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Get value of Input Processing signal property

Since R2020a


inputMode = Simulink.sdi.getSignalInputProcessingMode(blkPath,port) returns the value of the Input Processing property for the signal produced by the specified block and port. The Input Processing property specifies whether to log the signal as sample-based or frame-based.


inputMode = Simulink.sdi.getSignalInputProcessingMode(h) returns the value of the Input Processing property for the signal that corresponds to the specified line handle, h.



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Check the value of the Input Processing property for the output signal of the Gain block Mu in the model vdp using the block path and the index of the output port that produces the signal.

MuInputProc = Simulink.sdi.getSignalInputProcessingMode("vdp/Mu",1);
MuInputProc = 


Check the value of the Input Processing property for the output signal of the Gain block Mu in the model vdp using the line handle for the signal.

MuLineHandles = get_param("vdp/Mu","LineHandles");
MuOutputHandle = MuLineHandles.Outport;
MuInputProc = Simulink.sdi.getSignalInputProcessingMode(MuOutputHandle)
MuInputProc = 


Input Arguments

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Block path for the block that produces the signal, specified as a string or a character vector.

Example: "vdp/Mu"

Index of block output port that produces signal, specified as a numeric scalar.

Example: 1

Signal, specified as a line handle. To get the line handle for a signal, use the get_param function with the 'LineHandles' option. For example, to access the line handle for the output of the Mu block in the model vdp, use:

MuLineHandles = get_param('vdp/Mu','LineHandles');
MuOutputLineHandle = MuLineHandles.Outport;

Output Arguments

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Input processing used for signal, returned as 'sample' or 'frame'.

Signal Input Processing setting.

  • 'sample' — Each element in a sample is treated as a channel.

  • frame — Each column in a sample is treated as a channel.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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