution.
Rnonlin = solve(model);
Because the thermal conductivity is nonlinear (depends on the temperature), compute the system matrices corresponding to the converged temperature. Assign the temperature distribution to the u
field of the state
structure array. Because the u
field must contain a row vector, transpose the temperature distribution.
state.u = Rnonlin.Temperature.';
Assemble finite element matrices using the temperature distribution at the nodal points.
FEM = assembleFEMatrices(model,"nullspace",state)
FEM = struct with fields:
Kc: [1285x1285 double]
Fc: [1285x1 double]
B: [1308x1285 double]
ud: [1308x1 double]
M: [1285x1285 double]
Compute the solution using the system matrices to verify that they yield the same temperature as Rnonlin
u = FEM.B*(FEM.Kc\FEM.Fc) + FEM.ud;
Compare this result to the solution given by solve
norm(u - Rnonlin.Temperature)
ans = 1.8555e-06
Input Arguments
— Model object
object | PDEModel
object | ThermalModel
object | StructuralModel
object | ElectromagneticModel
Domain-specific structural, heat transfer, and electromagnetic workflows are not recommended. New features might not be compatible with these workflows. For help migrating your existing code to the unified finite element workflow, see Migration from Domain-Specific to Unified Workflow.
Model object, specified as an
object, or
not support assembling FE matrices for 3-D
magnetostatic analysis.
Example: model =
Example: model =
— Method for including boundary conditions
(default) | "nullspace"
| "stiff-spring"
Method for including boundary conditions, specified as "none"
, or
. For more
information, see Algorithms.
Example: FEM = assembleFEMatrices(model,"nullspace")
Data Types: char
| string
— Matrices to assemble
matrix identifiers | "boundary"
| "domain"
Matrices to assemble, specified as:
Matrix identifiers, such as
, and so on — Assemble the corresponding matrices. Each uppercase letter represents one matrix:K
, andT
. You can combine several letters into one character vector or string, such as"MKF"
— Assemble all matrices related to geometry boundaries."domain"
— Assemble all domain-related matrices.
Example: FEM =
Data Types: char
| string
— Time for time-dependent models and solution for nonlinear models
structure array
Time for time-dependent models and solution for nonlinear models, specified in a structure array. The array fields represent the following values:
contains a nonnegative number specifying the time value for time-dependent models.state.u
contains a solution matrix of size N-by-Np that can be used to assemble matrices in a nonlinear problem setup, where coefficients are functions ofstate.u
. Here, N is the number of equations in the system, and Np is the number of nodes in the mesh.
Example: state.time = tlist(end);
Output Arguments
— Finite element matrices
structural array
Finite element matrices, returned as a structural array. Use the bcmethod
and matrices
arguments to
specify which finite element matrices you want to
The fields in the structural array depend
on bcmethod
If the value is
, then the fields areK
, andM
.If the value is
, then the fields areKc
, andM
.If the value is
, then the fields areKs
, andM
The fields in the structural array also
depend on matrices
If the value is
, then the fields are all matrices related to geometry boundaries.If the value is
, then the fields are all domain-related matrices.If the value is a matrix identifier or identifiers, such as
, and so on, then the fields are the corresponding matrices.
For more information, see Algorithms.
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox™ solves equations of the form
and eigenvalue equations of the form
with the Dirichlet boundary conditions, hu = r, and Neumann boundary conditions, .
returns the following full finite element matrices and
vectors that represent the corresponding PDE problem:
is the stiffness matrix, the integral of the discretized version of thec
is the mass matrix, the integral of the discretized version of them
is nonzero for time-dependent and eigenvalue problems.A
is the integral of the discretized version of thea
is the integral of the discretized version of thef
coefficient. For thermal, electromagnetic, and structural problems,F
is a source or body load vector.Q
is the integral of the discretized version of theq
term in a Neumann boundary condition.G
is the integral of the discretized version of theg
term in a Neumann boundary condition. For structural problems,G
is a boundary load vector.The
matrices come directly from the Dirichlet conditions and the mesh.
Imposing Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
The "nullspace"
technique eliminates
Dirichlet conditions from the problem using a linear algebra
approach. It generates the combined finite-element matrices
, Fc
, B
, and vector ud
corresponding to the reduced system
Kc*u = Fc
, where Kc =
B'*(K + A + Q)*B
, and Fc =
B'*((F + G)-(K + A + Q)*ud)
. The
matrix spans the null space
of the columns of H
(the Dirichlet
condition matrix representing h*ud = r
The R
vector represents the Dirichlet
conditions in H*ud = R
. The
vector has the size of the
solution vector. Its elements are zeros everywhere except at
Dirichlet degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) locations where they
contain the prescribed values.
From the "nullspace"
matrices, you can
compute the solution u
u = B*(Kc\Fc) +
If you assembled a particular set of matrices, for example
and M
, you
can impose the boundary conditions on G
and M
as follows. First, compute the
nullspace of columns of H
[B,Or] = pdenullorth(H);
ud = Or*((H*Or\R)); % Vector with known value of the constraint DoF.
Then use the B
matrix as follows. To
eliminate Dirichlet degrees of freedom from the load vector
, use:
GwithBC = B'*G
To eliminate Dirichlet degrees of freedom from mass matrix, use:
M = B'*M*B
You can eliminate Dirichlet degrees of freedom from other vectors and matrices using the same technique.
The "stiff-spring"
technique converts
Dirichlet boundary conditions to Neumann boundary conditions
using a stiff-spring approximation. It returns a matrix
and a vector
that together represent a
different type of combined finite element matrices. The
approximate solution is u = Ks\Fs
Compared to the "nullspace"
the "stiff-spring"
technique generates
matrices more quickly, but generally gives less accurate
Degrees of Freedom (DoFs)
If the number of nodes in a model is
, and the number of equations is
, then the length of column
vectors u
and ud
. The toolbox assigns
the IDs to the degrees of freedom in u
and ud
Entries from 1 to
correspond to the first equation.Entries from
correspond to the second equation.Entries from
correspond to the third equation.
The same approach applies to all other entries, up to
For example, in a 3-D structural model, the length of a solution
vector u
. The first
entries correspond to
the x
-displacement at each node, the next
entries correspond to
the y
-displacement, and the next
entries correspond to
the z
Thermal, Structural, and Electromagnetic Analysis
In thermal analysis, the m
coefficients are zeros. The
thermal conductivity maps to the c
coefficient. The product of the mass density and the
specific heat maps to the d
The internal heat source maps to the f
coefficient. The temperature on a boundary corresponds to
the Dirichlet boundary condition term r
with h = 1
. Various forms of boundary
heat flux, such as the heat flux itself, emissivity, and
convection coefficient, map to the Neumann boundary
condition terms q
In structural analysis, the a
coefficient is
zero. Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio map to the
coefficient. The mass density
maps to the m
coefficient. The body loads
map to the f
coefficient. Displacements,
constraints, and components of displacement along the axes
map to the Dirichlet boundary condition terms
and r
Boundary loads, such as pressure, surface tractions, and
translational stiffnesses, correspond to the Neumann
boundary condition terms q
. When you specify the damping
model by using the Rayleigh damping parameters
, the discretized damping
matrix C
is computed by using the mass
matrix M
and the stiffness matrix
as C = Alpha*M +
. Hysteretic (structural) damping
contributes to the stiffness matrix K
which becomes complex.
In electrostatic and magnetostatic analyses, the
, a
, and
coefficients are zeros. The
relative permittivity and relative permeability map to the
coefficient. The charge
density and current density map to the f
coefficient. The voltage and magnetic potential on a
boundary correspond to the Dirichlet boundary condition term
with h =
Assembling FE matrices does not work for harmonic analysis and 3-D magnetostatic analysis.
Version History
Introduced in R2016aR2024a: FE matrices for femodel
The function accepts femodel
objects used in Unified Modeling.
R2020b: FE matrices for time-dependent and nonlinear models
The function now can assemble matrices using input time or solution for a time-dependent or nonlinear model, respectively. It also can assemble a subset of matrices, such as updated load only or stiffness only, to save computation time.
R2019a: FE matrices for thermal and structural models
The function accepts thermal and structural models with time- and solution-independent coefficients.
See Also
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