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Light-Emitting Diode

Exponential light-emitting diode with optical power output port

  • Light-Emitting Diode block

Simscape / Electrical / Sensors & Transducers


The Light-Emitting Diode block represents a light-emitting diode as an exponential diode in series with a current sensor. The optical power presented at the signal port W is equal to the product of the current flowing through the diode and the Optical power per unit current parameter value.

The exponential diode model provides this relationship between the diode current I and the diode voltage V:



  • q is the elementary charge on an electron (1.602176e–19 Coulombs).

  • k is the Boltzmann constant (1.3806503e–23 J/K).

  • N is the emission coefficient.

  • IS is the saturation current.

  • Tm1 is the temperature at which you specify the diode parameters by using the Measurement temperature parameter value.

When (qV / NkTm1) > 80, the block replaces eqVNkTm1 with (qV / NkTm1 – 79)e80, which matches the gradient of the diode current at (qV / NkTm1) = 80 and extrapolates linearly. When (qV / NkTm1) < –79, the block replaces eqVNkTm1 with (qV / NkTm1 + 80)e–79, which also matches the gradient and extrapolates linearly. Typical electrical circuits do not reach these extreme values. The block provides this linear extrapolation to help convergence when solving for the constraints during simulation.

When you select Use parameters IS and N for the Parameterization parameter, you specify the diode in terms of the Saturation current IS and Emission coefficient N parameters. When you select Use I-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter, you specify two voltage and current measurement points on the diode I-V curve and the block derives the IS and N values. When you specify current and voltage measurements, the block calculates IS and N as follows:

  • N=((V1V2)/Vt)/(log(I1)log(I2))

  • IS=(I1/(exp(V1/(NVt))1)+I2/(exp(V2/(NVt))1))/2


  • Vt = kTm1 / q.

  • V1 and V2 are the values in the Voltages [V1 V2] vector.

  • I1 and I2 are the values in the Currents [I1 I2] vector.

The exponential diode model provides the option to include a junction capacitance:

  • When you select Fixed or zero junction capacitance for the Parameterization parameter, the capacitance is fixed.

  • When you select Use parameters CJO, VJ, M & FC for the Parameterization parameter, the block uses the coefficients CJO, VJ, M, and FC to calculate a junction capacitance that depends on the junction voltage.

  • When you select Use C-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter, the block uses three capacitance values on the C-V capacitance curve to estimate CJO, VJ, and M and uses these values with the specified value of FC to calculate a junction capacitance that depends on the junction voltage. The block calculates CJO, VJ, and M as follows:

    • CJ0=C1((VR2VR1)/(VR2VR1(C2/C1)1/M))M

    • VJ=(VR2(C1/C2)1/M+VR1)/(1(C1/C2)1/M)

    • M=log(C3/C2)/log(VR2/VR3)


    • VR1, VR2, and VR3 are the values in the Reverse bias voltages [VR1 VR2 VR3] vector.

    • C1, C2, and C3 are the values in the Corresponding capacitances [C1 C2 C3] vector.

    It is not possible to estimate FC reliably from tabulated data, so you must specify its value using the Capacitance coefficient FC parameter. In the absence of suitable data for this parameter, use a typical value of 0.5.

    The reverse bias voltages (defined as positive values) should satisfy VR3 > VR2 > VR1. This means that the capacitances should satisfy C1 > C2 > C3 as reverse bias widens the depletion region and hence reduces capacitance. Violating these inequalities results in an error. Voltages VR2 and VR3 should be well away from the Junction potential VJ. Voltage VR1 should be less than the Junction potential VJ, with a typical value for VR1 being 0.1 V.

The voltage-dependent junction is defined in terms of the charge of junction capacitance Qj as:

  • For V < FC·VJ:


  • For VFC·VJ:



  • F1=(VJ/(1M))(1(1FC)1M))

  • F2=(1FC)1+M))

  • F3=1FC(1+M)

  • V is the junction capacitance voltage.

These equations are the same as used in [2], except that the temperature dependence of VJ and FC is not modeled. This model does not include the diffusion capacitance term that affects performance for high frequency switching applications.

The Light-Emitting Diode block contains several options for modeling the dependence of the diode current-voltage relationship on the temperature during simulation. Temperature dependence of the junction capacitance is not modeled, this being a much smaller effect. For details, see the Diode reference page.

Thermal Port

You can expose the thermal port to model the effects of generated heat and device temperature. To expose the thermal port, set the Modeling option parameter to either:

  • No thermal port — The block does not contain a thermal port and does not simulate heat generation in the device.

  • Show thermal port — The block contains a thermal port that allows you to model the heat that conduction losses generate. For numerical efficiency, the thermal state does not affect the electrical behavior of the block.

For more information on using thermal ports and on the Thermal Port parameters, see Simulating Thermal Effects in Semiconductors.


To set the priority and initial target values for the block variables before simulation, use the Initial Targets section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see Set Priority and Initial Target for Block Variables.


To satisfy all your initial targets, do not set the priority to High for more initial targets than the total number of differential variables in the block equations.

  • If in the Capacitance section, you set Parameterization to Fixed or zero junction capacitance and Junction capacitance to 0, the total number of differential variables in the block equations is zero. Do not set the priority of any variables in the Initial Targets section to High.

  • If in the Capacitance section, you set Parameterization to Fixed or zero junction capacitance and you set the Junction capacitance parameter to a nonzero value, the total number of differential variables in the block equations is one. Set the priority to High for no more than one variable in the Initial Targets section.

  • If in the Capacitance section, you set Parameterization to Use C-V curve data points or Use parameters Cj0, VJ, M & FC, the total number of differential variables in the block equations is one. Set the priority to High for no more than one variable in the Initial Targets section.

Use nominal values to specify the expected magnitude of a variable in a model. Using system scaling based on nominal values increases the simulation robustness. Nominal values can come from different sources. One of these sources is the Nominal Values section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see System Scaling by Nominal Values.

Plot Basic I-V Characteristics

You can plot the basic I-V characteristics of the Light-Emitting Diode block without building a complete model. Use the plots to explore the impact of your parameter choices on device characteristics. If you parameterize the block from a datasheet, you can compare your plots to the datasheet to check that you parameterized the block correctly. If you have a complete working model but do not know which manufactured part to use, you can compare your plots to datasheets to help you decide.

To enable this option, set the Modeling option parameter of the Light-Emitting Diode block to No thermal port. To plot the basic characteristics, right-click the block and select Electrical > Basic characteristics from the context menu. For more information about the Basic characteristics option, see Plot Basic I-V Characteristics of Semiconductor Blocks.


Assumptions and Limitations

  • When you select Use I-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter, choose a pair of voltages near the diode turn-on voltage. Typically this is in the range from 0.05 to 1 Volt. Using values outside of this region may lead to numerical issues and poor estimates for IS and N.

  • You might need to use nonzero ohmic resistance and junction capacitance values to prevent numerical simulation issues, but the simulation might run faster with these values set to zero.

  • The dissipated power also contains the optical output power (W). As a consequence, the block includes the optical output power in the heat generation inside the device.



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Physical signal port associated with the optical output power.


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Electrical conserving port associated with the anode.

Electrical conserving port associated with the cathode.

Thermal conserving port.


To enable this port, set Modeling option to Show thermal port.


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Whether to enable the thermal port of the block and model the effects of generated heat and device temperature.


Amount of optical power the light-emitting diode generates per unit of current flowing through the diode.

Select one of the following methods for model parameterization:

  • Use I-V curve data points — Specify measured data at two points on the diode I-V curve. This is the default method.

  • Use parameters IS and N — Specify saturation current and emission coefficient.

A vector of the current values at the two points on the diode I-V curve that the block uses to calculate IS and N.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use I-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter.

A vector of the voltage values at the two points on the diode I-V curve that the block uses to calculate IS and N.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use I-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter.

The magnitude of the current that the ideal diode equation approaches asymptotically for very large reverse bias levels.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use parameters IS and N for the Parameterization parameter.

The diode emission coefficient or ideality factor.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use parameters IS and N for the Parameterization parameter.

The series diode connection resistance.

The temperature at which IS or the I-V curve was measured.

Junction Capacitance

Select one of the following options for modeling the junction capacitance:

  • Fixed or zero junction capacitance — Model the junction capacitance as a fixed value.

  • Use C-V curve data points — Specify measured data at three points on the diode C-V curve.

  • Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC — Specify zero-bias junction capacitance, junction potential, grading coefficient, and forward-bias depletion capacitance coefficient.

Fixed value of the junction capacitance.


This parameter is visible only when you select Fixed or zero junction capacitance for the Parameterization parameter.

Value of the capacitance placed in parallel with the exponential diode term.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC for the Parameterization parameter.

A vector of the reverse bias voltage values at the three points on the diode C-V curve that the block uses to calculate CJ0, VJ, and M.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use C-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter.

A vector of the capacitance values at the three points on the diode C-V curve that the block uses to calculate CJ0, VJ, and M.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use C-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter.

Junction potential.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC for the Parameterization parameter.

The grading coefficient.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC for the Parameterization parameter.

Fitting coefficient that quantifies the decrease of the depletion capacitance with applied voltage.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use C-V curve data points or Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC for the Parameterization parameter.

Temperature Dependence

Select one of the following methods for temperature dependence parameterization:

  • None — Simulate at parameter measurement temperature — Temperature dependence is not modeled, or the model is simulated at the measurement temperature Tm1 (as specified by the Measurement temperature parameter on the Main tab). This is the default method.

  • Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature T2 — If you select this option, you specify a second measurement temperature Tm2, and the current and voltage values at this temperature. The model uses these values, along with the parameter values at the first measurement temperature Tm1, to calculate the energy gap value.

  • Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature T2 — If you select this option, you specify a second measurement temperature Tm2, and saturation current value at this temperature. The model uses these values, along with the parameter values at the first measurement temperature Tm1, to calculate the energy gap value.

  • Specify the energy gap EG — Specify the energy gap value directly.

Specify the diode current I1 value when the voltage is V1 at the second measurement temperature.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature T2 for the Parameterization parameter.

Specify the diode voltage V1 value when the current is I1 at the second measurement temperature.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature T2 for the Parameterization parameter.

Specify the saturation current IS value at the second measurement temperature.


This parameter is visible only when you select Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature T2 for the Parameterization parameter.

Specify the value for the second measurement temperature.


This parameter is visible only when you select Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature T2 or Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature T2 for the Parameterization parameter.

Select a value for the energy gap from a list of predetermined options, or specify a custom value:

  • Use nominal value for silicon (EG=1.11eV) — This is the default.

  • Use nominal value for 4H-SiC silicon carbide (EG=3.23eV)

  • Use nominal value for 6H-SiC silicon carbide (EG=3.00eV)

  • Use nominal value for germanium (EG=0.67eV)

  • Use nominal value for gallium arsenide (EG=1.43eV)

  • Use nominal value for selenium (EG=1.74eV)

  • Use nominal value for Schottky barrier diodes (EG=0.69eV)

  • Specify a custom value — If you select this option, the Energy gap, EG parameter appears in the dialog box, to let you specify a custom value for EG.


This parameter is visible only when you select Specify the energy gap EG for the Parameterization parameter.

Specify a custom value for the energy gap, EG.


This parameter is visible only when you select Specify a custom value for the Energy gap parameterization parameter.

Select one of the following options to specify the saturation current temperature exponent value:

  • Use nominal value for pn-junction diode (XTI=3) — This is the default.

  • Use nominal value for Schottky barrier diode (XTI=2)

  • Specify a custom value — If you select this option, the Saturation current temperature exponent, XTI parameter appears in the dialog box, to let you specify a custom value for XTI.

Specify a custom value for the saturation current temperature exponent, XTI.


This parameter is visible only when you select Specify a custom value for the Saturation current temperature exponent parameterization parameter.

Specify the value for the temperature Ts, at which the device is to be simulated.


[1] H. Ahmed and P.J. Spreadbury. Analogue and digital electronics for engineers. 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1984.

[2] G. Massobrio and P. Antognetti. Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1993.

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C/C++ Code Generation
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Version History

Introduced in R2008a

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