Test for Occlusion Between Two Points on Land Surface
Create a radar scenario and specify set the IsEarthCentered
property as true to obtain the terrain from a DTED file.
scene = radarScenario(IsEarthCentered = true);
Model the reflectivity as a constant gamma surface.
refl = surfaceReflectivityLand(Model = 'ConstantGamma',Gamma = -20);
Add a 0.1-by-0.1 degree land surface derived from a DTED file.
bdry = [39.5 39.6;-105.51 -105.41]; srf = landSurface(scene,Terrain = 'n39_w106_3arc_v2.dt1', ... Boundary = bdry,RadarReflectivity = refl);
Verify that occlusion is turned on.
mgr = scene.SurfaceManager
mgr = SurfaceManager with properties: EnableMultipath: 0 UseOcclusion: 1 Surfaces: [1x1 radar.scenario.LandSurface]
Plot the surface height.
x = linspace(srf.Boundary(2,1),srf.Boundary(2,2),201); y = linspace(srf.Boundary(1,1),srf.Boundary(1,2),201); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); X1 = X(:)'; Y1 = Y(:)'; H = height(srf,[Y1;X1]); H = reshape(H,length(x),length(y)); surf(x,y,H) shading interp ylabel('Latitude (deg)') xlabel('Longitude (deg)') zlabel('Height (m)') hold on
Test for occlusion.
ht1 = height(srf,[39.59 -105.5])
ht1 = 2.7962e+03
ht2 = height(srf,[39.51 -105.41])
ht2 = 2.7718e+03
occlusion(srf,[39.59 -105.5 ht1],[39.51 -105.41 ht2])
ans = logical
The points are occluded. The line between the two points passes through the surface as shown.
plot3([-105.5 -105.41],[39.59 39.51], [ht1 ht2],'r','LineWidth',3)
Test for Occlusion Between Two Points on Sea Surface
Create a square sea surface assuming a moderate sea state with a wind speed of about 12 knots (6.17 m/s), a fetch of 120 nmi (222.24 km), and a length of 1.024 km. Add an Elfouhaily spectrum to the sea surface. Use the occlusion
object function to determine if the path from point 1 to point 2 is occluded.
Start by creating a radar scenario;
scene = radarScenario;
Add a sea surface with an Elfouhaily spectrum.
rng('default'); spec = seaSpectrum('Resolution',16);
Create the sea surface.
bnds = [0 1024; 0 1024]; srf = seaSurface(scene,'Boundary',bnds, ... 'WindSpeed',6.17,'Fetch',222.24e3, ... 'SpectralModel',spec);
Set two points for testing occlusion.
p1 = [1016; 368; -0.082]; p2 = [10; 100; 0.13];
Determine if the path from p1 to p2 is occluded
tf1 = occlusion(srf,p1,p2)
tf1 = logical
Input Arguments
— Land, sea, or custom surface
object | SeaSurface
object | CustomSurface
Surface, specified as a LandSurface
, or
— Position of first point
length-3 real-valued vector
Position of the first point on a surface, specified as a length-3 real-valued vector.
If the IsEarthCentered
property of the radarScenario
object is specified as:
— Specify the three elements as the x-, y-, and z-coordinates in the reference frame of the tracking scenario. Units are in meters.true
— Specify the three elements as the latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters, in the geodetic frame.
Data Types: double
— Position of second point
length-3 real-valued vector
Position of the second point on a surface, specified as a length-3 real-valued vector.
If the IsEarthCentered
property of the radarScenario
object is specified as:
— Specify the three elements as the x-, y-, and z-coordinates in the reference frame of the tracking scenario. Units are in meters,true
— Specify the three elements as the latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters, in the geodetic frame.
Data Types: double
Output Arguments
— Occlusion status
or 1
| false
or 0
Occlusion status, returned as a logical 1
) representing occluded, or 0
) representing not occluded.
Version History
Introduced in R2022a
See Also
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