Building Custom Block Libraries
Workflow Overview
To generate a custom block library from Simscape™ component files, follow these steps:
Organize your Simscape files. Simscape files must be saved in namespace folders. The namespace hierarchy determines the resulting library structure.
Optionally, provide source protection. If you want to share your models with customers without disclosing the component or domain source, you can generate Simscape protected files and share those.
Build the custom block library. You can use either the regular Simscape source files or Simscape protected files to do this. Each top-level namespace generates a separate custom Simscape block library.
Once you generate the custom Simscape library, you can open it and drag the customized blocks from it into your models.
Organizing Your Simscape Files
Simscape files must be saved in namespace folders. The important points are:
The namespace folder name must begin with a
character.The rest of the namespace folder name (without the
character) must be a valid MATLAB® identifier.The namespace folder's parent folder must be on the MATLAB path.
Each namespace where you store your Simscape files generates a separate custom block library.
Namespace folders may be organized into subfolders, with names also beginning with
a +
character. After you build a custom block library, each such
subfolder will appear as a sublibrary under the top-level custom library.
For example, you may have a top-level namespace folder named
, and it has three subfolders,
, +Hydraulic
, and
, each containing Simscape files. By default, the custom block library generated from this
namespace will be called SimscapeCustomBlocks_lib
(you can
specify a different name). The library will have three sublibraries with names
corresponding to the namespace subfolders (Electrical
, and Mechanical
). For
information on building custom block libraries, see Converting Your Simscape Files.
Using Source Protection for Simscape Files
If you need to protect your proprietary source code when sharing the Simscape files, use one of the following commands to generate Simscape protected files:
— Protects individual files and folders. Once you encrypt the files, you can share them without disclosing the component or domain source. Use them, just as you would the Simscape source files, to build custom block libraries with thessc_build
— Creates a protected copy of a whole namespace in a specified folder. Setting a flag lets you also build a custom block library from the protected files and place it in the mirror folder, thus eliminating the need to run thessc_build
command. Use thessc_mirror
command to quickly prepare a whole namespace for sharing with your customers, without disclosing the component or domain source.
Unlike Simscape source files, which have the extension .ssc
Simscape protected files have the extension .sscp
and are
not humanly-readable. You can use them, just as the Simscape source files, to build custom block libraries. Protected files have to
be organized in namespace folders, in the same way as the Simscape source files. For information on organizing your files, see Organizing Your Simscape Files. For information on building custom block libraries, see Converting Your Simscape Files.
Converting Your Simscape Files
After you have created the textual component files and organized them in namespace
folders, you need to convert them into Simscape blocks to be able to use them in block diagrams. You do this by
running the ssc_build
command on the top-level namespace folder
containing your Simscape files. The namespace may contain either the regular Simscape source files or Simscape protected files.
For example, you may have a top-level namespace folder, where you store your
Simscape files, named +SimscapeCustomBlocks
. You can
generate a custom block library either from the namespace parent folder, or from a
folder inside the namespace. From the namespace parent folder, at the MATLAB command prompt, type:
ssc_build SimscapeCustomBlocks;
The namespace folder name begins with a leading +
character, whereas the argument to ssc_build
must omit the
This command generates a Simulink® model file called SimscapeCustomBlocks_lib
in the
parent folder of the top-level namespace (that is, in the same folder that contains
your +SimscapeCustomBlocks
namespace). Because this folder is on
the MATLAB path, you can open the library by typing its name at the MATLAB command prompt. In our example, type:
The model file generated by running the ssc_build
command is
the custom Simscape library containing all the sublibraries and blocks generated from the
Simscape files located in the top-level namespace. Once you open the custom
Simscape library, you can drag the customized blocks from it into your models.
When building a custom library from a namespace, ssc_build
lets you specify a different name and location for the library file than the default
ones. For more information, see ssc_build
Creating Sublibraries
Namespace folders may be organized into subfolders, with names also beginning
with a +
character. After you run the
command, each such subfolder will appear as a
sublibrary under the top-level custom library. You can customize the name and
appearance of sublibraries by using library configuration files.
When you add or modify component files in namespace subfolders, you still
run the ssc_build
command on the top-level namespace
folder. This updates all the sublibraries.
You may have more than one top-level namespace folder, that is, more than one namespace folder located in a folder on the MATLAB path. Each top-level namespace folder generates a separate top-level custom library.
See Also
| ssc_mirror
| ssc_protect