To generate synthetic data, you can first create a
object using an existing multivariate data set.
The object uses binning techniques to learn the distribution of the data set. Then, use the
object function to synthesize data using the object. After
you synthesize data, you can test whether the new data set comes from the same distribution as
the original data set. Use the mmdtest
function to
determine how close the data distributions are to each other.
creates a binning-based synthesizer object (synthesizer
= binningTabularSynthesizer(X
) using the
existing data X
specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments. For example, you can
specify the bin method and the variables to use.synthesizer
= binningTabularSynthesizer(X
Input Arguments
— Existing data set
numeric matrix | table
Existing data set, specified as a numeric matrix or a table. Rows of
correspond to observations, and columns of
correspond to variables. Multicolumn variables and cell
arrays other than cell arrays of character vectors are not allowed in
Data Types: single
| double
| table
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: binningTabularSynthesizer(X,BinMethod="equiprobable",NumBins=10)
specifies to use 10 equiprobable bins for each variable in
— Binning algorithm
(default) | "equal-width"
| "equiprobable"
| "dagostino-stephens"
| "freedman-diaconis"
| "scott"
| ...
Binning algorithm, specified as one of the values in this table.
Value | Description |
"auto" |
"equal-width" | Equal-width binning, where you must specify the number of bins using the
NumBins name-value argument |
"equiprobable" | Equiprobable binning, where you must specify the number of bins using the
NumBins name-value argument |
"dagostino-stephens" or "ds" | Equiprobable binning with ceil(2*m^(2/5)) bins, where m
is the number of observations in the existing data |
"freedman-diaconis" or "fd" | Equal-width binning, where each bin for variable
"scott" | Equal-width binning, where each bin for variable
"scott-multivariate" | Equal-width binning, where each bin for variable
"terrell-iqr" | Equal-width binning, where each bin for variable
"terrell-scott" or "ts" | Equal-width binning with ceil((2*m)^(1/3)) bins, where
m is the number of observations in the
existing data |
"terrell-std" | Equal-width binning, where each bin for variable
Example: BinMethod="scott"
Data Types: char
| string
— Number of bins to use for continuous variables
(default) | positive integer scalar | positive integer vector
Number of bins to use for continuous variables, specified as a positive integer scalar or vector.
is a scalar, then the function uses the same number of bins for each continuous variable.If
is a vector, then the function usesNumBins(k)
number of bins for continuous variablek
Specify this value only when BinMethod
or "equiprobable"
Example: NumBins=[10 25 10 15]
Data Types: single
| double
— Variable names
string array | cell array of character vectors
Variable names, specified as a string array or a cell array of character vectors.
is a numeric matrix, then you can useVariableNames
to assign names to the variables inX
.The order of the names in
must correspond to the order of the variables inX
. That is,VariableNames{1}
is the name ofX(:,1)
is the name ofX(:,2)
, and so on.size(X,2)
must be equal.By default,
is a table, then you can useVariableNames
to choose which variables to use. That is,binningTabularSynthesizer
uses only the variables inVariableNames
to generate synthetic data.VariableNames
must be a subset ofX.Properties.VariableNames
.By default,
contains the names of all variables.
Example: VariableNames=["SepalLength","SepalWidth","PetalLength","PetalWidth"]
Data Types: string
| cell
— List of categorical variables
positive integer vector | logical vector | string array | cell array of character vectors | "all"
List of the categorical variables, specified as one of the values in this table.
Value | Description |
Positive integer vector | Each entry in the vector is an index
value indicating that the corresponding variable
is categorical. The index values are between 1 and
v, where v
is the number of variables listed in
Logical vector | A |
String array or cell array of character vectors | Each element in the array is the name of a
categorical variable. The names must match the
entries in
VariableNames . |
"all" | All variables are categorical. |
By default, if the variables are in a numeric matrix, the software assumes all the variables
are continuous. If the variables are in a table, the software assumes they are
categorical if they are logical vectors, categorical
vectors, character
arrays, string arrays, or cell arrays of character vectors. To identify any other
variables as categorical, specify them by using the
name-value argument.
Do not specify discrete numeric variables as categorical variables. Use the
name-value argument instead.
Example: CategoricalVariables="all"
Data Types: single
| double
| logical
| string
| cell
— List of discrete numeric variables
(default) | positive integer vector | logical vector | string array | cell array of character vectors | "all"
List of the discrete numeric variables, specified as one of the values in this table.
Value | Description |
Positive integer vector | Each entry in the vector is an index value indicating that
the corresponding variable is a discrete numeric variable. The
index values are between 1 and v, where
v is the number of variables listed in
Logical vector | A |
String array or cell array of character vectors | Each element in the array is the name of a discrete numeric
variable. The names must match the entries in
VariableNames . |
"all" | All variables are discrete numeric variables. |
You cannot specify categorical variables as discrete numeric variables.
Example: DiscreteNumericVariables=[2 5]
Data Types: single
| double
| logical
| string
| cell
— Variable names
string array
This property is read-only.
Variable names, specified as a string array. The order of the elements of
corresponds to the order in which the variable
names appear in the existing data set X
Data Types: string
— Indices of categorical variables
positive integer vector | []
This property is read-only.
Indices of the categorical variables, specified as a positive integer vector. Each
index value in CategoricalVariables
indicates that the
corresponding variable listed in VariableNames
is categorical. If none of the variables are categorical, then this property is empty
Data Types: double
— Indices of discrete numeric variables
positive integer vector | []
This property is read-only.
Indices of the discrete numeric variables, specified as a positive integer vector.
Each index value in DiscreteNumericVariables
indicates that the
corresponding variable listed in VariableNames
is a discrete numeric variable. If none of the variables are discrete numeric variables,
then this property is empty ([]
Data Types: double
— Indices of binned variables
positive integer vector | []
This property is read-only.
Indices of the binned variables, specified as a positive integer vector. Each index
value in BinnedVariables
indicates that the corresponding variable
listed in VariableNames
is a binned variable. If none of the variables are binned, then this property is empty
Data Types: double
— Binning algorithm used to bin continuous variables
| "equiprobable"
| "dagostino-stephens"
| "freedman-diaconis"
| "scott"
| ...
This property is read-only.
Binning algorithm used to bin the continuous variables indicated by BinnedVariables
, specified as "equal-width"
, "dagostino-stephens"
, "scott"
, "terrell-iqr"
, or "terrell-std"
. For more
information on these binning algorithms, see the BinMethod
name-value argument.
If none of the variables are binned, then this property is empty.
Data Types: string
— Number of bins used to bin continuous variables
positive integer vector | []
This property is read-only.
Number of bins used to bin the continuous variables indicated by BinnedVariables
, specified as a positive integer vector. Element
in NumBins
indicates the number of bins for
continuous variable k
. If none of the variables are binned, then this
property is empty ([]
Data Types: double
— Bin edges used to bin continuous variables
cell array
This property is read-only.
Bin edges used to bin the continuous variables indicated by BinnedVariables
, specified as a cell array. Element k
in BinEdges
contains the bin edges for continuous variable
. If none of the variables are binned, then this property is
Data Types: cell
— Number of observations
positive integer scalar
This property is read-only.
Number of observations in the existing data set X
, specified
as a positive integer scalar.
Data Types: double
Object Functions
synthesizeTabularData | Synthesize tabular data using binning-based synthesizer |
Synthesize Data for Model Training
Use existing training data to create a binningTabularSynthesizer
object. Then, synthesize data using the synthesizeTabularData
object function. Train a model using the existing training data, and then train the same type of model using the synthetic data. Compare the performance of the two models using test data.
Load the carbig
data set, which contains measurements of cars made in the 1970s and early 1980s. Create a table containing the predictor variables Acceleration
, Displacement
, and so on, as well as the response variable MPG
load carbig tbl = table(Acceleration,Cylinders,Displacement,Horsepower, ... Model_Year,Origin,MPG,Weight);
Remove rows of tbl
where the table has missing values.
tbl = rmmissing(tbl);
Partition the data into training and test sets. Use approximately 60% of the observations for model training and synthesizing new data, and 40% of the observations for model testing. Use cvpartition
to partition the data.
rng("default") cv = cvpartition(size(tbl,1),"Holdout",0.4); trainTbl = tbl(training(cv),:); testTbl = tbl(test(cv),:);
Create a binningTabularSynthesizer
object by using the trainTbl
data set. The binningTabularSynthesizer
function uses binning techniques to learn the distribution of the multivariate data set. Use 20 equal-width bins for each continuous variable. Specify the Cylinders
and Model_Year
variables as discrete numeric variables.
synthesizer = binningTabularSynthesizer(trainTbl, ... BinMethod="equal-width",NumBins=20, ... DiscreteNumericVariables=["Cylinders","Model_Year"])
synthesizer = binningTabularSynthesizer VariableNames: ["Acceleration" "Cylinders" "Displacement" "Horsepower" "Model_Year" "Origin" "MPG" "Weight"] CategoricalVariables: 6 DiscreteNumericVariables: [2 5] BinnedVariables: [1 3 4 7 8] BinMethod: "equal-width" NumBins: [20 20 20 20 20] BinEdges: {[21x1 double] [21x1 double] [21x1 double] [21x1 double] [21x1 double]} NumObservations: 236
is a binningTabularSynthesizer
object with five binned variables. Each binned variable has the same number of bins.
Synthesize new data by using synthesizer
. Specify to generate 1000 observations.
syntheticTbl = synthesizeTabularData(synthesizer,1000);
The synthesizeTabularData
object function uses the data distribution information stored in synthesizer
to generate syntheticTbl
To visualize the difference between the existing data and synthetic data, you can use the detectdrift
function. The function uses permutation testing to detect drift between trainTbl
and syntheticTbl
dd = detectdrift(trainTbl,syntheticTbl);
is a DriftDiagnostics
object with plotEmpiricalCDF
and plotHistogram
object functions for visualization.
For continuous variables, use the plotEmpiricalCDF
function to see the difference between the empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) of the values in trainTbl
and the ecdf of the values in syntheticTbl
continuousVariable ="Displacement"; plotEmpiricalCDF(dd,Variable=continuousVariable) legend(["Real Data","Synthetic Data"])
For the Displacement
predictor, the ecdf plot for the existing values (in blue) matches the ecdf plot for the synthetic values (in red) fairly well.
For discrete variables, use the plotHistogram
function to see the difference between the histogram of the values in trainTbl
and the histogram of the values in syntheticTbl
discreteVariable ="Model_Year"; plotHistogram(dd,Variable=discreteVariable) legend(["Real Data","Synthetic Data"])
For the Model_Year
predictor, the histogram for the existing values (in blue) matches the histogram for the synthetic values (in red) fairly well.
Train a bagged ensemble of trees using the original training data trainTbl
. Specify MPG
as the response variable. Then, train the same kind of regression model using the synthetic data syntheticTbl
originalMdl = fitrensemble(trainTbl,"MPG",Method="Bag"); newMdl = fitrensemble(syntheticTbl,"MPG",Method="Bag");
Evaluate the performance of the two models on the test set by computing the test mean squared error (MSE). Smaller MSE values indicate better performance.
originalMSE = loss(originalMdl,testTbl)
originalMSE = 7.0784
newMSE = loss(newMdl,testTbl)
newMSE = 6.1031
The model trained on the synthetic data performs slightly better on the test data.
Evaluate Synthetic Data
Evaluate data synthesized from an existing data set. Compare the existing and synthetic data sets to determine the similarity between the two multivariate data distributions.
Load the sample file fisheriris.csv
, which contains iris data including sepal length, sepal width, petal width, and species type. Read the file into a table, and then convert the Species
variable into a categorical
variable. Print a summary of the variables in the table.
fisheriris = readtable("fisheriris.csv");
fisheriris.Species = categorical(fisheriris.Species);
fisheriris: 150x5 table Variables: SepalLength: double SepalWidth: double PetalLength: double PetalWidth: double Species: categorical (3 categories) Statistics for applicable variables: NumMissing Min Median Max Mean Std SepalLength 0 4.3000 5.8000 7.9000 5.8433 0.8281 SepalWidth 0 2 3 4.4000 3.0573 0.4359 PetalLength 0 1 4.3500 6.9000 3.7580 1.7653 PetalWidth 0 0.1000 1.3000 2.5000 1.1993 0.7622 Species 0
The summary display includes statistics for each variable. For example, the sepal length values range from 4.3 to 7.9, with a median of 5.8.
Create 150 new observations from the data in fisheriris
. First, create an object by using the binningTabularSynthesizer
function. Then, synthesize the data by using the synthesizeTabularData
object function. Print a summary of the variables in the new syntheticData
data set.
rng(0,"twister") % For reproducibility synthesizer = binningTabularSynthesizer(fisheriris); syntheticData = synthesizeTabularData(synthesizer,150); summary(syntheticData)
syntheticData: 150x5 table Variables: SepalLength: double SepalWidth: double PetalLength: double PetalWidth: double Species: categorical (3 categories) Statistics for applicable variables: NumMissing Min Median Max Mean Std SepalLength 0 4.3079 5.7174 7.6399 5.8280 0.8576 SepalWidth 0 2.0236 3.0336 4.2866 3.0819 0.4572 PetalLength 0 1.0010 4.4453 6.8538 3.6572 1.8192 PetalWidth 0 0.1002 1.3502 2.4759 1.1719 0.7597 Species 0
You can compare the variable statistics for syntheticData
to the variable statistics for fisheriris
. For example, the sepal length values in the synthetic data set range from approximately 4.3 to 7.6, with a median of 5.7. These statistics are similar to the statistics in the fisheriris
data set.
Visually compare the observations in fisheriris
and syntheticData
by using scatter plots. Each point corresponds to an observation. The point color indicates the species of the corresponding iris.
tiledlayout(1,2) nexttile gscatter(fisheriris.SepalLength,fisheriris.PetalLength,fisheriris.Species) xlabel("Sepal Length") ylabel("Petal Length") title("Existing Data") nexttile gscatter(syntheticData.SepalLength,syntheticData.PetalLength,syntheticData.Species) xlabel("Sepal Length") ylabel("Petal Length") title("Synthetic Data")
The scatter plots indicate that the existing data set and the synthetic data set have similar characteristics.
Compare the existing and synthetic data sets by using the mmdtest
function. The function performs a two-sample hypothesis test for the null hypothesis that the data sets come from the same distribution.
[mmd2,p,h] = mmdtest(fisheriris,syntheticData)
mmd2 = 0.0020
p = 0.9600
h = 0
The returned value of h = 0
indicates that mmdtest
fails to reject the null hypothesis that the data sets come from different distributions at the significance level of 5%. As with other hypothesis tests, this result does not guarantee that the null hypothesis is true. That is, the data sets do not necessarily come from the same distribution, but the low mmd2
value (square maximum mean discrepancy) and the high p-value indicate that the distributions of the real and synthetic data sets are similar.
Estimate Multivariate Data Distribution by Binning
The binningTabularSynthesizer
function estimates the distribution of the multivariate
data set X
by performing these steps:
Bin each continuous variable using equiprobable or equal-width binning, as specified by the
name-value arguments.Encode the continuous variables using the bin indices.
One-hot encode all binned and discrete variables.
Compute the probability of each unique row in the encoded data set.
The synthesizeTabularData
function uses the computed probabilities to
generate synthetic data.
Alternative Functionality
Instead of creating a binningTabularSynthesizer
object and then using the
object function to synthesize data, you can generate
synthetic data directly by using the synthesizeTabularData
function. Create an object if you want to easily generate
synthetic data multiple times without having to relearn characteristics of the existing data
Version History
Introduced in R2024b
See Also
| mmdtest
| detectdrift
| plotEmpiricalCDF
| plotHistogram
| synthesizeTabularData
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