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Return faultable block subelements

Since R2023b



    faultableElements = simscape.getFaultableElementsInBlock(faultableBlock) returns an array of fault-capable element paths for the block, faultableBlock. If you specify the path of a composite component that contains fault-capable subcomponents, the function returns an array of element paths for each fault-capable subcomponent. If you specify the path of a composite component that contains fault-capable subcomponents, Simscape compiles the model to find the result. If you specify the path of an element with no fault capability, the function returns an empty array.


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    This example shows how to get the fault element path for a fault-capable block in a model.

    Open a model with a block that supports fault modeling.


    faultElements = simscape.getFaultableElementsInBlock('SimpleMotorArmatureWindingFault/DC Motor')
    faultElements = 
        "SimpleMotorArmatureWindingFault/DC Motor/Armature winding"

    Input Arguments

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    Fault-capable block path, specified as a string scalar or character vector. If you input a path that does not contain a fault-capable block element, the function returns an empty array.

    Data Types: string | char

    Output Arguments

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    Array of fault-capable elements, returned as a cell array.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b