S-Parameters Passive Network
Model passive network using S-parameters
RF Blockset /
Equivalent Baseband /
Black Box Elements
The S-Parameters Passive Network block models the two-port passive network described in the block dialog box, in terms of its S-parameters and the frequencies and reference impedance of the S-parameters.
In the S-Parameters field of the block dialog box, provide the S-parameters for each of the M frequencies as a 2-by-2-by-M array. In the Frequency field, specify the frequencies for the S-parameters as an M-element vector. The elements of the vector must be in the same order as the S-parameters. The figure shows the correspondence between the S-parameters array and the vector of frequencies.
The S-Parameters Passive Network block interpolates the given S-parameters to determine their values at the modeling frequencies. The Output Port block determines the modeling frequencies. See Map Network Parameters to Modeling Frequencies for more details.
Version History
Introduced before R2006a