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Create or modify faults in models

Since R2023b


Fault objects represent faults, such as noise, in the output of a model element. Use Fault objects to perform fault injection in your models. You can modify the fault by setting the object properties.


To create a Fault object:


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Name of the fault, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Data Types: char | string

Description of the fault, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Data Types: char | string

This property is read-only.

Path or handle of model element, returned as a character vector. This argument is the path to a fault-capable model subelement.

Example: 'myModel/DC Motor/Armature winding'

Data Types: char

This property is read-only.

Whether the fault is active, returned as 1 (true) or 0 (false). This property returns 1 only if the fault is active, the model element is enabled, and fault simulation is on. You can specify only one active fault for each model element.

To adjust this property, use the activate function.

Data Types: logical

This property is read-only.

Whether the fault is injected, returned as 1 (true) or 0 (false). This property returns 1 if the fault is injected at the current time step. Otherwise, it returns 0.

Data Types: logical

This property is read-only.

Whether the faults have assigned behavior, returned as 1 (true) or 0 (false).

To adjust this property, use the addBehavior function to add behavior and the deleteBehavior function to delete the behavior.

Data Types: logical

Fault trigger type, specified as "Always On", "Timed", "Conditional", "Manual" (since R2024b), or "Behavioral". If you specify TriggerType as "Conditional", create the conditional by using the Simulink.fault.addConditional function, then set the Conditional property of the Fault object to the new Conditional object.

You can adjust this property only if the fault has assigned behavior. To add behavior, use the addBehavior function.

Data Types: enumeration

Whether the fault trigger is irreversible, specified as a numeric or logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). When this property is true, the fault injects when the conditional first satisfies, then continues to inject until simulation ends. When this property is false, the fault injects only when the conditional expression is satisfied.

You can adjust this property only if the fault has assigned behavior and the TriggerType property is set to "Conditional". To add behavior, use the addBehavior function. To create conditionals, use the Simulink.fault.addConditional function. Assign the Conditional object to the Fault object by using dot notation.

Data Types: logical

Time when the fault triggers during simulation, specified as a numeric scalar.

You can adjust this property only if the fault has assigned behavior and the TriggerType property is "Timed". To add behavior, use the addBehavior function.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Conditional assigned to the fault, specified as a Conditional object.

You can adjust this property only if the fault has assigned behavior and the TriggerType property is "Conditional". To add behavior, use the addBehavior function. To create conditionals, use the Simulink.fault.addConditional function. Assign the Conditional object to the Fault object by using dot notation.

Object Functions

activateSet fault as active fault
addBehaviorAdd signal behavior to fault
deleteBehaviorDelete behavior associated with fault
getAssociatedModelRetrieve name of model fault
getBehaviorGet path of associated Fault Subsystem block
getFaultInfoFileGet name of fault information file
getFaultModelGet name of fault model
openBehaviorOpen fault behavior


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Open a model with a block that supports fault modeling.


Add a fault to the Armature winding model subelement in the DC Motor block.

"SimpleMotorArmatureWindingFault/DC Motor/Armature winding")
ans = 

  Fault with properties:

            Name: 'DCMotor_fault'
     Description: ''
    ModelElement: 'SimpleMotorArmatureWindingFault/DC Motor/Armature winding'
            Type: 'Simscape'
        IsActive: 0

Open a model with a block that supports fault modeling.


Add a fault to the Armature winding model subelement in the DC Motor block.

"SimpleMotorArmatureWindingFault/DC Motor/Armature winding");

Find the faults that do not have behavior.

myFaults = Simulink.fault.findFaults(...
myFaults = 

  Fault with properties:

            Name: 'DCMotor_fault'
     Description: ''
    ModelElement: 'SimpleMotorArmatureWindingFault/DC Motor/Armature winding'
            Type: 'Simscape'
        IsActive: 0

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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