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Write logs to rosbag log file

Since R2021b


    write(bagwriter,topic,timestamp,message) writes a single or multiple logs to a rosbag log file. A log contains a topic, its corresponding timestamp, and a ROS message.



    collapse all

    Retrieve all the information from the rosbag log file.

    Path:     /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_267941/tpc8318d0a/ros-ex73035957/path_record.bag
    Version:  2.0
    Duration: 10.5s
    Start:    Jul 05 2021 08:09:52.86 (1625486992.86)
    End:      Jul 05 2021 08:10:03.40 (1625487003.40)
    Size:     13.3 KB
    Messages: 102
    Types:    geometry_msgs/Point [4a842b65f413084dc2b10fb484ea7f17]
    Topics:   /circle  51 msgs  : geometry_msgs/Point
              /line    51 msgs  : geometry_msgs/Point

    Create a rosbagreader object of all the messages in the rosbag log file.

    reader = rosbagreader('path_record.bag');

    Select all the messages related to the topic '/circle'.

    bagSelCircle = select(reader,'Topic','/circle');

    Retrieve the list of timestamps from the topic.

    timeStamps = bagSelCircle.MessageList.Time;

    Retrieve the messages in the selection as a cell array.

    messages = readMessages(bagSelCircle);

    Create a rosbagwriter object to write the messages to a new rosbag file.

    circleWriter = rosbagwriter('circular_path_record.bag');

    Write all the messages related to the topic '/circle' to the new rosbag file.


    Remove the rosbagwriter object from memory and clear the associated object.

    clear circleWriter

    Retrieve all the information from the new rosbag log file.

    Path:     /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_267941/tpc8318d0a/ros-ex73035957/circular_path_record.bag
    Version:  2.0
    Duration: 10.4s
    Start:    Jul 05 2021 08:09:52.86 (1625486992.86)
    End:      Jul 05 2021 08:10:03.29 (1625487003.29)
    Size:     8.8 KB
    Messages: 51
    Types:    geometry_msgs/Point [4a842b65f413084dc2b10fb484ea7f17]
    Topics:   /circle  51 msgs  : geometry_msgs/Point

    Load the new rosbag log file.

    readerCircle = rosbagreader('circular_path_record.bag');

    Create a time series for the coordinates.

    tsCircle = timeseries(readerCircle,'X','Y');

    Plot the coordinates.

    axis equal

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

    Create a rosbagwriter object and a rosbag file in the current working directory. Specify the compression format of the message chunks and the size of each message chunk.

    bagwriter = rosbagwriter("bagfile.bag", ...
    bagwriter = 
      rosbagwriter with properties:
           FilePath: '/tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_252188/tpa87f0a22/ros-ex26181333/bagfile.bag'         
          StartTime: 0                                                                           
            EndTime: 0                                                                           
        NumMessages: 0                                                                           
        Compression: 'lz4'                                                                       
          ChunkSize: 1500                                                                   Bytes
           FileSize: 4117                                                                   Bytes

    Start node and connect to ROS master.

    Launching ROS Core...
    Done in 0.60795 seconds.
    Initializing ROS master on
    Initializing global node /matlab_global_node_40560 with NodeURI http://dcc882528glnxa64:41373/ and MasterURI http://localhost:59404.

    Write a single log to the rosbag file.

    timeStamp = rostime("now");
    rosMessage = rosmessage("nav_msgs/Odometry");
    bagwriter = 
      rosbagwriter with properties:
           FilePath: '/tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_252188/tpa87f0a22/ros-ex26181333/bagfile.bag'         
          StartTime: 1.7215e+09                                                                  
            EndTime: 1.7215e+09                                                                  
        NumMessages: 1                                                                           
        Compression: 'lz4'                                                                       
          ChunkSize: 1500                                                                   Bytes
           FileSize: 4172                                                                   Bytes

    Shut down the ROS network.

    Shutting down global node /matlab_global_node_40560 with NodeURI http://dcc882528glnxa64:41373/ and MasterURI http://localhost:59404.
    Shutting down ROS master on

    Remove rosbag writer object from memory and clear the associated object.

    clear bagwriter

    Create a rosbagreader object and load all the messages in the rosbag log file. Verify the recently written log.

    bagreader = rosbagreader('bagfile.bag')
    bagreader = 
      rosbagreader with properties:
               FilePath: '/tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_252188/tpa87f0a22/ros-ex26181333/bagfile.bag'
              StartTime: 1.7215e+09
                EndTime: 1.7215e+09
            NumMessages: 1
        AvailableTopics: [1x3 table]
        AvailableFrames: {0x1 cell}
            MessageList: [1x4 table]
    ans=1×3 table
                 NumMessages       MessageType             MessageDefinition      
                 ___________    _________________    _____________________________
        /odom         1         nav_msgs/Odometry    {'std_msgs/Header Header...'}

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    ROS log file writer, specified as a rosbagwriter object.

    ROS topic name, specified as a string scalar, character vector, cell array of string scalars, or cell array of character vectors. Specify multiple topic names by using a cell array.

    Example: "/odom"

    Example: {"/odom","cmd_vel"}

    Timestamp of the ROS message, specified as a Time object handle, numeric scalar, structure, cell array of Time object handles, cell array of numeric scalars, or cell array of structures. Specify multiple timestamps by using a cell array. Create a Time object using rostime.

    Example: 1625559291

    Example: rostime("now")

    Example: rostime("now","DataFormat","struct")

    Example: {1625559291,1625559292}

    Example: {rostime("now"),rostime("now")+1}

    ROS message, specified as a Message object handle, structure, cell array of Message object handles, or cell array of structures. Specify multiple messages by using a cell array. Create a Message object using rosmessage.

    Example: rosmessage("nav_msgs/Odometry")

    Example: rosmessage("nav_msgs/Odometry","DataFormat","struct")

    Example: {rosmessage("nav_msgs/Odometry"),rosmessage("geometry_msgs/Twist")}

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b

    See Also

