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Handle Graphics Linking Anchor

Designate location to which links point


This component designates a location to which links point. It should have a looping component as its parent.


  • Insert text: Specifies text to appear after the linking anchor.

  • Link from current: Sets the current model, system, block, or signal as the linking anchor:

    • Automatic: Automatically selects the appropriate figure, axes, or object as a linking anchor. If the Figure Loop component is this component's parent, the linking anchor points to the current figure. Similarly, if the Graphics Object Loop is this component's parent, the linking anchor points to the current object.

    • Figure: Sets the linking anchor to the current figure.

    • Axes: Sets the linking anchor to the current axes.

    • Object: Sets the linking anchor to the current object.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes. Anchor.



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