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WiFi properties

WiFi hardware

Select the hardware that you are using for Wi-Fi connectivity.


Default: WiFi shield

  • WiFi shield – Select this hardware when the WiFi shield is connected to the Arduino® board.

  • ESP8266 – Select this hardware when the ESP8266 chip is connected to the Arduino board. When you set the WiFi hardware as ESP8266, the Hardware Serial Port parameter appears.

Use static IP address and disable DHCP

Select this check box to disable the DHCP. The static IP address provided is used for setting up the WiFi connection.

IP address

Enter the IP address of the Arduino WiFi hardware.

Service set identifier (SSID)

Enter the SSID of your network. An SSID is a unique ID consisting of 32 characters and is used for naming wireless networks. An SSID ensures that the data you send over the network reaches the correct destination.

WiFi encryption

The WiFi encryption of the network you connect to.


Default: None


Network is not WiFi encrypted.

WPA encryption

Network uses WPA WiFi encryption.

WPA2 enterprise

Network uses WEP WiFi encryption.


To enable this option, set Hardware board to ESP32-WROOM (Arduino Compatible).

WPA password

Enter the WPA password of the network.

This parameter appears only when you select WPA for the WiFi encryption parameter.


Passwords that contain % are not supported.

Hardware Serial Port

Select the port using which the Arduino board communicates with the ESP8266. The hardware serial port is the port on the Arduino board that is connected to ESP8266. For more information on serial ports available on different Arduino boards, see Pin Mapping for Arduino Timer Independent Blocks.


When selecting a hardware serial port, ensure that you select a different port number from the number specified in the Port number parameter of Serial Receive and Serial Transmit blocks.


Enter username of the WPA2 Enterprise credential.


Default: username


To enable this option, set WiFi encryption to WPA2 enterprise.


Enter password of the WPA2 Enterprise credential.


Default: password


To enable this option, set WiFi encryption to WPA2 enterprise.

IP address assignment

Select a method to assign a IP address to your Arduino hardware board.

  • DHCP — The network dynamically assigns a IP address to your Arduino hardware board.

  • Static IP — Manually configure the IP address to your Arduino hardware board.

  • Static IP - Advanced — Manually configure the IP address, DNS server address, and Gateway address to your Arduino hardware board.


Default: DHCP

Static IP, Static IP - Advanced

Supported Hardware

  • Arduino MKR 1000

  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010

  • Arduino Nano 33 IoT

  • Arduino Compatible ESP32 – WROOM

  • Arduino Compatible ESP32 – WROVER

DNS server address

Enter the IP address for the domain name system (DNS) server to which your Arduino hardware board is connected to.


To enable this option, set IP address assignment to Static IP – Advanced.



Supported Hardware

  • Arduino MKR 1000

  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010

  • Arduino Nano 33 IoT

  • Arduino Compatible ESP32 – WROOM

  • Arduino Compatible ESP32 – WROVER

Gateway address

Enter the IP address of the default gateway to which your Arduino hardware board is connected to.


To enable this option, set IP address assignment to Static IP – Advanced.



Supported Hardware

  • Arduino MKR 1000

  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010

  • Arduino Nano 33 IoT

  • Arduino Compatible ESP32 – WROOM

  • Arduino Compatible ESP32 – WROVER

Subnet mask

Enter the subnet mask of the network to which your Arduino hardware board is connected to.


To enable this option, set IP address assignment to Static IP – Advanced.



Supported Hardware

  • Arduino MKR 1000

  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010

  • Arduino Nano 33 IoT

  • Arduino Compatible ESP32 – WROOM

  • Arduino Compatible ESP32 – WROVER

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