Author Block Algorithms
Simulink® and its associated toolboxes provide a wide variety of blocks within standard built-in libraries to model your system. When blocks in the standard built-in libraries do not to meet your modeling requirements, you can extend the modeling functionality of Simulink by authoring algorithms of blocks that model complex systems and implement unique block behaviors. Author your reusable block using MATLAB or C/C++ code within specialized APIs.
For a detailed comparison of block authoring tools, see Comparison of Custom Block Functionality.
You can also model Simulink blocks and components by integrating existing Simulink models, external tools, or external code into Simulink. For more information, see Create Large-Scale Model Components.
- Block Authoring Basics
Principles of extending modeling functionality of Simulink by authoring blocks
- Author Blocks Using MATLAB
Use MATLAB code within specialized APIs to author blocks
- Author Blocks Using C/C++
Use C/C++ code within specialized APIs to create blocks