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Install Polyspace as You Code Plugin in Eclipse

The Polyspace® as You Code plugin in the Eclipse based IDEs allows you to run Polyspace on the file that you are currently viewing and see analysis results such as bugs and coding standard violations. You must install the Polyspace as You Code analysis engine to run the analysis. The plugin allows you to point to this analysis engine from Eclipse™ and show results produced by the Polyspace analysis.


If you install the Polyspace as You Code Eclipse plugin on Linux, see Configure Eclipse for Supported Java Version on Linux.

You can install the plugin in one of two ways:

  • While running the Polyspace as You Code installer, select the option to install the plugin. The installer installs the Polyspace as You Code analysis engine and the plugin.

    See Install Polyspace as You Code Using Installer.

  • If you install only the analysis engine while running the Polyspace as You Code installer, use the contents of the polyspaceroot\polyspace\plugin\eclipse_payc folder to install the plugin at a later time. This folder is available only after you run the installer. polyspaceroot is the Polyspace as You Code installation folder, for instance, C:\Program Files\Polyspace as You Code\R2024b.

The rest of this topic describes the second approach where you skip the installation of the plugin while running the installer and use the contents of the polyspaceroot\polyspace\plugin\eclipse_payc folder to install the plugin later.

The Polyspace as You Code Eclipse plugin is not compatible with the Polyspace desktop plugin for Eclipse. Uninstall the desktop plugin before installing the Polyspace as You Code Eclipse plugin.

Interactive Installation

To install the plugin interactively:

  1. In the Eclipse IDE, select Help > Install New Software.

  2. In the Install window, click Add, and then click Local in the Add Repository popup.

    Eclipse menu to install new software

  3. Navigate to the polyspaceroot\polyspace\plugin\eclipse_payc folder and click Select Folder, then add the folder to the repository.

  4. Make sure that the Polyspace plugin is selected, then click Next and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

    Eclipse plugin install menu

To uninstall the plugin, go to Help > About Eclipse IDE. In the About Eclipse IDE window, click Installation Details, select the Polyspace plugin on the Installed Software tab, and then click Uninstall and follow the prompts.

Command-line Installation

To install the plugin, open a terminal and navigate to your Eclipse installation folder, for instance C:\Program Files\eclipse, and enter:

eclipsec.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director ^
-repository file:"/polyspaceroot/polyspace/plugin/eclipse_payc/" ^
-installIU com.polyspace.eclipse.feature -nosplash
where polyspaceroot is the Polyspace as You Code installation folder, for instance, C:/Program Files/Polyspace as You Code. The -repository path must be specified with forward slashes "/".

To uninstall the plugin, enter:

eclipsec.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director ^
-uninstallIU com.polyspace.eclipse.feature -nosplash

Configure Eclipse for Supported Java Version on Linux

The Polyspace as You Code Eclipse plugin does not support Java versions 13 and later. If your Eclipse IDE uses an unsupported Java version, you see an error message when you start the IDE.

To configure your IDE to use a supported Java version:

  1. Go to, download the OpenJDK version 12 GA (build 12+33) for Linux, and then right-click the downloaded TAR file to extract its content.

    Alternatively, at the command line, enter these commands:

    tar xzvf openjdk-12_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz

  2. Open file eclipseRoot/eclipse.ini in a text editor and replace the path below the -vm line with the path to the bin folder for the openJDK installation that you downloaded in step 1. The eclipseRoot folder is your Eclipse IDE installation folder.

    For example, if you extracted the download from step 1 into folder /local/tools, the section of your eclipse.ini file around the -vm line looks similar to this section:


  3. Restart your IDE to apply the changes.

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