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Axes Loop

Run child components for all axes objects in MATLAB workspace


The Axes Loop component runs its child components for all axes objects in the MATLAB® workspace. For information about working with looping components, see Logical and Looping Components.

Object Selection

  • Loop type:

    • All axes: Loops on all axes objects.

    • Current axes: Loops on the currently selected axes object.

  • Exclude objects which subclass axes: Excludes objects, such as legends and color bars, from the loop.

  • Loop Menu:

    • Loop on axes with handle visibility "on": Loops only on visible axes objects.

    • Loop on all axes: Loops on all axes objects.

  • Search terms: Specifies search terms for the loop. For example, to search for Tag and My Data, enter "Tag" ,"My Data".

Section Options

  • Create section for each object in loop: Inserts a section in the generated report for each object found in the loop.

  • Display the object type in the section title: Automatically inserts the object type into the section title in the generated report. This is only available when Create section for each object in loop is selected.

  • Create link anchor for each object in loop: Create a link target on each object in the loop so that other parts of the report can link to it.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes, inserts a section if you select the Create section for each object in loop option.



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