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MATLAB Property Table

Insert table that includes MATLAB object property name/property value pairs


This component inserts a table that includes MATLAB® object property name/property value pairs.


Select a preset table, which is already formatted and set up, in the preset table list in the upper-left corner of the attributes page.

  • Preset table: Choose a type of table:

    • Default

    • Blank 4x4

    To apply the preset table, select the table and click Apply.

  • Split property/value cells: Splits property name/property value pairs into separate cells. Select the Split property/value cells check box for the property name and property value to appear in adjacent cells. In this case, the table is in split mode; only one property name/property value pair per cell is allowed. If more than one name/property pair exists in a cell, only the first pair appears in the report; subsequent pairs are ignored.

    Clear the Split property/value cells check box for a given property name and property value to appear together in one cell. In this case, the table is in non-split mode, which supports more than one property name/property value pair. It also supports text.

    Before switching from non-split mode to split mode, make sure that you have only one property name/property value pair per table cell.

  • Display outer border: Displays the outer border of the table in the generated report.

  • Table Cells: Modifies table properties. The selection in this pane affects the available fields in the Cell Properties pane.

Cell Properties

Available options in the Cell Properties pane depend what you select for Table Cells. If you select Workspace Properties, only the Contents and Show options appear. If you select any other option, the Lower border and Right border options appear.

  • Contents: Modifies the contents of the table cell selected in the Table Cells pane.

  • Show as: Specifies the format for the contents of the table cell.

    • Value

    • Property Value

    • PROPERTY Value

    • Property: Value

    • PROPERTY: Value

    • Property - Value

    • PROPERTY - Value

  • Alignment: Specifies how to align the contents of the selected table cells. Options are:

    • Left

    • Center

    • Right

    • Double-justified

  • Lower border: Displays the lower border of the table in the generated report.

  • Right border: Displays the right border of the table in the generated report.

Creating Custom Tables

To create a custom table, edit a preset table, such as Blank 4x4. You can add and delete rows and add properties. To open the Edit Table dialog box, click Edit.

For details about using this dialog box to create custom property tables, see Property Table Components.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes. Table.



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