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Return signal comparison result


diffSig = getResultByIndex(diffRes,index) returns the Simulink.sdi.DiffSignalResult object diffSig at the specified index in the Simulink.sdi.DiffRunResult object, diffRes.



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You can programmatically specify signal tolerance values to use in comparisons performed using the Simulation Data Inspector. In this example, you compare data collected by simulating a model of an aircraft longitudinal flight control system. Each simulation uses a different value for the input filter time constant and logs the input and output signals. You analyze the effect of the time constant change by comparing results using the Simulation Data Inspector and signal tolerances.

First, load the session file that contains the simulation data.


The session file contains four runs. In this example, you compare data from the first two runs in the file. Access the Simulink.sdi.Run objects for the first two runs loaded from the file.

runIDs = Simulink.sdi.getAllRunIDs;
runIDTs1 = runIDs(end-3);
runIDTs2 = runIDs(end-2);

Compare the two runs without specifying any tolerances.

noTolDiffResult = Simulink.sdi.compareRuns(runIDTs1,runIDTs2);

Use the getResultByIndex function to access the comparison results for the q and alpha signals.

qResult = getResultByIndex(noTolDiffResult,1);
alphaResult = getResultByIndex(noTolDiffResult,2);

Check the Status property of each signal result to see whether the comparison result falls within or out of tolerance.

ans = 
  ComparisonSignalStatus enumeration


ans = 
  ComparisonSignalStatus enumeration


The comparison uses a value of 0 for all tolerances, so the OutOfTolerance result means the signals are not identical.

You can further analyze the effect of the time constant by specifying tolerance values for the signals. Specify the tolerances by setting the properties for the Simulink.sdi.Signal objects that correspond to the signals being compared. Comparisons use tolerances specified for the baseline signals. This example specifies a time tolerance and an absolute tolerance.

To specify a tolerance, first access the Signal objects from the baseline run.

runTs1 = Simulink.sdi.getRun(runIDTs1);
qSig = getSignalsByName(runTs1,'q, rad/sec');
alphaSig = getSignalsByName(runTs1,'alpha, rad');

For the q signal, specify an absolute tolerance of 0.1 and a time tolerance of 0.6 using the AbsTol and TimeTol properties, respectively.

qSig.AbsTol = 0.1;
qSig.TimeTol = 0.6;

For the alpha signal, specify an absolute tolerance of 0.2 and a time tolerance of 0.8.

alphaSig.AbsTol = 0.2;
alphaSig.TimeTol = 0.8;

Compare the results again. Access the results from the comparison and check the Status property for each signal.

tolDiffResult = Simulink.sdi.compareRuns(runIDTs1,runIDTs2);
qResult2 = getResultByIndex(tolDiffResult,1);
alphaResult2 = getResultByIndex(tolDiffResult,2);

ans = 
  ComparisonSignalStatus enumeration


ans = 
  ComparisonSignalStatus enumeration


Input Arguments

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Run comparison results that contain the signal result you want to access, specified as a Simulink.sdi.DiffRunResult object.

Index of signal in run comparison results, specified as an integer.

Example: 2

Output Arguments

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Comparison results for the signal at the specified index, returned as a Simulink.sdi.DiffSignalResult object.

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

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