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Stateflow States

Since R2022b

Metric ID



For a given unit or component, this metric determines the number of Stateflow® states in each Stateflow:

  • Chart

  • Atomic subchart

  • Atomic box in a subchart

  • Linked atomic subchart

  • State Transition Table

  • Truth Table

Supported Artifacts

You can collect this metric for:

To control what the dashboard classifies as a unit or component, see Categorize Models in Hierarchy as Components or Units.

Computation Details

This metric:

  • Does not analyze nested atomic subcharts or nested atomic boxes in subcharts.

  • Analyzes states, including atomic subcharts in states and Simulink®-based states.

  • Ignores commented states.


To collect data for this metric, use getMetrics with the metric identifier slcomp.StateflowStates.


For this metric, instances of metric.Result return Value as the number of Stateflow states in the charts in a unit or component.

See Also

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