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Message between lifelines in interaction

Since R2024a


    A Message object represents a communication between two lifelines of an interaction. On the sequence diagram representing the interaction, a message is shown as an arrow. Messages have labels that can describe the communication occurrence either formally or informally. A message corresponds to a connector connecting ports of two components in an architecture model.

    A message label has a trigger, an optional guard, and an optional constraint in the form of trigger[guard]{constraint}, where trigger represents the identifying event for this message, guard represents an additional condition to determine whether the message occurs, and constraint is an expression that is expected to be true when this message occurs.

    • In signal events, the trigger follows this format: direction(signal [+|-] value) which specifies a triggering edge with a direction and an expression. The direction can be:

      • rising — The edge expression is rising from strictly below zero to a value equal to or greater than zero.

      • falling — The edge expression is falling from strictly above zero.

      • crossing — The edge expression is either rising or falling past zero.

    • In message events, the trigger follows this format: port which specifies the name of the input message port and represents the arrival of a message.

    • A guard in square brackets on the message label is a MATLAB® Boolean expression which is an additional condition to determine whether the message occurs. Evaluation of the guard only occurs once a valid trigger has been detected. During execution, the sequence diagram waits to proceed to the next message until the guard expression evaluates to true.

    • A constraint in curly brackets on the message label is a MATLAB Boolean expression which specifies an expected value of inputs to the destination lifeline. During execution, the evaluation of the constraint determines whether the sequence diagram shows a pass or fail for that message.


    Access Message objects via the RootFragment property of the corresponding systemcomposer.interaction.Interaction object. Iterate over the root fragment to inspect the systemcomposer.interaction.MessageEvent objects within the fragments. Access the Message property of the message event to inspect the corresponding Message object.


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    Message type, specified as one of these options:

    • "Signal" for signal-based communication

    • "Message" for Simulink® message-based communication

    Data Types: string

    Message label, specified as a string.

    Data Types: string

    Start of message, specified as a systemcomposer.interaction.MessageEvent object.

    End of message, specified as a systemcomposer.interaction.MessageEvent object.

    Connectors represented by message, specified as an array of systemcomposer.arch.Connector or systemcomposer.arch.PhysicalConnector objects.

    Unique external identifier, specified as a character vector. The external ID is preserved over the lifespan of the element and through all operations that preserve the UUID.

    Data Types: char

    Universal unique identifier, specified as a character vector.

    Example: '91d5de2c-b14c-4c76-a5d6-5dd0037c52df'

    Data Types: char

    Object Functions

    moveMove message within interaction
    destroyRemove model element


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    You can use read-only API workflows to navigate sequence diagrams in System Composer™ and display information about each element.

    Open Traffic Light Example

    Open the traffic light example architecture model so that you can inspect the sequence diagrams visually and confirm the programmatic outputs.

    model = systemcomposer.openModel("TLExample");

    To view the sequence diagrams associated with the model, on the System Composer toolstrip, navigate to Modeling > Sequence Diagram.

    The press detection sequence diagram in the views gallery of the top model.

    Programmatically Navigate Sequence Diagram

    Collect the sequence diagrams represented by interactions that contain specific interactions of elements in the model.

    interactions = model.getInteractions;

    For the first interaction, extract the name of the sequence diagram.

    disp("The first sequence diagram is called " + interactions(1).Name + ".")
    The first sequence diagram is called PressDetection.

    For this sequence diagram, display each lifeline and the component the lifeline represents.

    for i = 1:length(interactions(1).Lifelines)
        disp("The " + interactions(1).Lifelines(i).Name + ...
        " lifeline represents the " + ...
        interactions(1).Lifelines(i).RelatedElements.Name + ...
        " component.")
    The source lifeline represents the source component.
    The poller lifeline represents the poller component.
    The switch lifeline represents the switch component.

    Display the contents of one message in the root fragment.

    disp("The sequence diagram message starting at the " + ...
        interactions(1).RootFragment.Operands.Fragments(1).Name + ...
        " message end is of type " + ...
        string(interactions(1).RootFragment.Operands.Fragments(1).Message.Type) + ...
        " and the message label is " + ...
        interactions(1).RootFragment.Operands.Fragments(1).Message.Condition + ".")
    The sequence diagram message starting at the switchout message end is of type Signal and the message label is rising(sw-1).

    Use Iterator Utility to Step Through Sequence Diagram

    Step through the Inhibit sequence diagram using the Iterator utility.

    interaction = model.getInteraction('Inhibit');

    Inhibit sequence diagram from the top model.

    Display the annotation from the interaction.

    When inhibit is true, it means pedestrian crossing is not controlled by a walk signal on this intersection.

    Use an iterator to navigate through all elements of a sequence diagram before extracting their properties.

    iterator = systemcomposer.interaction.Iterator(interaction.RootFragment);
    next =;
    while ~isempty(next)
        next =;

    More About

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    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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