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Data Object Information in model.rtw File

You can obtain meta information about the generated code by accessing the model.rtw file in the build folder.

During the build process, the code generator writes information about Simulink® signal and parameter data objects to the model.rtw file. An Object record with CoderInfo property information is written for each parameter or signal that meets certain conditions. These conditions are described in Object Records for Parameters and Object Records for Signals.

The Object records contain the information corresponding to the associated data object. To access Object records, you must write Target Language Compiler code (see Access Data Object Information by Using Target Language Compiler (TLC) Code).

For some data, defining storage classes can be helpful. For more information, see Finely Control Data Representation by Writing TLC Code for a Storage Class (Embedded Coder). Embedded Coder® is required.


These Object record examples are generated from the example model ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface. The parameters and signals are individually configured by using the ExportedGlobal storage class.

Object Records for Parameters

An Object record that has CoderInfo property information is included in the ModelParameters section of the model.rtw file for each parameter that meets these conditions:

  • The parameter resolves to a Simulink.Parameter data object or to a parameter data object that comes from a class derived from the Simulink.Parameter class.

  • The parameter symbol is preserved in the generated code. The symbol is preserved when the CoderInfo.StorageClass property of the data object is not set to Auto or if you set the storage class on the individual parameter by using the Code Mappings editors or the coder.mapping.api.CodeMapping object.

This example shows part of an Object record for a parameter.

ModelParameters {
  NumParameters     10
    Parameter {
      Identifier	      "K1"
      LogicalSrc	      P7    
      WorkspaceVarName	      "K1"
      Protected		      no
      Tunable		      yes
      StorageClass	      "ExportedGlobal"
      Value		      [2]
      OriginalDataTypeIdx     2
      CGTypeIdx		      36
      ContainerCGTypeIdx      42
      IsPublic		      1
      ReferencedBy	      Matrix(1,4)
[[1, 0, 4, 2];]
      GraphicalRef	      Matrix(1,2)
[[0, 10];]
      GraphicalSource	      [-1, -1]
      OwnerSysIdx	      [1, -1]
      HasObject		      1
      Object {
        Package			Simulink
        Class			Parameter
        ObjectProperties {
          Value			  2.0
          CoderInfo {
            Object {
            Package		      Simulink
            Class		      CoderInfo
            ObjectProperties {
              HasCoderInfo		1
              StorageClass		"ExportedGlobal"
              TypeQualifier		""
              Alias			""
              Alignment		-1
              IsCSCPackageOverridden	0
              CSCPackageName		"Simulink"
              ParameterOrSignal	"Parameter"
              CustomStorageClass	"Default"
              CustomAttributes {
                Object {
                  Package		    SimulinkCSC
                  Class		    AttribClass_Simulink_Default
                  ObjectProperties {

Object Records for Signals

An Object record that has CoderInfo property information is included in either the ExternalOutputs, ExternalInputs, or BlockOutputs section of the model.rtw file for each signal (including root-level Inport and Outport blocks) whose symbol is preserved in the generated code. The symbol is preserved when the signal uses a storage class other than Auto and is individually mapped.

An Object record that has CoderInfo property information is included in the model.rtw file for each signal that preserves the signal symbol in the generated code and meets these conditions:

  • The CoderInfo.StorageClass property of the data object is not set to Auto.

  • The data object is individually mapped to a predefined storage class by using the Code Mappings editor or the coder.mapping.api.CodeMapping object.

If you configure the signal to be an unstructured global variable in the generated code, its validity and uniqueness are enforced and its symbol is preserved.

This example shows part of an Object record for a root-level Outport block.

ExternalOutputs {
  NumExternalOutputs	    1
    ExternalOutput {
      ArgSrc		      Y0
      Block		      [1,3]
      BlockName		      "<Root>/Out1"
      GrSrc		      [0, 4]
      Identifier	      "output"
      StorageClass	      "ExportedGlobal"
      HasObject		      1
      Object {
        Package			Simulink
        Class			Signal
        ObjectProperties {
          CoderInfo {
            Object {
              Package		      Simulink
              Class		      CoderInfo
              ObjectProperties {
                HasCoderInfo		1
                StorageClass		"ExportedGlobal"
                TypeQualifier		""
                Alias			"output"
                Alignment		-1
                IsCSCPackageOverridden	0
                CSCPackageName		"Simulink"
                ParameterOrSignal	"Signal"
                CustomStorageClass	"Default"
                CustomAttributes {
                  Object {
                    Package		    SimulinkCSC
                    Class		    AttribClass_Simulink_Default
                    ObjectProperties {

Access Data Object Information by Using Target Language Compiler (TLC) Code

Here, sample code shows how to access data object information from the model.rtw file by using TLC code.

Access Parameter Object Records

This code fragment iterates over Parameter structures in the ModelParameters section of the model.rtw file. The code extracts information from parameter Object records.

%with CompiledModel.ModelParameters
  %foreach modelParamIdx = NumParameters
    %assign thisModelParam = Parameter[modelParamIdx]
    %assign paramName = thisModelParam.Identifier
    %if EXISTS("thisModelParam.Object.ObjectProperties")
      %with thisModelParam.Object.ObjectProperties
        %assign valueInObject = Value
        %with CoderInfo.Object.ObjectProperties
          %assign storageClassInObject  = StorageClass
        %% ***********************************
        %% Access user-defined properties here
        %% ***********************************
          %assign userDefinedPropertyName = MY_PROPERTY_NAME
        %% ***********************************

Access Signal Object Records

This code fragment iterates over ExternalBlockOutput structures in the BlockOutputs section of the model.rtw file. The code extracts information from signal Object records.

%with CompiledModel.BlockOutputs
  %foreach blockOutputIdx = NumExternalBlockOutputs
    %assign thisBlockOutput = ExternalBlockOutput[blockOutputIdx]
    %assign signalName = thisBlockOutput.Identifier
    %if EXISTS("thisBlockOutput.Object.ObjectProperties")
      %with thisBlockOutput.Object.ObjectProperties
        %with CoderInfo.Object.ObjectProperties
          %assign storageClassInObject  = StorageClass
        %endwith \
        %% ***********************************\
        %% Access user-defined properties here\
        %% ***********************************
          %assign userDefinedPropertyName = MY_PROPERTY_NAME
        %% ***********************************

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