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Export requirements as ReqIF files

Since R2023a


dir = slreq.export(reqSetFile) exports the requirement set file, reqSetFile, as a ReqIF™ file. By default, the function names the ReqIF file as export_, followed by the name of the requirement set file.


dir = slreq.export(rs) exports the requirement set object, reqSet.


dir = slreq.export(req) exports the requirement, req.


dir = slreq.export(___,options) exports the requirements using the options, options.



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Suppose you have a requirement set in the current folder, myReqs.slreqx. Export the requirement set as a ReqIF file.

ans =


Suppose you have a requirement set in the current folder, myReqs.slreqx. Load the requirement set with the slreq.load function.

rs = slreq.load("myReqs.slreqx");

Export the requirement set.

ans =


Suppose you have a requirement set in the current folder, myReqs.slreqx and you want to export the requirement with the index 1. Load the requirement set with the slreq.load function.

rs = slreq.load("myReqs.slreqx");

Retrieve the requirement by using the find method.

req = find(rs,Index="1");

Export the requirement.

ans =


Suppose you have a requirement set in the current folder, myReqs.slreqx, and you want to export the requirement set with a custom name. Load the requirement set with the slreq.load function.

rs = slreq.load("myReqs.slreqx");

Specify the custom name you want by defining a ExportOptions object.

opts = slreq.export.ExportOptions(outputFile="custom_name.reqif");

Export the requirement set by using the slreq.export function.

ans =


Input Arguments

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Requirement set file, specified as a string scalar or character vector. If the file is not in the current directory, specify the path and the file name. The .slreqx extension is optional.

Data Types: char | string

Requirement set, specified as an slreq.ReqSet object.

Requirement, specified as an slreq.Requirement object.

Export options, specified as a ExportOptions object. If you do not specify this argument, the function exports the requirements with the default settings of the object.

Output Arguments

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File name of the exported requirement set ReqIF file, returned as a character vector. The output argument includes the absolute path of the requirement set unless you specify the options argument.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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