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Combine input signals of same data type and complexity into virtual vector

  • Mux block

Simulink / Commonly Used Blocks
Simulink / Signal Routing
HDL Coder / Commonly Used Blocks
HDL Coder / Signal Routing


The Mux block combines inputs with the same data type and complexity into a virtual vector. You can use multiple Mux blocks to create a mux signal in stages, but the result is flat as if you used a single Mux block.

Ideally, use Mux blocks to group only function-call signals.

While a Mux block can create a virtual vector from signals that have the same data type and complexity, other blocks group signals in ways that provide more flexibility and efficiency.

  • To group signals or messages, use a Bus Creator block instead of a Mux block. The Bus Creator block creates virtual buses, which give you the flexibility to group elements of different data types and complexity. Virtual buses also let you access elements by name instead of by index. If a block requires a virtual vector instead of a virtual bus, model compilation converts the bus to a vector.

  • To concatenate input signals, use a Vector Concatenate block instead of a Mux block. The Vector Concatenate block creates a nonvirtual vector, which improves the efficiency of generated code.

For a comparison of mux signals, virtual buses, and concatenated signals, see Explore Composite Interfaces.




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Input signal to include in the mux signal, specified as a scalar or vector.

The input signals for a Mux block can be any combination of scalars and vectors, but they must have the same data type and complexity or be function-call signals.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | image
Complex Number Support: Yes


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Output mux signal composed of the combined input signals, returned as a vector.

The elements of the output mux signal take their order from the port order of the input signals. For a description of the port order for various block orientations, see Identify Port Location on Rotated or Flipped Block.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | image


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The number of input signals, specified as a scalar, vector, cell array, or comma-separated list of signal names. Some of these formats allow you to specify the signal names and sizes, as described in this table.

FormatBlock Behavior


The number of inputs to the Mux block.

When you use this format, the block accepts scalar or vector signals of any size. The software assigns each input the name signalN, where N is the input port number.


The length of the vector specifies the number of inputs. Each element specifies the size of the corresponding input.

A positive value specifies that the corresponding port can accept only vectors of that size. For example, [2 3] specifies two input ports of sizes 2 and 3, respectively. If an input signal width does not match the expected width, an error message appears. A value of -1 specifies that the corresponding port can accept scalars or vectors of any size.

Cell array

The length of the cell array specifies the number of inputs. The value of each cell specifies the size of the corresponding input.

A scalar value N specifies a vector of size N. A value of -1 means that the corresponding port can accept scalar or vector signals of any size.

Comma-separated list of signal names

A list of signal names separated by commas. The software assigns each name to the corresponding port and signal. For example, if you enter position,velocity, the Mux block has two inputs, named position and velocity.


If you specify a scalar for the Number of inputs parameter and all of the input ports are connected, as you draw a new signal line close to input side of a Mux block, the software adds a port and updates the parameter.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

Parameter: Inputs
Values: '2' (default) | scalar in quotes | vector in quotes | cell array in quotes | comma-separated list of signal names in quotes
Data Types: char | string

Example: set_param(gcb,'Inputs','5')

Example: set_param(gcb,'Inputs','[2 3]')

Example: set_param(gcb,'Inputs','{3}')

Example: set_param(gcb,'Inputs','position,velocity')

Block icon appearance, specified as bar, signals, or none.

  • bar — Displays no text

  • signals — Displays the input signal names

  • none — Displays the type of block (Mux)

Resize the block as necessary to fit the text on the block icon.

Programmatic Use

To set the block parameter value programmatically, use the set_param function.

Parameter: DisplayOption
Values: 'bar' (default) | 'signals' | 'none'

Example: set_param(gcb,'DisplayOption','signals')

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | double | enumerated | fixed point | half | integer | single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


Extended Capabilities

PLC Code Generation
Generate Structured Text code using Simulink® PLC Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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