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Display stick figure showing the positions of all body segments of pedestrian


plot(pedestrian) displays a stick figure showing the positions of all body segments of a pedestrian. The lines of the figure represent body segments while the dots represent the joints connecting body segments.


fhndl = plot(pedestrian) returns the figure handle of the display window.


collapse all

Display the motion of a pedestrian walking a square path. Create the pedestrian using a backscatterPedestrian object with default values except for height which is 1.7 meters. Advance and display the pedestrian position every 3 milliseconds. First, the pedestrian moves along the positive x-axis, then along the positive y-axis, along the negative x-axis, and finally along the negative y-axis to return to the starting point.

ped = backscatterPedestrian('Height',1.7);
dt = 0.003;
N = 3600;
for m = 1:N
    if (m < N/4)
        angstep = 0.0;
    if (m >= N/4)
        angstep = 90.0;
    if (m >= N/2)
        angstep = 180.0;
    if (m >= 3*N/4)
        angstep = 270.0;

Figure Pedestrian Trajectory contains an axes object. The axes object with title Pedestrian Trajectory, xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Input Arguments

collapse all

Pedestrian target, specified as a backscatterPedestrian object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Figure handle of plot window

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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