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sltest.testmanager.TriggerMode Class

Namespace: sltest.testmanager

Output trigger type

Since R2023a


The sltest.testmanager.TriggerMode enumeration class specifies the type of trigger mode to use with an sltest.testmanager.OutputTrigger object. You do not need to create an instance of this class.

Enumeration MemberDescription

Start or stop logging when simulation starts or stops, respectively. This mode corresponds to the Test Manager Start Logging, On simulation start and Stop Logging, When simulation stops, respectively.


Start or stop logging when the condition specified in the sltest.testmanager.OutputTrigger object StartLoggingCondtion or StopLoggingCondition property, respectively, is met. This mode corresponds to setting the Start Logging or Stop Logging parameters in the Test Manager to When condition is true.


Start logging after simulation starts by the number of seconds specified in the StartLoggingDuration property of the sltest.testmanager.OutputTrigger class or stop logging after logging starts by the number of seconds specified in the StopLoggingDuration property. This mode corresponds to setting the Start Logging or Stop Logging parameters in the Test Manager to After duration.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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