computes the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the observed compared to the
predicted probabilities of default (PD). CalMeasure
= modelCalibration(pdModel
is required
and can be any column in the data
input (not necessarily a
model variable). The modelCalibration
function computes the
observed PD as the default rate of each group and the predicted PD as the average PD
for each group. modelCalibration
supports comparison against a
reference model.
specifies options using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to the
input arguments in the previous syntax.CalMeasure
] = modelCalibration(___,Name,Value
Compute Model Calibration for Logistic Lifetime PD Model
This example shows how to use fitLifetimePDModel
to fit data with a Logistic
model and then use modelCalibration
to compute the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the observed probabilities of default (PDs) with respect to the predicted PDs.
Load Data
Load the credit portfolio data.
load RetailCreditPanelData.mat
ID ScoreGroup YOB Default Year __ __________ ___ _______ ____ 1 Low Risk 1 0 1997 1 Low Risk 2 0 1998 1 Low Risk 3 0 1999 1 Low Risk 4 0 2000 1 Low Risk 5 0 2001 1 Low Risk 6 0 2002 1 Low Risk 7 0 2003 1 Low Risk 8 0 2004
Year GDP Market ____ _____ ______ 1997 2.72 7.61 1998 3.57 26.24 1999 2.86 18.1 2000 2.43 3.19 2001 1.26 -10.51 2002 -0.59 -22.95 2003 0.63 2.78 2004 1.85 9.48
Join the two data components into a single data set.
data = join(data,dataMacro); disp(head(data))
ID ScoreGroup YOB Default Year GDP Market __ __________ ___ _______ ____ _____ ______ 1 Low Risk 1 0 1997 2.72 7.61 1 Low Risk 2 0 1998 3.57 26.24 1 Low Risk 3 0 1999 2.86 18.1 1 Low Risk 4 0 2000 2.43 3.19 1 Low Risk 5 0 2001 1.26 -10.51 1 Low Risk 6 0 2002 -0.59 -22.95 1 Low Risk 7 0 2003 0.63 2.78 1 Low Risk 8 0 2004 1.85 9.48
Partition Data
Separate the data into training and test partitions.
nIDs = max(data.ID); uniqueIDs = unique(data.ID); rng('default'); % For reproducibility c = cvpartition(nIDs,'HoldOut',0.4); TrainIDInd = training(c); TestIDInd = test(c); TrainDataInd = ismember(data.ID,uniqueIDs(TrainIDInd)); TestDataInd = ismember(data.ID,uniqueIDs(TestIDInd));
Create Logistic
Lifetime PD Model
Use fitLifetimePDModel
to create a Logistic
model using the training data.
pdModel = fitLifetimePDModel(data(TrainDataInd,:),"Logistic",... 'AgeVar','YOB',... 'IDVar','ID',... 'LoanVars','ScoreGroup',... 'MacroVars',{'GDP','Market'},... 'ResponseVar','Default'); disp(pdModel)
Logistic with properties: ModelID: "Logistic" Description: "" UnderlyingModel: [1x1 classreg.regr.CompactGeneralizedLinearModel] IDVar: "ID" AgeVar: "YOB" LoanVars: "ScoreGroup" MacroVars: ["GDP" "Market"] ResponseVar: "Default" WeightsVar: "" TimeInterval: 1
Display the underlying model.
ans = Compact generalized linear regression model: logit(Default) ~ 1 + ScoreGroup + YOB + GDP + Market Distribution = Binomial Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue __________ _________ _______ ___________ (Intercept) -2.7422 0.10136 -27.054 3.408e-161 ScoreGroup_Medium Risk -0.68968 0.037286 -18.497 2.1894e-76 ScoreGroup_Low Risk -1.2587 0.045451 -27.693 8.4736e-169 YOB -0.30894 0.013587 -22.738 1.8738e-114 GDP -0.11111 0.039673 -2.8006 0.0051008 Market -0.0083659 0.0028358 -2.9502 0.0031761 388097 observations, 388091 error degrees of freedom Dispersion: 1 Chi^2-statistic vs. constant model: 1.85e+03, p-value = 0
Compute Model Calibration
Model calibration measures the predicted probabilities of default. For example, if the model predicts a 10% PD for a group, does the group end up showing an approximate 10% default rate, or is the eventual rate much higher or lower? While model discrimination measures the risk ranking only, model calibration measures the predicted risk levels.
computes the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the observed PDs with respect to the predicted PDs. A grouping variable is required and it can be any column in the data input (not necessarily a model variable). The modelCalibration
function computes the observed PD as the default rate of each group and the predicted PD as the average PD for each group.
DataSetChoice ="Training"; if DataSetChoice=="Training" Ind = TrainDataInd; else Ind = TestDataInd; end GroupingVar =
"YOB"; [CalMeasure,CalData] = modelCalibration(pdModel,data(Ind,:),GroupingVar,DataID=DataSetChoice)
Logistic, grouped by YOB, Training 0.0004142
CalData=16×5 table
ModelID YOB PD GroupCount WeightedCount
__________ ___ _________ __________ _____________
"Observed" 1 0.017421 58092 58092
"Observed" 2 0.012305 56723 56723
"Observed" 3 0.011382 55524 55524
"Observed" 4 0.010741 54650 54650
"Observed" 5 0.00809 53770 53770
"Observed" 6 0.0066747 53186 53186
"Observed" 7 0.0032198 36959 36959
"Observed" 8 0.0018757 19193 19193
"Logistic" 1 0.017185 58092 58092
"Logistic" 2 0.012791 56723 56723
"Logistic" 3 0.01131 55524 55524
"Logistic" 4 0.010615 54650 54650
"Logistic" 5 0.0083982 53770 53770
"Logistic" 6 0.0058744 53186 53186
"Logistic" 7 0.0035872 36959 36959
"Logistic" 8 0.0023689 19193 19193
Visualize the model calibration using modelCalibrationPlot
You can use more than one variable for grouping. For this example, group by the variables YOB
and ScoreGroup
CalMeasure = modelCalibration(pdModel,data(Ind,:),["YOB","ScoreGroup"],DataID=DataSetChoice); disp(CalMeasure)
RMSE __________ Logistic, grouped by YOB, ScoreGroup, Training 0.00066239
Now visualize the two grouping variables using modelCalibrationPlot
Input Arguments
— Probability of default model
object | Probit
object | Cox
object | customLifetimePDModel
Probability of default model, specified as a previously created Logistic
, Probit
, or Cox
object using
. Alternatively, you can create a custom
probability of default model using customLifetimePDModel
Data Types: object
— Data
Data, specified as a
table with
projected predictor values to make lifetime predictions. The predictor names
and data types must be consistent with the underlying model.
Data Types: table
— Name of column in data
input used to group the data
string | character vector
Name of column in the data
input used to group the
data, specified as a string or character vector. GroupBy
does not have to be a model variable name. For each group designated by
, the modelCalibration
function computes the observed default rates and average predicted PDs are
computed to measure the RMSE.
Data Types: string
| char
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: [CalMeasure,CalData] =
— Data set identifier
(default) | character vector | string
Data set identifier, specified as DataID
and a
character vector or string. DataID
is included in the
output for reporting
Data Types: char
| string
— Conditional PD values predicted for data
by reference model
(default) | numeric vector
— Identifier for reference model
(default) | character vector | string
Identifier for the reference model, specified as
and a character vector or string.
is used in the
output for reporting
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— Calibration measure
Calibration measure, returned as a single-column table of RMSE values.
This table has one row if only the pdModel
is measured and it has two rows if reference model information is given. The
row names of CalMeasure
report the model IDs, grouping
variables, and data ID.
The reported RMSE values depend on the grouping variable for the
required GroupBy
— Calibration data
Calibration data, returned as a table of observed and predicted PD values for each group.
The reported observed PD values correspond to the observed default rate
for each group. The reported predicted PD values are the average PD values
predicted by the pdModel
object for each group, and
similarly for the reference model. The modelCalibration
function stacks the PD data, placing the observed values for all groups
first, then the predicted PDs for the pdModel
, and then
the predicted PDs for the reference model, if given.
The column 'ModelID'
identifies which rows correspond
to the observed PD, pdModel
, or reference model. The
table also has one column for each grouping variable showing the unique
combinations of grouping values. The 'PD'
column of
is a the PD data. The
column of CalData
the group counts data. The last column of CalData
is the
More About
Model Calibration
Model calibration measures the accuracy of the predicted probability of default (PD) values.
To measure model calibration, you must compare the predicted PD values to the observed default rates. For example, if a group of customers is predicted to have an average PD of 5%, then is the observed default rate for that group close to 5%?
The modelCalibration
function requires a grouping variable to
compute average predicted PD values within each group and the average observed
default rate also within each group. modelCalibration
uses the
root mean squared error (RMSE) to measure the deviations between the observed and
predicted values across groups. For example, the grouping variable could be the
calendar year, so that rows corresponding to the same calendar year are grouped
together. Then, for each year the software computes the observed default rate and
the average predicted PD. The modelCalibration
function then
applies the RMSE formula to obtain a single measure of the prediction error across
all years in the sample.
Suppose there are N observations in the data set, and there are M groups G1,...,GM. The default rate for group Gi is
Di is the number of defaults observed in group Gi.
Ni is the number of observations in group Gi.
The average predicted probability of default PDi for group Gi is
where PD(j) is the probability of default for observation j. In other words, this is the average of the predicted PDs within group Gi.
Therefore, the RMSE is computed as
The RMSE, as defined, depends on the selected grouping variable. For example, grouping by calendar year and grouping by years-on-books might result in different RSME values.
Use modelCalibrationPlot
visualize observed default rates and predicted PD values on grouped data.
[1] Baesens, Bart, Daniel Roesch, and Harald Scheule. Credit Risk Analytics: Measurement Techniques, Applications, and Examples in SAS. Wiley, 2016.
[2] Bellini, Tiziano. IFRS 9 and CECL Credit Risk Modelling and Validation: A Practical Guide with Examples Worked in R and SAS. San Diego, CA: Elsevier, 2019.
[3] Breeden, Joseph. Living with CECL: The Modeling Dictionary. Santa Fe, NM: Prescient Models LLC, 2018.
[4] Roesch, Daniel and Harald Scheule. Deep Credit Risk: Machine Learning with Python. Independently published, 2020.
Version History
Introduced in R2023aR2023b: Support for WeightedCount
column in CalData
The CalData
output supports an additional column for
See Also
| modelDiscriminationPlot
| modelCalibrationPlot
| predictLifetime
| predict
| fitLifetimePDModel
| Logistic
| Probit
| Cox
| customLifetimePDModel
- Basic Lifetime PD Model Validation
- Compare Logistic Model for Lifetime PD to Champion Model
- Compare Lifetime PD Models Using Cross-Validation
- Expected Credit Loss Computation
- Compare Model Discrimination and Model Calibration to Validate of Probability of Default
- Compare Probability of Default Using Through-the-Cycle and Point-in-Time Models
- Create Weighted Lifetime PD Model
- Overview of Lifetime Probability of Default Models
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