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Find assessments in sltest.AssessmentSet or sltest.Assessment object


asout = find(as,'PropertyName','PropertyValue') returns the results asout specified by the properties matching 'PropertyName', and 'PropertyValue'.

asout = find(as,'PropertyName1','PropertyValue1','–logical','PropertyName2','PropertyValue2'...) returns the results asout specified by multiple 'PropertyName', 'PropertyValue' pairs, and the '–logical' operator specifying the connective between the pairs. '–logical' can be '–and' or '–or'.

asout = find(as,'–regexp','PropertyName','PropertyValue') returns assessment results whose 'PropertyName' matches the regular expression 'PropertyValue'. When using regular expression search, 'PropertyName' can be the assessment object 'Name' or 'BlockPath'.


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This example shows how to simulate a model with verify statements and obtain assessment results via the programmatic interface.

Get the Assessment Set and One Assessment Result

1. Open the model.


% Turn the command line warning off for verify() statements
warning off Stateflow:Runtime:TestVerificationFailed

2. Run the model.

s = sim('sltestRollRefTestExample');

3. Get the assessment set.

as = sltest.getAssessments('sltestRollRefTestExample');

4. Get assessment 3 from the assessment set.

as3 = get(as,3);

Display Results of the Assessment Set and Assessment Result

1. Get summary of the assessment set.

asSummary = getSummary(as)
asSummary = 

  struct with fields:

       Total: 6
    Untested: 3
      Passed: 2
      Failed: 1
      Result: Fail

2. Display the result of assessment 3.

  Package: sltest

         Name: 'Simulink:verify_high'
    BlockPath: [1x1 Simulink.SimulationData.BlockPath]
       Values: [1x1 timeseries]
       Result: Fail

3. Find untested or failed results in the assessment set.

asFailUntested = find(as,'Result',slTestResult.Fail,'-or',...
asFailUntested = 

       Total: 4
    Untested: 3
      Passed: 0
      Failed: 1
      Result: Fail

  Untested Assessments (first 10):
    2 : Untested 'Simulink:verify_high'
    3 : Untested 'Simulink:verifyTKLow'
    4 : Untested 'Simulink:verifyTKNormal'

  Failed Assessments (first 10):
    1 : Fail 'Simulink:verify_high'

4. Find assessments under the Test Assessment block, using a regular expression.

assessBlock = find(as,'-regexp','BlockPath','.[Aa]ssess')
assessBlock = 

       Total: 6
    Untested: 3
      Passed: 2
      Failed: 1
      Result: Fail

  Untested Assessments (first 10):
    4 : Untested 'Simulink:verify_high'
    5 : Untested 'Simulink:verifyTKLow'
    6 : Untested 'Simulink:verifyTKNormal'

  Passed Assessments (first 10):
    1 : Pass 'Simulink:verify_normal'
    2 : Pass 'Simulink:verify_low'

  Failed Assessments (first 10):
    3 : Fail 'Simulink:verify_high'

Re-enable warnings

warning on Stateflow:Runtime:TestVerificationFailed

Input Arguments

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Assessment object to search.

Example: as

Logical operator connecting multiple property names or property values.

Example: '–and'

Type of property to search.

Example: 'BlockPath'

Property value to search, specified as a character vector. Can be a regular expression when using the '–regexp' argument.

When using the 'Result' property name, 'PropertyValue' is an enumeration of the assessment result:

  • slTestResult.Fail for failed assessments

  • slTestResult.Pass for passed assessments

  • slTestResult.Untested for untested assessments

Example: slTestResult.Fail

Example: '[Aa]sess'

Regular expression for BlockPath properties search, specified as a character vector.

Example: '–regexp'

Output Arguments

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Assessment results output from the find operation, specified as an sltest.assessmentSet object.

Example: sltest.AssessmentSet

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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