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Plot waveform from waveform library

Since R2021a


plot(pulselib,idx) plots the real part of the waveform specified by idx belonging to the pulse waveform library, pulselib.


plot(pulselib,idx,'PlotType',Type) also specifies whether to plot the real and/or imaginary parts of the waveform using the ('PlotType',Type) name-value pair argument.


plot(___,'PulseIdx',pidx) also specifies the index, pidx, of the pulse to plot using the ('PulseIdx',pidx) name-value pair argument.


plot(___,LineSpec) specifies the line color, line style, or marker options. These options are the same options found in the MATLAB® plot function. When both real and imaginary plots are specified, the LineSpec applies to both subplots. This argument is always the last input to the method.


hndl = plot(___) returns the line handle, hndl, in the figure.


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Construct a waveform library consisting of three waveforms. The library contains one rectangular waveform, one linear FM waveform, and one stepped-FM waveform.

waveform1 = {'Rectangular','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth',70e-6};
waveform2 = {'LinearFM','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth',70e-6, ...
    'SweepBandwidth',1e5,'SweepDirection','Up', ...
    'SweepInterval', 'Positive'};
waveform3 = {'SteppedFM','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth', 70e-6,'NumSteps',5, ...
fs = 1e6;
wavlib = pulseWaveformLibrary('SampleRate',fs, ...

Plot the linear FM waveform using the plot method.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Linear FM pulse waveform: real part, pulse 1, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Amplitude (v) contains an object of type line.

Construct a waveform library consisting of three waveforms. The library contains a rectangular, a linear FM, and a phase-coded waveform. Then, obtain and plot the real and imaginary parts of the phase-coded waveform.

waveform1 = {'Rectangular','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth', 50e-6};
waveform2 = {'LinearFM','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth',50e-6, ...
    'SweepInterval', 'Positive'};
waveform3 = {'PhaseCoded','PRF',1e4,'Code','Zadoff-Chu', ...
fs = 1e6;
wavlib = pulseWaveformLibrary('SampleRate',fs, ...

Extract the waveform from the library.

wav3 = wavlib(3);

Plot the waveform using the plot method.


Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Phase-coded pulse waveform: real part, pulse 1, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Amplitude (v) contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Phase-coded pulse waveform: imaginary part, pulse 1, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Amplitude (v) contains an object of type line.

Construct a waveform library consisting of three waveforms. The library contains one rectangular, one linear FM, and one stepped-FM waveforms. Then, plot the real parts of the first three pulses of the stepped-fm waveform.

waveform1 = {'Rectangular','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth',70e-6};
waveform2 = {'LinearFM','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth',70e-6, ...
    'SweepBandwidth',1e5,'SweepDirection','Up', ...
    'SweepInterval', 'Positive'};
waveform3 = {'SteppedFM','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth', 70e-6,'NumSteps',5, ...
fs = 1e6;
wavlib = pulseWaveformLibrary('SampleRate',fs, ...

Plot the first three pulses of the waveform using the plot method.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Stepped FM pulse waveform: real part, pulse 1, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Amplitude (v) contains an object of type line.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Stepped FM pulse waveform: real part, pulse 2, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Amplitude (v) contains an object of type line.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Stepped FM pulse waveform: real part, pulse 3, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Amplitude (v) contains an object of type line.

Construct a waveform library consisting of three waveforms. The library contains one rectangular, one linear FM, and one stepped-FM waveforms. Then, plot the linear FM waveform.

waveform1 = {'Rectangular','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth',70e-6};
waveform2 = {'LinearFM','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth',70e-6, ...
    'SweepInterval', 'Positive'};
waveform3 = {'SteppedFM','PRF',1e4,'PulseWidth', 70e-6,'NumSteps',5, ...
fs = 1e6;
wavlib = pulseWaveformLibrary('SampleRate',fs, ...

Plot the waveform using the plot method.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Linear FM pulse waveform: real part, pulse 1, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Amplitude (v) contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

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Waveform library, specified as a pulseWaveformLibrary System object.

Index of waveform in pulse waveform library, specified as a positive integer.

Example: 3

Data Types: double

Plot type, specified as 'real', 'imag',or 'complex'. Use this argument in the 'Type' name-value pair.

Data Types: char | string

Index of plot to pulse, specified as a positive integer. Use this argument in the 'PulseIdx' name-value pair. This argument only affects the stepped-FM waveform.

Data Types: double

Line color, style, and marker options, specified as a character vector. These options are the same as for the MATLAB plot function. If you specify a PlotType value of 'complex', then LineSpec applies to both the real and imaginary subplots.

Example: 'ko'

Data Types: char

Name-Value Arguments

Example: 'PlotType','imag'

Components of waveform, specified as 'real', 'imag', or 'complex'.

Example: 'complex'

Data Types: char

Plot stepped FM waveform subpulse, specified as a positive integer. This argument only affects the stepped-FM waveform.

Example: 5

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Handle of lines in figure, returned as a scalar or 2-by-1 real-valued vector. For the case when both real and imaginary plots are specified, the vector includes handles to the lines in both subplots, in the form of [RealLineHandle;ImagLineHandle].

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

See Also

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