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Convert Z-parameters to Y-parameters


y_params = z2y(z_params) converts Z-parameters to Y-parameters.



collapse all

Define a matrix of Z-parameters.

Z11 = -14567.2412789287 - 148373.315116592i;
Z12 = -14588.1106171651 - 148388.583516562i;
Z21 = -14528.0522132692 - 148350.705757767i;
Z22 = -14548.5996561832 - 148363.457002006i;
z_params = [Z11,Z12; Z21,Z22];

Convert the Z-parameters to Y-parameters.

y_params = z2y(z_params)
y_params = 2×2 complex

   0.0488 - 0.3908i  -0.0487 + 0.3909i
  -0.0489 + 0.3907i   0.0488 - 0.3908i

Input Arguments

collapse all

Impedance parameters, specified as an N-by-N-by-M complex array, where M represents the number of frequency points of an N-port Z-parameter.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Admittance parameters, returned as an N-by-N-by-M complex array, where M represents the number of frequency points of an N-port Y-parameter.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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