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Simulate I/Q signals for weather returns using a Monte Carlo approach

Since R2024a


    This function generates I/Q signals for monostatic polarimetric weather radar systems. Each weatherTimeSeries simulation produces an independent radar return from a particular resolution volume, or cell, that is modeled as a complex stationary Gaussian random process using Monte Carlo method (see Algorithms).

    [Vh,Vv] = weatherTimeSeries(freq,Pr,Vr,SW,ZDR,Rho,Phi) returns I/Q signals as complex voltages for horizontal and vertical polarizations for a monostatic polarimetric weather radar system. Resolution cells are characterized by polarimetric variables specified by Pr, Vr, SW, ZDR, Rho, and Phi.

    [Vh,Vv] = weatherTimeSeries(freq,Pr,Vr,SW,ZDR,Rho,Phi,Name=Value) returns I/Q signals for a monostatic polarimetric weather radar with additional options specified using one or more name-value arguments. For example, NumPulses sets the number of pulses and NumTrials controls the number of trials.



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    This example generates weatherTimeSeries simulations and displays the radar estimates alongside the truth values.

    Simulate Weather Time Series I/Q Data

    Simulate 100 trials of time series I/Q signals for a resolution volume collected using a polarimetric weather radar operating at a frequency of 3 GHz with a PRF of 1000 Hz and 64 pulses in the dwell time. Assume the resolution volume is comprised of pure rain which has a signal power of -80 dBW, a radial velocity of 10 m/s, a spectrum width of 4 m/s, a differential reflectivity of 2 dB, a correlation coefficient of 0.99, and a differential phase of 60 degrees.

    % Define radar and weather parameters
    freq = 3e9;                     % Operating frequency (Hz)
    Pr = -80;                       % Signal power (dBW)
    Vr = 10;                        % Radial velocity (m/s)
    SW = 4;                         % Spectrum width (m/s)
    ZDR = 2;                        % Differential reflectivity (dB)
    Rho = 0.99;                     % Correlation coefficient
    Phi = 60;                       % Differential phase (degree)
    prf = 1000;                     % PRF (Hz)
    numPulses = 64;                 % Number of pulses per trial
    numTrials = 100;                % Number of trials
    % Generate time series
    [Vh,Vv] = weatherTimeSeries(freq,Pr,Vr,SW,ZDR,Rho,Phi,...

    Verify Simulation Results

    Verify that the radar estimates derived from the simulated I/Q are consistent with the truth.

    % Calculate covariance matrix
    R0_hh = mean(abs(Vh.^2)); 
    R0_vv = mean(abs(Vv.^2));
    C0_hv = mean(conj(Vh).*Vv); 
    R1_hh = mean(conj(Vh(1:numPulses-1,:)).*(Vh(2:numPulses,:))); 
    % Pulse Pair Processing
    lambda = freq2wavelen(freq);
    Pr1 = pow2db(R0_hh);
    Vr1 = -lambda*prf/(4*pi)*angle(R1_hh); 
    SW1 = abs(lambda*prf/(4*pi).*(2*log(abs(R0_hh)./abs(R1_hh))).^0.5); 
    ZDR1 = pow2db(R0_hh./R0_vv);
    Rho1 = abs(C0_hv)./(R0_hh).^0.5./(R0_vv).^0.5;
    Phi1 = mod(angle(C0_hv)*180/pi,360);
    % Display estimation result and compare with truth
    VariableName = {'Pr';'Vr';'SW';'ZDR';'Rho';'Phi'};
    Truth = [Pr;Vr;SW;ZDR;Rho;Phi];
    Estimate = [round(mean(Pr1),2);round(mean(Vr1),2);round(mean(SW1),2);...
    Unit = {'dBW';'m/s';'m/s';'dB';'dimensionless';'degree'};
    T = table(VariableName,Truth,Estimate,Unit)
    T=6×4 table
        VariableName    Truth    Estimate          Unit       
        ____________    _____    ________    _________________
          {'Pr' }        -80      -80.1      {'dBW'          }
          {'Vr' }         10       9.85      {'m/s'          }
          {'SW' }          4       3.96      {'m/s'          }
          {'ZDR'}          2       1.99      {'dB'           }
          {'Rho'}       0.99      0.991      {'dimensionless'}
          {'Phi'}         60      59.97      {'degree'       }

    Input Arguments

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    Radar operating frequency, specified as a positive scalar. Units are in hertz (Hz).

    Data Types: double

    Signal power, specified as a scalar or length-N vector where N is the number of resolution cells. Units are in decibel-watt (dBW). Pr is related to the radar constant C, target range R, and reflectivity factor Z by Pr = Z -20log10(R) + C, where C is given in dB, R is in km, and Z is in dBZ [1].

    Data Types: double

    Radial velocity of the weather returns relative to the radar system, specified as a scalar or length-N vector where N is the number of resolution cells. Units are in meters per second (m/s). The absolute value of Vr should not exceed the maximum unambiguous velocity of the radar. The maximum unambiguous velocity is equal to the radar wavelength (in m) times the pulse repetition frequency (in Hz) divided by 4.

    Data Types: double

    Spectrum width, a measure of the velocity dispersion, specified as a scalar or length-N vector, where N is the number of resolution cells. Units are in meters per second (m/s).

    Data Types: double

    Differential reflectivity between horizontally and vertically polarized signals, specified as a scalar or length-N vector, where N is the number of resolution cells. Units are in decibel (dB).

    Data Types: double

    Correlation coefficient between horizontally and vertically polarized signals specified as a scalar or length-N vector, where N is the number of resolution cells. The value of Rho, which is commonly denoted as ρhv, must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1. Units are dimensionless.

    Data Types: double

    Differential phase between horizontally and vertically polarized signals, specified as a scalar or length-N vector, where N is the number of resolution cells. The value of Phi, which is commonly denoted as ϕDP, must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 360. Units are in degrees (deg).

    Data Types: double

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: PRF=1000,NumPulses=64,NumTrials=100

    Pulse repetition frequency (PRF), specified as a positive scalar. Units are in hertz (Hz).

    Data Types: double

    Number of pulses per trial, specified as a positive integer scalar. Units are dimensionless.

    Data Types: double

    Number of trials, specified as a positive integer scalar. Units are dimensionless.

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    Complex voltage for horizontal polarization returned as a complex-valued N-by-M-by-L array where N is the number of resolution cells, M is the number of pulses (NumPulses), and L is the number of trials (NumTrials). By default, the number of pulses is set to 64, and the number of trials is set to 1. The resolution cells are characterized by polarimetric variables as input arguments Pr, Vr, SW, ZDR, Rho, and Phi. Each trial produces an independent radar return from a particular resolution volume, or cell, that is modeled as a complex stationary Gaussian random process using Monte Carlo method.

    Data Types: double

    Complex voltage for vertical polarization returned as a complex-valued N-by-M-by-L array where N is the number of resolution cells, M is the number of pulses (NumPulses), and L is the number of trials (NumTrials). By default, the number of pulses is set to 64, and the number of trials is set to 1. The resolution cells are characterized by polarimetric variables as input arguments Pr, Vr, SW, ZDR, Rho, and Phi. Each trial produces an independent radar return from a particular resolution volume, or cell, that is modeled as a complex stationary Gaussian random process using Monte Carlo method.

    Data Types: double


    weatherTimeSeries simulates I/Q signals using a numerical Monte Carlo approach combined with a statistical model that is based on the expected behavior of radar returns from weather phenomena [2] [3]. weatherTimeSeries calculates scattering amplitudes for every time step using relevant scattering parameters specified as input arguments to generate a time series.

    Statistical model assumptions for radar returns from weather phenomena:

    • I/Q signals follow Gaussian distribution

    • Signal amplitude follows Rayleigh distribution

    • Signal phase follows uniform distribution

    The first step in the Monte Carlo approach is to specify scattering amplitudes and generate random numbers for particle position and motion. Scattering amplitudes for a given resolution volume are modeled as combinations from random multiple scattering centers. Assume that scatterers within the resolution volume have the same size and a canting angle of zero (which implies that off-diagonal elements of the backscattering matrices have a value of zero). Then we have


    where Pr is the received power for horizontal polarization, N is the number of scatterers in the resolution volume, and Vhh is the complex voltage for an individual scatterer for horizontal polarization. At least 20 scatterers (N20) are necessary to adequately model Gaussian random signals.

    The amplitude of Vhh can be obtained as


    Accordingly, the amplitude of the complex voltage for an individual scatterer for vertical polarization can be calculated as


    where Zdr is the differential reflectivity on a linear scale.

    In addition, the correlation coefficient ρhv is assumed to be reduced by a factor of eσδ2/2 due to the random scattering phase difference, where σδ is the standard deviation of random scattering phase difference, that is, ρhv=eσδ2/2. Then we have


    For simplicity, it is assumed that σδh=σδv=σδ/2, where σδh and σδv are standard deviations of the backscattering phase δh for horizontal polarization and the backscattering phase δv for vertical polarization, respectively.

    Next, the scattered wave field for each particle is calculated. The amplitudes of complex voltage for an individual scatterer can be expressed as



    where ϕDP is the differential phase.

    The final step is to calculate the total scattered wave fields. The total complex voltage of the resolution volume is



    where ki is the incident wave vector and rl is the random position of each scatterer.


    [1] Doviak, R. and D. S. Zrnic. Doppler Radar and Weather Observations, 2nd Ed. New York: Dover Publications, 2006.

    [2] Zhang, G. Weather Radar Polarimetry. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016.

    [3] Li, Z, et al. Polarimetric phased array weather radar data quality evaluation through combined analysis, simulation, and measurements. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1029–1033, Jun. 2021.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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