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Create options object for configuring Model Slicer


slsliceroptions creates an options object for configuring the Model Slicer.


slsliceroptions(model) creates a copy of the Model Slicer options object associated with model.


slsliceroptions(file) creates a copy of the Model Slicer options object contained in the SLMS file file.

slsliceroptions(model,opts) attaches the slicer options opts to the model model by overwriting the existing options.

slsliceroptions(file,opts) attaches the slicer options opts to the SLMS file file by overwriting the existing options.


collapse all

Add a new starting point and a new exclusion point to the active Model Slicer configuration.

Open the slexAircraftExample example model.


Double click on slexAircraftExample model in the current directory.

Define the options file opts for the model.

opts = slsliceroptions('slexAircraftExample')

Add a new starting point on the Gain block.


Add a new exclusion point on the q(rad) block.


Add a starting point and an exclusion point to the active Model Slicer configuration without overwriting the original configuration.

Open the slexAircraftExample example model.


Define the options file opts for the model.

opts = slsliceroptions('slexAircraftExample')

Create a second Model Slicer options configuration for the model.


Add a new starting point on the Gain block for the second Model Slicer options configuration.


Add a new exclusion point on the q (rad) block for the second Model Slicer options configuration.

addExclusionPoint(opts.Configuration(2),'slexAircraftExample/q (rad)')

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of the model whose Model Slicer options object you configure.

Name of the SLMS file containing the Model Slicer options object that you configure.

Example: slsliceroptions('slexAircraftExample.slms')

Structure containing the options for the Model Slicer configuration.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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