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Design Verifier Pane: Test Generation

Configuration Parameter window showing Test Generation parameter under Design Verifier pane.

Test Generation Pane Overview

Specify options that control how Simulink® Design Verifier™ generates tests for the models it analyzes.

See Also

Test generation target

Specify the target for test generation.

  • Default: Model generates test cases for the model.

  • Code Generated as Top Model generates the code for the target as top model followed by test cases generation using the generated code.

  • Code Generated as Model Reference generates the code for target as model reference followed by test cases generation using the generated code.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVTestgenTarget
Type: character array
Value: 'Model' | 'GenCodeTopModel' | 'GenCodeModelRef' |

See Also

Model coverage objectives

Specify the type of model coverage that Simulink Design Verifier attempts to achieve.


Default: Condition Decision


Generates test cases that achieve only the custom objectives that you specified in your model using, for example, Test Objective blocks.


Generates test cases that achieve decision coverage. For more information, see Decision.

Condition Decision

Generates test cases that achieve condition and decision coverage. For more information, see Condition.


Generates test cases that achieve MCDC coverage. Additionally, the generated test cases avoid masking effects from downstream blocks so that the test block has an effect on the output. When you select MCDC, Simulink Design Verifier automatically enables every coverage objective for decision and condition coverage. For more information, see MCDC.

Enhanced MCDC

Enhanced MCDC test cases achieve MCDC coverage and have additional characteristics. Enhanced MCDC requires additional test cases to cover complex logical constructs and interactions between conditions more thoroughly. When you select Enhanced MCDC, Simulink Design Verifier automatically enables MCDC coverage. For more information, see Enhanced MCDC.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVModelCoverageObjectives
Type: character array
Value: 'None' | 'Decision' | 'ConditionDecision' | 'MCDC'| 'EnhancedMCDC'
Default: 'ConditionDecision'

See Also

Test conditions

Specify whether Test Condition blocks in your model are enabled or disabled.


Default: Use local settings

Use local settings

Enables or disables Test Condition blocks based on the value of the Enable parameter of each block. If a block's Enable parameter is selected, the block is enabled; otherwise, the block is disabled.

Enable all

Enables all Test Condition blocks in the model regardless of the settings of their Enable parameters.

Disable all

Disables all Test Condition blocks in the model regardless of the settings of their Enable parameters.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVTestConditions
Type: character array
Value: 'UseLocalSettings' | 'EnableAll' | 'DisableAll'
Default: 'UseLocalSettings'

See Also

Test objectives

Specify whether Test Objective blocks in your model are enabled or disabled.


Default: Use local settings

Use local settings

Enables or disables Test Objective blocks based on the value of the Enable parameter of each block. If a block's Enable parameter is selected, the block is enabled; otherwise, the block is disabled.

Enable all

Enables all Test Objective blocks in the model regardless of the settings of their Enable parameters.

Disable all

Disables all Test Objective blocks in the model regardless of the settings of their Enable parameters.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVTestObjectives
Type: character array
Value: 'UseLocalSettings' | 'EnableAll' | 'DisableAll'
Default: 'UseLocalSettings'

See Also

Maximum test case steps

Specify the maximum number of simulation steps Simulink Design Verifier takes when attempting to satisfy a test objective.

The analysis uses the Maximum test case steps parameter during certain parts of the test-generation analysis to bound the number of steps that test generation uses. When you set a small value for this parameter, the parts of the analysis that are bounded complete in less time. When you set a larger value, the bounded parts of the analysis take longer, but it is possible for these parts of the analysis to generate longer test cases.

To achieve the best performance, set the Maximum test case steps parameter to a value just large enough to bound the longest required test case, even if the test cases that are ultimately generated are longer than this value.

When you also specify LongTestcases for the Test suite optimization parameter, the analysis uses successive passes of test generation to extend a potential test case so that it satisfies more objectives. When this happens, the analysis applies the Maximum test case steps parameter to each individual iteration of test generation.


Default: 10000

You can specify a value that represents the maximum number of simulation steps Simulink Design Verifier takes when attempting to satisfy a test objective.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVMaxTestCaseSteps
Type: int32
Value: any valid value
Default: 10000

See Also

Test suite optimization

Specify the optimization strategy to use when generating test cases.


Default: Auto


Analyzes the model by using a strategy that automatically adapts to the model for better analysis performance and precision.


Maximizes the number of test cases in a suite by generating cases that each address only one test objective. Each test case tends to be short, that is, it includes only a few time steps.


Combines test cases to create a smaller number of test cases. This strategy generates fewer, but longer, test cases that each satisfy multiple test objectives.

Legacy LargeModel (Nonlinear Extended)

Analyzes the model by using a static strategy that does not adapt to the model. When you analyze a model by using Legacy LargeModel (Nonlinear Extended), Simulink Design Verifier displays a warning message that this option is deprecated and suggests that you use Auto. Auto is most likely to produce better analysis results than Legacy LargeModel (Nonlinear Extended).

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVTestSuiteOptimization
Type: character array
Value: 'Auto' | 'IndividualObjectives' | 'LongTestcases' | Legacy LargeModel (Nonlinear Extended)
Default: 'Auto'

See Also

Include relational boundary objectives

Specify generation of test cases that satisfy relational boundary objectives. The objective applies to blocks such as Relational Operator that have an explicit or implicit relational operation. The tests check the relational operations in these blocks with:

  • Equal operand values for integer and fixed-point operands.

  • Operand values within a certain tolerance for all operands. For integer and fixed-point operands, the tolerance is fixed. For floating-point operands, the tolerance is computed using the inputs and a tolerance value that you specify. If you do not specify a tolerance value, the default values are used.


Default: Off


For supported blocks, generates the test cases to satisfy relational boundary objectives.


Ignores the relational boundary objectives for generating the test cases.


If you select this option, you can use default values or specify values for:

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVIncludeRelationalBoundary
Type: character array
Value: 'on'|'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Floating point absolute tolerance

Specify a value for absolute tolerance used in relational boundary tests. The relational boundary objectives apply to blocks such as Relational Operator that have an explicit or implicit relational operation. The tolerance value applies only if the relational operations in those blocks use floating point operands.

  • For integer operands, the tolerance value is fixed at 1.

  • For fixed-point operands, the tolerance value is the least significant bit.


Default: 1.0000e-05

For supported blocks, the relational boundary tests check the relational operations in the block with operand values that differ by a certain tolerance. The software calculates the tolerance value using the following formula

max(absTol, relTol* max(|lhs|,|rhs|)), where:

  • absTol is the absolute tolerance value that you specify.

  • relTol is a relative tolerance value that you can specify.

  • lhs is the left operand and rhs the right operand.

  • max(x,y) returns x or y, whichever is greater.


To enter a value for this option, select Include relational boundary objectives.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVAbsoluteTolerance
Type: double
Value: Any valid value
Default: 1.0000e-05

See Also

Floating point relative tolerance

Specify a value for relative tolerance used in relational boundary tests. The relational boundary objectives apply to blocks such as Relational Operator that have an explicit or implicit relational operation. The tolerance value applies only if the relational operations in those blocks use floating point operands.

  • For integer operands, the tolerance value is fixed at 1.

  • For fixed-point operands, the tolerance value is the least significant bit.


Default: 0.01

For supported blocks, the relational boundary tests check the relational operations in the block with operand values that differ by a certain tolerance. The software calculates the tolerance value using the following formula

max(absTol, relTol* max(|lhs|,|rhs|)), where:

  • absTol is an absolute tolerance value that you can specify.

  • relTol is the relative tolerance value that you specify.

  • lhs is the left operand and rhs the right operand.

  • max(x,y) returns x or y, whichever is greater.


To enter a value for this option, select Include relational boundary objectives.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVRelativeTolerance
Type: double
Value: Any valid value
Default: 0.01

See Also

Use strict propagation conditions

Specify whether to use strict propagation conditions for enhanced MCDC analysis.


Default: Off


Use strict propagation condition for enhanced MCDC analysis.


Does not use strict propagation conditions for enhanced MCDC analysis.


This parameter is enabled when you select Enhanced MCDC as Model coverage objectives.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVStrictEnhancedMCDC
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Extend using existing coverage data

Specify whether to use your existing coverage data for test generation. Simulink Design Verifier generates test cases for the objectives not covered in your existing coverage data.


Default: Off


Extend the coverage in Coverage data by generating additional test cases.


Analysis ignores existing Coverage data.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVIgnoreCovSatisfied
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

Coverage data

Specify the folder and file name for a file that contains data about satisfied coverage objectives.


Default: ''

  • Specify the folder and file name for a file that contains the satisfied coverage objectives data.

  • Click Browse to navigate to and select an existing file.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVCoverageDataFile
Type: character array
Value: any valid path and file name
Default: ''


Browse to the coverage file that contains the data about satisfied coverage objectives.


To enable this parameter, select Extend using existing coverage data.

See Also

Extend using existing test data

Specify whether to extend the set of generated test cases in Simulink Design Verifier by importing previously generated test cases, test cases logged from a harness model, or a closed-loop simulation model.


Default: Off


Use test cases specified in Test data to extend the set of generated test cases.


Analysis ignores the existing Test data.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVExtendExistingTests
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

Test data

Specify a folder and file name for the MAT-file that contains the generated or logged test case data.


Default: ''

  • Specify a folder and file name for the MAT-file that contains the logged test case data in an sldvData object.

  • Click Browse to navigate to and select an existing file.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVExistingTestFile
Type: character array
Value: any valid path and file name
Default: ''


Browse to the MAT-file that contains the generated or logged test case data and data about satisfied coverage objectives.


To enable this parameter, select Extend using existing test data.

See Also

Separate objectives satisfied with the existing tests/coverage data in the report

Specify whether to separate the test objective statuses that are satisfied by the existing tests or coverage data from the extended coverage and test data in the analysis report.


Default: On


Generates an analysis report where the existing tests and coverage data are separate from the extended test and coverage data.


Generates a report that combines existing and extended coverage and test data.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVIgnoreExistTestSatisfied
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'on'

See Also

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