Three-Phase Electrical Domain
The three-phase electrical domain declaration is shown below.
domain three_phase % Three-Phase Electrical Domain % Copyright 2012-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. parameters Temperature = { 300.15 , 'K' }; % Circuit temperature GMIN = { 1e-12 , '1/Ohm' }; % Minimum conductance, GMIN end variables V = { [ 0 0 0 ], 'V' }; end variables(Balancing = true) I = { [ 0 0 0 ], 'A' }; end end
It contains the following variables and parameters:
Across variable V (voltage), declared as a three-element row vector, in volts
Through variable I (current), declared as a three-element row vector, in amperes
Parameter Temperature, specifying the circuit temperature
Parameter GMIN, specifying minimum conductance
To refer to this domain in your custom component declarations, use the following syntax: