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Class: tireModel

Plot response of tire models

Since R2023b


This method requires Extended Tire Features for Vehicle Dynamics Blockset.

plot(obj) plots tire model response based on the model specified by obj.

plot(___,Name=Value) plots tire model response with additional options specified by one or more Name=Value arguments.

Input Arguments

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Tire model, specified as a tireModel object or an array of tireModel objects.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: plot(model,Direction="kappa",Magnitude=0.5,Fz=[2000;3000;4000;5000;6000],IP=220,gamma=0)

The available name-value arguments depend on whether you plot tire model response defining sweep direction or using a tireData object.

Parent container or axes in which to draw the plot, specified as an axes, figure, panel, or tab object. If you do not specify Parent, a new figure is created.


If you specify Data without specifying DataVariableNames, the parent must be a valid tab container if you are generating a tabbed plot.

Data channels to plot, specified as a vector. DataVariableNames must be a data channel property of a tireData object.

  • If one variable name is passed, the variable is set as the y-axis channel, and the x-coordinate is defined as 1:length(Y).

  • If two variable names are passed, the order is [x-axis variable, y-axis variable].

  • If three variables names are passed, the order is [x-axis variable, y-axis variable, z-axis variable].


If you specify the argument Direction without specifying the argument DataVariableNames, the x-axis is set to the direction you define, and the y-axis is auto set to the appropriate data channel for that sweep direction. If you specify the argument Data without specifying the argument DataVariableNames, an autoplot function executes and generates the most relevant plots.

Example: DataVariableNames=["kappa";"Fx"]


To specify this option, you must also specify one of these combinations of options:

Data Types: string

Plot Tire Model response Defining Sweep Direction

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Sweep direction, specified as one of these values:

  • "alpha"

  • "gamma"

  • "kappa"

  • "Fz"

Example: Direction="alpha"


To specify this option, do not specify Data. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to Direction.

Data Types: string

Sweep magnitude specified as a scalar or 2-by-1 vector.


If you do not specify Magnitude with Direction, the sweep magnitude is assigned the values from the minimum and maximum sweep direction of the model.

Example: Magnitude=[-0.25;0.35]


To specify this option, you must also specify Direction. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to Magnitude.

Normal force, specified as a scalar or column vector, in N. If you specify a scalar, the magnitude of the sweep is set to the +/- of the input value. The magnitude range cannot be zero.

Example: Fz=[2000;3000;4000;5000;6000]


To specify this option, you must also specify Direction. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to Fz.

Data Types: double

Inflation pressure, specified as a column vector, in kPa.

Example: IP=220


To specify this option, you must also specify Direction. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to IP.

Data Types: double

Slip angle, specified as a column vector, in rad.

Example: alpha=0.1


To specify this option, you must also specify Direction. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to alpha.

Data Types: double

Inclination angle, specified as a column vector, in rad.

Example: gamma=0


To specify this option, you must also specify Direction. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to gamma.

Data Types: double

Longitudinal slip, specified as a column vector, dimensionless.

Example: kappa=0


To specify this option, you must also specify Direction. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to kappa.

Data Types: double

Turn slip velocity, specified as a column vector, in rad/s.

Example: psidot=0


To specify this option, you must also specify Direction. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to psidot.

Data Types: double

Longitudinal velocity, specified as a column vector, in m/s.

Example: Vx=16.7


To specify this option, you must also specify Direction. If you specify Data, the resulting plot ignores the inputs to Vx.

Data Types: double

Plot Tire Model response Using tireData Object

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Tire measurement data used as input conditions for the tire model, specified as a tireData object or an array of tireData objects. The tireData measured data and the tireModel simulated data are overlaid on the same plot.

Example: Data=td(1:8)

Color by value to differentiate how tireData lines are plotted, specified as a string. String values must be a property of the tireData object.


If the ColorBy value is a data channel, the mean value for each tireData object is used to differentiate the color groups.

Example: ColorBy="Fz"


To specify this option, you must also specify Data and DataVariableNames.

Data Types: string

Option to specify fit type, specified as one of these values:

  • "Fx Pure"

  • "Fy Pure"

  • "Fx Combined"

  • "Fy Combined"

  • "Mz Pure"

  • "Mz Combined"

  • "Mx"

  • "My"

Example: FitType="Fx Pure"

Data Types: string

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

See Also

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