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Class: sltest.testmanager.TestCase
Namespace: sltest.testmanager

Get logged signal set from a test case


objs = getLoggedSignalSets(tc)
objs = getLoggedSignalSets(tc,'SimulationIndex',Value)


objs = getLoggedSignalSets(tc) creates and returns a vector of the sltest.testmanager.LoggedSignalSet objects that are stored in a test case object.

objs = getLoggedSignalSets(tc,'SimulationIndex',Value) creates and returns a vector of the sltest.testmanager.LoggedSignalSet objects from a specific simulation in an equivalence test.

Input Arguments

expand all

Test case object.

When the test case is an equivalence test, this index specifies the simulation that contains the signal set.

Example: obj = getLoggedSignalSets(tc_equiv,'SimulationIndex',2);


expand all

Open a model and create a test case.


% Create test case
tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile(strcat(pwd,'\mytf.mldatx'));
ts = sltest.testmanager.TestSuite(tf,'myts');
tc = sltest.testmanager.TestCase(ts,'baseline','mytc');

% Create signal set
lgset = tc.addLoggedSignalSet;
lgset2 = tc.addLoggedSignalSet;

% Get signal sets from test case
mysets = getLoggedSignalSets(tc)

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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