Create diagram reporter
Create a diagram reporter, including a diagram snapshot and caption, for a Simulink® or Stateflow® diagram.
To use a Diagram reporter in a report, you must create the report using the
class is a handle
creates an
empty diagram reporter. Set its properties to capture a Simulink or Stateflow diagram.diagram
= Diagram()
creates a diagram reporter for the Simulink or Stateflow diagram specified by diagram
= Diagram(source
) source
. Adding this
reporter to a report creates a snapshot of the diagram. Then, the snapshot
displays in the report as an image with a caption. The snapshot image is
stored in the temporary folder of the report. When the report is closed, the
snapshot image is copied into the report and then, the image is deleted from
the temporary folder. To prevent the snapshot image file from being deleted,
use the Debug
property of the report. See
sets properties using name-value pairs. You can specify multiple name-value
pair arguments in any order.diagram
= Diagram(Name=Value
Input Arguments
— Diagram snapshot image source
string | character vector
See the Source property.
— Diagram snapshot image source
string scalar | character vector | handle | slreportgen.finder.DiagramResult
| ...
Diagram snapshot image source, specified as one of these values.
Name of an open or loaded Simulink model
Path of a Simulink subsystem block that contains the Simulink diagram or Stateflow chart
Handle to a subsystem block containing a Simulink diagram or Stateflow chart
or Stateflow subchart object. Subcharts are graphical objects that can contain the same objects as a top-level chart, including other subcharts. Subcharts are commonly specified by aStateflow.State
, orStateflow.Box
NonCopyable | true |
— Snapshot reporter
Snapshot reporter, specified as an
object. Use the properties of the
object to specify the caption for the snapshot image
or to further customize the size of the image.
The reporter initializes the Snapshot
property. Do not reset
this property.
— Diagram area to capture in snapshot
(default) | 1-by-4 array of doubles
Diagram area to capture in the snapshot, specified as a 1-by-4 array of doubles. The first two values of the array are the x and y coordinates, in pixels, of the top left corner of the diagram area in the Simulink Editor coordinate space. The last two values are the width and height, in pixels. An empty array specifies the entire diagram.
You can set up the view that you want to capture in the Simulink Editor and then set the SnapshotArea
property to the output of the slreportgen.utils.getCurrentEditorView
function. For an
example, see Take Snapshot of Part of a Diagram.
— Snapshot image format
(default) | "emf"
| "gif"
| "jpg"
| "pdf"
| "png"
| "tif"
Snapshot image format, specified as "svg"
, "emf"
, "gif"
, "pdf"
, "png"
, or
. The table lists which image formats are supported for
which report types.
Image Format | File Extension | Supported in HTML | Supported in Word | Supported in PDF |
Windows® metafile | .emf | No | Yes | No |
Graphics Interchange Format | .gif | Yes | Yes | Yes |
JPEG image | .jpg | Yes | Yes | Yes |
.pdf | No | No | Yes | |
Portable Network Graphics | .png | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Scalable Vector Graphics | .svg | Yes | Yes | Yes |
TIFF image | .tif | No | Yes | Yes |
Data Types: char
| string
— Hyperlinks of diagram elements
(default) | false
Choice to include a hyperlink of each diagram element, specified as a
logical. If this property is true
, each element becomes a
hyperlink to an object in the report that describes it. This property
applies only to PDF and HTML reports. Hyperlinks allow you to navigate the
report using Simulink and Stateflow charts.
The Diagram
, SimulinkObjectProperties
, and
reporters work together to
enable navigation using hyperlinks. Each reporter prefaces the report object
it creates with a hyperlink target. The ID of that target is based on the
path of the reported element in the model. The Diagram reporter also
overlays elements of a diagram snapshot with hyperlinks to the corresponding
element-based target ID. The report object to which a diagram element links
depends on the element type.
A diagram-based block (subsystem, chart, model) links to the diagram of the block.
Other blocks link to textual block descriptions, typically block property tables.
Masked subsystem blocks that have mask parameters link to the textual description of the block, such as the mask parameter tables. This linking to the textual descriptions is true only if the
property of the Diagram reporter is set to'block'
. Otherwise, the masked system block links to its diagram.Masked subsystem blocks that do not have mask parameters link to the diagram of the block.
To customize diagram-based navigation, create custom link targets based on
target IDs generated by the slreportgen.utils.getObjectID
utility function.
— Policy for masked system blocks hyperlinks targets
character vector | string
Policy to determine the targets for the hyperlinks of masked system blocks, specified as one of these values.
— Masked system blocks that have parameters link to textual descriptions, such as mask parameter tables. Masked system blocks that do not have parameters link to the corresponding block diagram in the report.'system'
— Masked system blocks link to their block diagram in the report.'block'
— Masked system blocks link to their textual description, such as a table of masked parameters or subsystem parameters.
— Scaling options for snapshot image
(default) | "custom"
| "zoom"
Scaling options for the snapshot image, specified as "auto"
, or "zoom"
. This property controls
the size of the snapshot image in the image file. Supported scaling options are:
— For PDF or Word (DOCX) output, use this option to scale the snapshot image to fit the current page layout while maintaining its aspect ratio. First, the reporter scales the snapshot image to the page width. If the image height exceeds the page height, the reporter scales the image down again. This additional scaling ensures that the image fits the current page with an extra one inch spacing. Scaling does not apply to HTML output."custom"
— Use this option to scale the snapshot image based on the values of theHeight
— Enlarges or reduces the element image size to the percent value specified by theZoom
property. To specify the maximum image height and maximum image width, use theMaxHeight
properties, respectively.
For a PDF image, the size limit is 10000px for width and height. For all other image types, the size limit is the screen size.
The "auto"
and "custom"
options use the MATLAB®
command to resize the figure. If the figure is too large to fit
in the specified space, the print
command crops the snapshot image. To
avoid cropping, set the Scaling property to "none" and use the reporter specified by the
property to size the image. Because the reporter reduces
the size of the text with the rest of the image, fine details may not be legible unless you
zoom the image. See Resize Figure Snapshot Image.
A java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
can occur when either of these
combinations of property settings occur:
set to"zoom"
, andZoom
, andMaxWidth
properties set to large valuesScaling
set to"custom"
, andHeight
properties set to large values
To avoid this error, for zoom Scaling
, use smaller
, MaxHeight
, and
property values. For Scaling
is set
to "custom"
, use smaller Height
property values.
Data Types: char
| string
— Height of snapshot image
(default) | character vector | string scalar
Height of the snapshot image, specified as a character vector or string scalar that
consists of a number followed by an abbreviation for a unit of measurement. For example,
specifies two inches. The default snapshot is 6 inches.
Valid abbreviations are:
— pixels"cm"
— centimeters"in"
— inches"mm"
— millimeters"pc"
— picas"pt"
— points
For PDF images, the height limit is 10000 pixels. For all other image types, the height limit is the screen height.
Example: "2in"
Data Types: char
| string
— Width of snapshot image
(default) | character vector | string scalar
Width of the snapshot image, specified as a character vector or string scalar that
consists of a number followed by an abbreviation for a unit of measurement. For example,
specifies two inches. The default snapshot width is 6.5
inches. Valid abbreviations are:
— pixels"cm"
— centimeters"in"
— inches"mm"
— millimeters"pc"
— picas"pt"
— points
For PDF images, the width limit is 10000 pixels. For all other image types, the width limit is the screen width.
Example: "2in"
Data Types: char
| string
— Amount to zoom snapshot image
(default) | character vector | string scalar
Amount to zoom the snapshot image, specified as a string. The
format is "value%"
where value is the percentage by which the snapshot image is enlarged
or reduced.
Example: "100%"
Data Types: char
| string
— Maximum height for zoom scaling
character vector | string scalar
Maximum height for zoom scaling, specified as a string. This property applies only if
is set to "zoom"
The MaxHeight
format is valueUnits, where Units is an abbreviation for the height units and value is the number of units. See the Height
property for a table of valid Units abbreviations.
Example: "5in"
Data Types: char
| string
— Maximum width for zoom scaling
character vector | string scalar
Maximum width for zoom scaling, specified as a string. This property applies only if
is set to "zoom"
The MaxWidth
format is valueUnits, where Units is an abbreviation for the height units and value is the number of units. See the Height
property for a table of valid Units abbreviations.
Example: "5in"
Data Types: char
| string
— Source of template for this reporter
character vector | string scalar | reporter or report | DOM document or document part
Source of the template for this reporter, specified in one of these ways:
Character vector or string scalar that specifies the path of the file that contains the template for this reporter
Reporter or report whose template is used for this reporter or whose template library contains the template for this reporter
Document Object Model (DOM) document or document part whose template is used for this reporter or whose template library contains the template for this reporter
The specified template must be the same type as the report to which you
append this reporter. For example, for a Microsoft® Word report, TemplateSrc
must be a Word reporter template.
If the TemplateSrc
property is empty, this reporter uses the
default reporter template for the output type of the report.
— Name of template for this reporter
character vector | string scalar
Name of the template for this reporter, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
The template for this reporter must be in the template library of the template specified by
the TemplateSrc
property of this reporter.
Data Types: char
| string
— Hyperlink target for this reporter
(default) | character vector | string scalar | mlreportgen.dom.LinkTarget
Hyperlink target for this reporter, specified as a character vector or string scalar
that specifies the link target ID, or an mlreportgen.dom.LinkTarget
object. A character vector or string scalar
value converts to a LinkTarget
object. The link target immediately
precedes the content of this reporter in the output report.
Public Methods | Create diagram template | | Create custom diagram reporter class | | Diagram class definition file location |
getSnapshotImage | Diagram snapshot image file location |
copy | Create copy of a Simulink reporter object and make deep copies of certain property values |
getImpl | Get implementation of reporter |
Add Top Level of Model Diagram
Add a snapshot of the top level of the vdp
model to a report.
load_system("vdp") import* import* rpt ="output","pdf"); chapter = Chapter(); chapter.Title = "Diagram Reporter Example"; diagram = Diagram("vdp"); diagram.Snapshot.Caption = "The van der Pol Equation"; diagram.SnapshotFormat = "svg"; diagram.Snapshot.Height = "4in"; add(chapter,diagram); add(rpt,chapter); rptview(rpt);
Add Hyperlinked Diagram to a Report
Create a PDF report and add diagram snapshots of the root system and a subsystem from the sf_car
model to it. Add a hyperlink to the transmission subsystem and add a paragraph as the target for that link.
import* import* import slreportgen.utils.* import mlreportgen.dom.* rpt ="output","pdf"); chapter = Chapter("sf_car"); load_system("sf_car"); diag1 = Diagram("sf_car"); diag1.Snapshot.Caption = "Root System: sf_car"; add(chapter,diag1); add(chapter,PageBreak); diag2 = Diagram("sf_car/Engine"); diag2.Snapshot.Caption = "Subsystem: sf_car/Engine"; add(chapter,diag2); add(chapter, PageBreak); para = Paragraph("Custom target for sf_car/transmission"); id = getObjectID("sf_car/transmission"); append(para,mlreportgen.dom.LinkTarget(id)); add(chapter,para); add(chapter,PageBreak); add(rpt,chapter); close(rpt); rptview(rpt);
Take Snapshot of Part of a Diagram
Use the SnapshotArea
property to
specify the area of the diagram to capture in the snapshot. This example sets up
the view in the Simulink Editor and then sets the SnapshotArea
property to that view by calling slreportgen.utils.getCurrentEditorView
Open the model.
In the Simulink Editor, display the part of the diagram that you want to
capture in the snapshot. Get the current Simulink Editor view area by calling
editorViewArea = getCurrentEditorView();
Create the report and diagram reporter. Set the diagram snapshot area to the current editor viewing area. Add the diagram reporter to the report.
import* import Slreportgen.utils.* rpt = Report('output','pdf'); diag = Diagram('f14'); diag.SnapshotArea = editorViewArea; add(rpt, diag); close(rpt); rptview(rpt);
Version History
Introduced in R2017bR2024b: Removal of BMP for image output
Report Generator no longer supports BMP (bitmap) as an output image format. This affects
snapshots, images from files, and watermarks in both the Report Explorer and the Report,
DOM, and PPT APIs. See print
for more information.
R2019b: Default value of SnapshotFormat
is 'svg'
for all report types
Starting in R2019b, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images are supported for Word reports. For
all report types (HTML, PDF, and Word), the default value of the
property is 'svg'
and a value of
indicates 'svg'
. In previous releases, the
default value of the SnapshotFormat
property was
, which indicated 'svg'
for HTML and PDF
reports and 'emf'
or 'png'
for Word reports, depending
on the platform.
Word reports that contain SVG images require Word 2016 or a later version. In MATLAB R2019b or a later release, to generate a report with images that are
compatible with earlier versions of Word, set the SnapshotFormat
property to a value other than 'svg'
. To specify the image format used by
default in earlier releases of MATLAB, set SnapshotFormat
for a Windows platform'png'
for a UNIX® or Mac platform
See Also
| slreportgen.finder.DiagramFinder
| slreportgen.finder.DiagramElementFinder
| slreportgen.finder.SystemDiagramFinder
| slreportgen.finder.ChartDiagramFinder
| slreportgen.finder.StateflowDiagramElementFinder
| slreportgen.finder.StateFinder
| slreportgen.finder.BlockFinder
| slreportgen.finder.AnnotationFinder
MATLAB Command
You clicked a link that corresponds to this MATLAB command:
Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.
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