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MATLAB Toolbox Version Number

Insert table that shows version and release numbers and release date of MathWorks products


Using the Table Filter, specify whether this component reports version information for all installed MathWorks® products or just those products required for a model.

For the specified set of products, this component inserts a table showing any of these columns that you specify:

  • Version number

  • Release number

  • Release date

  • Is required for model

You can list all your MathWorks products by typing ver at the MATLAB® command line.

Table Title

Table title: Specifies the table title. The default is version number.

Table Filter

Show only toolboxes required for model: When you select this option, the report shows version information for only those products required for a model or chart. By default, the report shows version information for all installed MathWorks products.


This option uses the Dependency Analyzer to determine what products appear in the version information table. See Dependency Analyzer Scope and Limitations (Simulink).

Table Columns

  • Version number: Includes the product version number (for example, 3.4) for all installed MathWorks products or for only those products required for a model or chart.


  • Release number: Includes the MathWorks release number (for example, R2009b) for all installed MathWorks products or for only those products required for a model or chart.

  • Release date: Includes the release date of for all installed MathWorks products or for only those products required for a model.

  • Is required for model: Indicates “Yes” for each MathWorks product required for a model or chart.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes. Table.



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