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Class: sltest.testmanager.TestCase
Namespace: sltest.testmanager

Get test case parameter sets


psets = getParameterSets(tc)
psets = getParameterSets(tc,simulationIndex)


psets = getParameterSets(tc) gets the parameter sets in a test case and returns them as an array of parameter set objects, sltest.testmanager.ParameterSet.

psets = getParameterSets(tc,simulationIndex) gets the parameter sets in a test case and returns them as an array of parameter set objects, sltest.testmanager.ParameterSet. If the test case is an equivalence test case, then specify the simulation index.

Input Arguments

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Test case to get test inputs from, specified as an sltest.testmanager.TestCase object.

Simulation number that the parameter sets apply to, specified as an integer, 1 or 2. This setting applies to the simulation test case where there are two simulations. For baseline and simulation test cases, the default simulation index is 1.

Output Arguments

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Parameter sets that belong to the test case, returned as an array of sltest.testmanager.ParameterSet objects.


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% Open the model for this example

% Create the test file, test suite, and test case structure
tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('API Test File');
ts = createTestSuite(tf,'API Test Suite');
tc = createTestCase(ts,'baseline','Baseline API Test Case');

% Assign the system under test to the test case

% Test a new model parameter by overriding it in the test case
% parameter set
ps = addParameterSet(tc,'Name','API Parameter Set');
po = addParameterOverride(ps,'m',55);

% Get and check the parameter set
psets = getParameterSets(tc);

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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